
Speaking of this question, the driver hesitated a bit.

He stammered, paused for a while, and finally said: "You are chasing too hard, even if you run a red light at speed, you will chase me. I have no choice but to run."

Xuanyuan Tianci was not stupid, and immediately saw that what the driver said at the moment was not true.

"No, you're lying." Xuanyuan Tianci immediately pierced him, "If you didn't do anything wrong, you wouldn't be afraid of anything. You're doing this now because you're afraid and you have an inside story!"

The subordinate next to him fanned the flames: "Old man, I warn you, you'd better tell us the truth, or we will find out that you lied in the end, and both you and even your family will suffer!"

"And tell you a very realistic thing, even if we move you and abolish you here, our young master will not have an accident in the end!"

"And you, the whole family suffers! You think carefully!"

While talking, those subordinates put the knife in their hands, kept shaking it and playing with it.

In addition, Xuanyuan Tianci's car has been driving illegally for so long, so far no traffic police have been attracted.

All kinds of weirdness made the driver scared.

He also guessed that the young man in front of him was not so easy to provoke.

They are all honest people who drive well. When have they seen such a big battle.

After thinking about it, I finally gave in.

"Actually, someone gave me money to do this," he whispered.

"He gave me 100,000 yuan. He said that when he saw six or seven people running out of the hotel together, he would let me drive, and he also asked me not to be chased by you as much as possible."

"As soon as I think about it, I just run a road, and I can get 100,000 by simply opening a pass. I don't hold back for a while, I just do it, everyone, I only know so much, and I don't know any more. already."

This time, what the driver said was logical, Xuanyuan Tianci nodded and knew it.

But he was still very upset.

If at first I just thought I was being tricked by the masked man, now I am 100% sure that I was being tricked.

All of his actions were first predicted by the masked man, and until now, he is still in his plan.

That man's brain is so powerful!

Xuanyuan Tianci felt sincerely.

The subordinates next to him also figured out the logic, and finally told Xuanyuan Tianci: "Master, we are finished, we have all been tricked, and Ning Kun will not be able to find it today!"

This is the most serious problem at the moment.

Ning Kun couldn't find it, and the matter was heard by another person.

The forgery of the dossier was not enough for outsiders in the first place, but now it has expanded its influence even more.

How could Xuanyuan Tianci not be angry.


Xuanyuan Tianci broke out and kicked the taxi ruthlessly.

Xuanyuan Tianci's strength was extremely strong, and with one kick, it not only deformed the door of the car, but even kicked the body sideways by twenty or thirty centimeters.

The picture even made the taxi driver tremble with fear.

Where is the power of man!

Gulu swallowed his saliva, and the driver buried his head on the ground, fearing that he would be taught a lesson by Xuanyuan Tian.

"Master." The person on the side suggested, "Since those two people didn't get into the car, it means they are still in the hotel, why don't we hurry back and find someone?"

"Are you stupid?" Xuanyuan Tianci scolded the past bluntly, "If you were, you would stay in place and wait for the enemy to come back after your enemy has left? Can you catch him when you go back now?"

The subordinate thought about it too, frowned and said, "Then what should we do now?"

"Go back, adjust the monitoring, I want to find out which bastard is doing the trick today!" Xuanyuan Tianci said.

"it is good!"

Several subordinates received orders, and they were ready to go back and continue driving.

The subordinate who captured the driver asked Xuanyuan Tianci at this moment, "Master, what should I do with this driver?"

"It's just a used pawn, it's useless, let it go," he said.

Xuanyuan Tianci is not Kong Yunze after all, he is not that perverted, and he will not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

"it is good."

The subordinate responded again, and he was ready to release him according to Xuanyuan Tianci's instructions.

But at this moment, Xuanyuan Tianci thought of something again, waved his hand to stop him: "Wait..."

"Huh?" The taxi driver who thought he was safe heard this, his heart tightened again.

Looking nervously at Xuanyuan Tianci, he asked, "This young master, what else do you have to do??"

Xuanyuan Tianci quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket, then found a picture of Qin Lie in his mobile phone, and finally put it in front of the driver and asked, "Look at this person, do you know him, and are you giving him money? The one you do!"

Now the driver hardly dares to hide anything in order to save his life.

As soon as I saw this photo, I immediately nodded and shouted: "Yes, it's him, the person who just gave me 100,000 yuan was him, and he asked me to open the WeChat payment code as soon as he came, and I was still wondering... "

Xuanyuan Tianci couldn't listen to what the driver behind him said.

As long as there is confirmation from the driver, the hatred in his heart has already set off a huge wave.

With so much force in his hand, he almost squeezed the phone into a ball with one hand.

He was trembling with anger, and only two words came out of his mouth: "Qin Lie!"

"Qin Lie!"

"Nice Qin Lie!"

Ever since Xuanyuan Tianci confronted the masked man, he has always had a feeling in his heart.

He always thought that the masked man was Qin Lie, because the words that the man in black said unintentionally sounded too much like Qin Lie.

The reason why he wasn't sure was just because there was no evidence, and he also felt that it was a coincidence that Qin Lie could be met in such a remote place!

It was not until the taxi driver confirmed that he dared to confirm this matter 100%.

It turns out that there is such a coincidence in the world!

No, he even felt that Qin Lie was targeting him, and even when he arrived in Taizhou, he followed him the whole time.

But in any case, Qin Lie did it for sure!

Now Xuanyuan has given him monstrous hatred, and he just wants to smash Qin Lie into ten thousand pieces!

"Let's go! Go back to the hotel!" Xuanyuan Tianci gave an order, led people into the car, and headed back to the hotel aggressively.

He wanted to make it clear that the two older men ran over in front of the doorman, obviously it was fake, but the doorman dared to point blindly with his eyes open.

He couldn't believe it, Qin Lie could arrange everything so well!

After getting into the car, Xuanyuan Tianci immediately called a confidant in Longcheng in order to be more sure that Qin Lie did this.

"Wang Kai, now you take people and divide your troops into two groups. Go all the way to Qin Lie's house to find someone, and all the way to Qin Lie's company to find someone. Let me find out whether Qin Lie is in Longcheng now!"

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