In fact, Qin Lie really thought so much.

Just when Xuanyuan Tianci called Longcheng and asked his confidants to check Qin Lie's location.

Qin Lie also just thought of this.

Immediately called Chen Xiaoyu and Ye Yuqing, and told them that if someone wanted to break in to find him, he should say he was in a pharmaceutical company.

He also called Chen Jinhu, Jiang Lei, Xingfeng and the others, and asked them to divide into two groups, one way to go to the house to protect the two Ye Yuqings, and the other way to go to Tai'an Medicine to intercept Xuanyuan Tianci's people.

Qin Lie had long thought that the last taxi driver would be overtaken by Xuanyuan Tianci and others, and also guessed that the driver would expose himself.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

The most important thing is that Ning Kun is in his hands, Xuanyuan Tianci doesn't know where he is.

As long as he doesn't admit that he did it, he can't do anything about himself.

He has a hole card in his hand that he is afraid of, and he does not dare to make trouble.

Now it is very obvious that in addition to dealing with himself, Xuanyuan Tianci also has a major event brewing inside the Xuanyuan family.

Because of this big event, he didn't dare to break with himself.

In addition, this incident involved the relationship between him forging the Xuanyuan family dossier and stealing the patriarch's seal. He would only move his own confidants, and would not dare to disturb the Xuanyuan family.

As long as there is no Xuanyuan family, and Xuanyuan alone is a gift from heaven, it will be much easier to deal with.

Xuanyuan Tianci arranged for people from Longcheng to look for Qin Lie's trace.

I also took people back to the hotel where I first stayed.

I wanted to ask the doorman at the door of the hotel to ask.

Who would have thought that the doorman would leave his job in such a short period of time.

One can imagine how many benefits he got from Qin Lie, and he just slipped away after doing this.

He then went back to the hotel and asked to see the hotel's surveillance.

The result is even more awesome. The hotel actually claimed that the monitoring system was faulty, and all the monitoring today could not be seen.

Of course, it goes without saying that Qin Lie thought about it earlier, even in terms of monitoring.

At this point, Xuanyuan Tianci's heart was half cold.

I waited until the people from Longcheng also came to the news, Qin Lie claimed to be in Tai'an Medicine, and claimed to be in a meeting.

But when his people asked to see Qin Lie, Qin Lie asked his personal armed forces to stop at the door of the company and refused to let them in at all.

Xuanyuan Tianci actually already had the answer in his heart.

He was completely and completely fooled by Qin Lie.

And Qin Lie even used Yang Conspiracy to put all the conspiracies in front of you. You know that he has carried out all the operations, but there is no way to take him.

Up to now, Xuanyuan Tianci also knew that he could only suffer from this dumb.

But Qin Lie, he must not let go.

After returning to Longcheng, no matter what method is used, Ning Kun's trace must be pulled out of his mouth.

Qin Lie had always had a bad relationship with him, and he didn't dare to put such a big thing into Qin Lie's mouth.

This is a troublesome matter, but Xuanyuan Tianci has to do it.

The situation became more and more serious for him.

Qin Lie, he is getting more courageous now!

Xuanyuan Tianci was depressed in his heart, but he couldn't think of a better way. In the end, he could only temporarily give up the action here, and flew back to Longcheng overnight.

Now that the situation is getting more and more critical, he must discuss with Henry Zhang again.


Qin Lie side.

Originally, I was looking for that hotel in the first place, just to meet Bai Xianglan again.

A little remote so as not to be discovered by her parents.

As a result, I encountered this incident in the hotel, and the hotel naturally had no way to stay any longer.

He took Ning Kun back to the city in a taxi, and found a random hotel in the city to stay.

Opened two rooms, one for Ning Kun and one for him.

Bai Xianglan hadn't arrived yet. While waiting for Bai Xianglan, Qin Lie went to a nearby pharmacy to buy a lot of medicine and medical bandages for Ning Kun.

After going back, he helped Ning Kun apply the medicine, then tied the wound for him, straightened his arm, and made a shape-setting clip with gauze and bamboo pieces to hang his injured hand around his neck.

I have studied medicine with Qiu Bai for a few years. Although the medical skills are not superb, these minor injuries can still be dealt with.

When all the injuries were dealt with, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Ning Kun saw that Qin Lie was busy with his injury, which was very different from the Xuanyuan family's attitude towards him before.

He also nodded silently, knowing that the choice to follow Qin Lie this time was correct.

The two chatted in the hotel again, but it was not related to Qiu Bai's case back then. Most of the talk was about the days Ning Kundong hid in Tibet after Ning Kun was chased and killed by Xuanyuantian.

Ning Kun was hiding in a fishing village, and Qin Lie happened to be in Haitang Village, which was also a fishing village. The two had a lot of common topics, and they became so familiar with each other.

It wasn't until Kong Lianxing sent a message to Qin Lie that she had come out with Bai Xianglan, Qin Lie left the room and returned to his room.

Qin Lie sent Kong Lianxing a position and waited for the two of them in the hotel.

This hotel is in the city, and it's fairly close to Bai Xianglan's house. It took about half an hour before Kong Lianxing and Bai Xianglan arrived, and there was a knock on the door.

The moment the door was opened, Qin Lie and Bai Xianglan looked at each other.

Bai Xianglan was softer, tears welling up in her eyes, as if she had suffered a great grievance.

The two looked at each other for almost twenty seconds, and finally Bai Xianglan threw herself into Qin Lie's arms and burst into tears.

As for Qin Lie, he hugged her in his arms and didn't say a word. He held her with one hand and patted her on the back with the other to comfort her.

Qin Lie knew that she had suffered a lot at home these days, and was forced by her parents to do a lot of things she didn't want to do.

Let her cry, maybe it will work better.

While comforting Bai Xianglan, he asked Kong Lianxing, "How is it? How did you bring your sister out? How did your uncle and the others agree?"

Kong Lianxing shrugged and said, "I just said I want to take my sister out to relax, I didn't mention you, but I guess the two of them also know that my sister is coming out to see you, and they don't want my sister to be so unhappy. So there's no stopping it."

"Yeah." Qin Lie nodded, no matter whether Bai Mingjie and Kong Xi knew that Bai Xianglan was here to find him, now Bai Xianglan is by his side, which is of course the most important thing.

"Thank you, Lianxing..." Qin Lie said sincerely.

"Harm!" Kong Lianxing waved, "It's all trivial matters. My sister and I have such a good relationship, we can help if we can."

"If you really thank me, you should step up and prepare for the big match of the family in two months. It's really tight. Only if my sister and you are well, can I be happy."

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