Later, Kong Lianxing discovered that she was indeed not Qin Lie's opponent in playing hooligans.

After joking for a few words, he stopped.

"It's alright, alright," she said, "I won't talk to you anymore, it's about time, I have to take my sister back, or my aunt and the others have to ask me again, let's go, sister..."

Kong Lianxing called Bai Xianglan while talking.

Bai Xianglan can't do anything, even if she doesn't want to separate from Qin Lie for a moment, it is indeed the best choice now.

The two exchanged heartfelt feelings at the door, and there was a delay of more than ten minutes.

Waiting for Kong Lianxing to be impatient.

"Oh, don't be so reluctant. If you miss it in the future, just give it a video call and shake it."

"You." She pointed to Bai Xianglan and said, "You should stay at home now."

"You." She pointed at Qin Lie again, like a little adult, "Prepare your family competition well, two months later, you won the first place, and there will be decades for you and me! "

"Hurry up, your mother, my aunt has called me five times!"

At the urging of Kong Lianxing, Qin Lie and Bai Xianglan finally separated.

It wasn't until Bai Xianglan walked away and Qin Lie returned to the hotel room that he finally felt lost.

The mood of leaving Bai Xianglan is naturally sad.

But this also gave Qin Lie a lot of struggle.

It's been a long time since he made a name for himself that he wanted to accomplish something.

Maybe, some things are really too easy to get, but there is no sense of expectation.

This time the family competition is beyond his ability. If he wants to take the first place, he must do his best.

He can work hard for one thing again.

After sending Bai Xianglan away, Qin Lie went next door to see Ning Kun again. The two chatted briefly before Qin Lie went back to his room and lay down.

Nothing happened today, Qin Lie slept until dawn the next day.

The next day, Qin Lie and Ning Kun took a private plane back to Longcheng.

After landing in Longcheng, Qin Lie didn't go home immediately, but took Ning Kun and took a taxi -- he didn't even drive his own car.

Send Ning Kun to a place.

One is in a manor on the western outskirts of Longcheng.

The location of the manor is relatively remote, but there are many people.

This is the private arm of the Cape family, where a total of 300 brothers live. Qin Lie spent more than one billion yuan to put it down.

Of course, Bruni often comes here if he is okay.

Ning Kun is very important now. It can be said that Qin Lie is the number one bombshell against Xuanyuan Tianci. The safety of this person must be protected.

The Longyan Squad is constantly being mobilized, and there are often times when they are dispatched from time to time. Ning Kun may not be so stable in the protection of the Longyan Squad.

A group of private armed forces of the Cape family are raised in China, and the people of the Xiao family do not move, they do not move.

There is no doubt about the private armed combat effectiveness of the Cape family.

Having Bruni in command would only be more powerful.

In addition, the name of the Cape family was loud enough, and most people would never dare to touch them, so Qin Lie thought about it and sent Ning Kun here.

Now Qin Lie has high trust in the Cape family.

The Cape family has shown a particularly clear alliance attitude towards him since the day they met.

Whether it's Bruni or Worms, Qin Lie doesn't feel bad.

So in terms of trust, Qin Lie has no doubts about the Cape family.

Putting Ning Kun on the Cape family's side was the best choice.

Bruni also accepted his request, and Ning Kun temporarily handed it over to the Cape family.

After doing this, Qin Lie deliberately returned to Longcheng Airport, and then drove his car back to the villa from Longcheng Airport.

Because of what happened yesterday, when they got home, Chen Jinhu Xingfeng and the others were there, including Qiu Bai.

The impact is not small, and their existence can protect the safety of Ye Yuqing, Chen Xiaoyu and the others.

When they got home, Chen Jinhu and the others didn't know anything about what happened in Taizhou yesterday.

But the battle made last night was really big.

Not only did Qin Lie's headquarters react greatly, but the people at Xuanyuan Tianci were also very excited.

The people on both sides almost started working at the entrance of Tai'an Medicine.

So Chen Jinhu and a few people are also curious about what happened in Taizhou yesterday.

Seeing Qin Lie's return, Chen Jinhu poured him a glass of water and immediately asked, "Brother Lie, what happened yesterday? Why did the people from Xuanyuan Tianci have to find you like crazy?"

Qin Lie asked Chen Jinhu now, "How is it, did you let someone from Xuanyuan Tianci join the company yesterday?"

"Of course not!" Chen Jinhu said, "They insisted on breaking in and seeing you. My brothers and I tried our best not to let them in, and we almost got into a fight."

"But we called the police later. After all, it was a forcible break-in. They broke the law and there were policemen, and in the end they just did it."

"I'm also very surprised." Chen Jinhu said while introducing, "It stands to reason that their Xuanyuan family background is so big, even if the police came here, they should help them, but it seems that yesterday Xuanyuan Tianci didn't use the power of the Xuanyuan family."

"He doesn't dare." Qin Lie said decisively, "If he disturbed the Xuanyuan family about what happened yesterday, he would die even worse."

"What's the meaning?"

Chen Jinhu punishes Feng Jiang Lei and they naturally don't understand.

Xuanyuan Tianci is the young master of the Xuanyuan family.

Their family's own strength is not dare to use, how can he be a young master.

"It's hard to say, things are a little complicated."

Qin Lie said, without explaining to Chen Jinhu and the others for the time being, but looked at Qiu Bai who was sitting on the sofa beside him.

Looking at Qiu Bai, he said, "Master, I was in Taizhou, and by accident, I found a Xuanyuan family member recorded in the action file you brought out from the Xuanyuan family."


After Qiu Bai heard this, he stood up from the sofa in a jiffy, and immediately said, "File, the Xuanyuan family's action file about the case of our family's annihilation?"

"Yeah." Qin Lie nodded, "Yes."

"Where are people!?"

Qiu Bai was very excited and immediately gave Qin Lie an order.

"Bring it to me! I have to tear that bastard into pieces!"

Qiu Bai doesn't care, as long as it is related to the people and things related to his family's annihilation case, as long as he hears it, he seems to have lost his mind.

Qin Lie listened and immediately advised: "Master, don't get excited first, I will definitely take you to see him eventually, but according to the information I learned yesterday, this matter seems to be not as simple as I imagined."

"What do you mean?" Qiu Bai asked.

Qin Lie then said: "The matter, it doesn't seem to be done by the Xuanyuan family, but it is related to the Xuanyuan family. The file you got last time seems to be fake."

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