Qiu Bai was shocked by Qin Lie's words.

He hadn't heard the conversation between Xuanyuan Tianci and Ning Kun yesterday, and naturally he didn't know the inside story.

In his opinion, he found the dossier in the Xuanyuan family's secret archives, and the dossier contained the order of their Xuanyuan family's patriarch.

All this must have been the work of the Xuanyuan family.

But now Qin Lie told him that it might not be true.

How to explain.

"What do you mean?" Qiu Bai asked.

Qin Lie replied: "As far as I know, that file seems to have been forged by Xuanyuan Tianci who stole Xuanyuan Hao's family seal, and the names recorded on the file are almost all fake.

Those people have been chased and killed by Xuanyuan Tianci all these years, and they are almost dead.

The one I met yesterday was one of the few survivors who looked like he was trying to falsify what happened back then. "

These words were said in front of Chen Jinhu and Jiang Lei.

The room was all his own, so Qin Lie just let go.


Chen Jinhu, such a simple reckless man, could hear that something was wrong, and he questioned: "Why did he forge it, having this dossier proves that the Xuanyuan family did it.

What is the significance of what he is doing to the Xuanyuan family? "

"I'm also thinking about this issue now." Qin Lie said, "I haven't figured it out yet."

Qiu Bai asked: "The dossier is forged. Did you hear Xuanyuan Tianci say this?"

"Yes!" Qin Lie nodded, and then told Qiu Bai all his experiences yesterday, not to mention the matter of getting rid of Bai Xianglan.

In the end, he concluded: "Yesterday's encounter was very accidental. I didn't even think of it at first. I'm also sure that Xuanyuan Tianci never discovered me beforehand, and it was impossible for him to act, so what he said to Ning Kun must be true."

"Then it's even more difficult to figure out." Qiu Bai said, "Xuanyuan Hao didn't know about this, but Xuanyuan Tianci forged a copy. Their father and son are no longer in the same camp. What does this Xuanyuan Tianci want to do?"

"I don't know." This is what Qin Lie wants to figure out the most. "There are still many things that cannot be explained, but it is certain that Xuanyuan Tianci must cooperate with some people inside and outside to do this."

"Why?" Qiu Bai asked, "How do you see that the inside should be combined with the outside."

"That's right." Qin Lie said, "Let's assume that the conversation between Xuanyuan Tianci and Ning Kun yesterday was true, and that the dossier was fake, which means that the Xuanyuan family did not actually do anything to destroy your family.

And Master, you also said that as early as 16 years ago, you were already the Taishan Beidou in the Chinese martial arts world. The team that attacked your home that night was very powerful, and even you were no match.

Obviously, such a team can only be produced by a super family, and it is impossible for the group of people under Xuanyuan Tianci to do it.

And sixteen years ago, Xuanyuan Tianci was still a ten-year-old child, so he couldn't do so many things.

Therefore, there must be other super families involved in destroying the family.

Xuanyuan Tianci was just a tool person who was used. "

After Qiu Bai heard it, he felt that it was very reasonable, and nodded his head.

Yes, the annihilation happened sixteen years ago. At that time, Xuanyuan Tianci was just a child, so he couldn't make such a rigorous plan.

So, if it wasn't for the Xuanyuan family, who else could it be?

The fog of the whole thing is still serious. Although there is an entry point, the overall framework of the matter is still unclear.

Qiu Bai repeatedly confirmed whether Qin Lie heard Xuanyuan Tianci say that the file was a fake file.

After he finally got a positive answer, he was even more confused.

"Then my previous investigation will be in vain."

Qiu Bai had been investigating for so long before, and the Xuanyuan family was the last locked family, but now Qin Lie said that the Xuanyuan family did not do it. Wasn't the previous investigation done in vain?

"Not exactly!" Qin Lie said, "Although it's not Xuanyuan's family, but we have seized Xuanyuan Tianci's opening, and tearing through it, we will surely discover the truth."

"Hey..." Qiu Bai sighed, "About that Ning Kun, you must take me to see him. I want to confirm whether this is true or not."

"I know." Qin Lie nodded, "I will definitely take you to see it, but Xuanyuan Tianci must have been investigating it closely in the past two days. This matter has to be postponed, and that person can't be wrong."

"Well." Qiu Bai replied, agreeing to this matter.

While Qin Lie was talking to Qiu Bai about this, he was also thinking about how to solve it.

As he thought about it, he said, "Master, in fact, we can also think about how to solve this matter from the source."

"No matter any aristocratic family wants to move you, they must have a motive. It is impossible to say indiscriminately and directly kill you all over the family. You can think about it, 16 years ago, which super family did you have with? connect……"

What Qin Lie thought was that now that the investigation has reached this level, and with some information from sixteen years ago, maybe a clearer direction can be found.

At least, let yourself know who to investigate.

Qiu Bai said, "Is there any connection? Although I was called the master of Chinese medicine 16 years ago, each of the eight great families has high-level Chinese medicine practitioners, and they rarely come to me."

"The only contact is with the Xuanyuan family. A few years earlier, Xuanyuanhao's wife was pregnant. I gave her an abortion, and then my wife and I also gave birth to his wife. years ago."

"As for other aristocratic families, I really haven't had much contact with them."

Qiu Bai's words came out.

Qin Lie immediately read a very important message from his words.

He hurriedly said, "Master, you and your wife gave birth to Xuanyuan Hao's wife? That means, Xuanyuan Tianci was actually delivered by you?"

Qiu Bai nodded silently: "Well, Xuanyuan Hao has no other son, only him."

"Why haven't you mentioned such important information before?" Qin Lie asked.

"Is it important?" Qiu Bai said, "It's just a delivery, and they didn't establish any connection with the Xuanyuan family. In the end, they wanted to kill me, but they didn't kill me."


Qin Lie waved his hand and told Qiu Bai to stop talking for now.

Hearing this news, he always had a strange feeling in his heart.

Qiu Bai succeeded Xuanyuan Tianci, and ten years later, Qiu Bai's family was exterminated. Sixteen years later, Xuanyuan Tianci emerged and became the number one young man in China. As a result, he forged a case about Qiu Bai's extermination. The fake dossier of this matter led to Xuanyuan's family.

All these traces are actually related to Xuanyuan Tianci, which is too coincidental.

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