Up to now Qin Lie still doesn't know how to connect these things together.

But there must be something strange about these things.

"I don't know what to say." Qin Lie said, "but I always feel that these things are very strange. It seems that some people are playing a big game of chess behind their backs, and you, Master, are just a victim in this game of chess."


Qiu Bai sighed to himself, feeling that what Qin Lie said really made sense.

Slowly I felt the magnitude of this matter.

He originally thought that he had touched the core of this matter, but now it seems that this is only the tip of the iceberg, and he has not even touched the fur.

"What about kung fu masters, and what about the masters of Chinese medicine, in the end, they are not the playthings of these super families."

"After I find out all the truth about this matter, I will definitely not contact any super family again."

"The water in here is really too deep."

Because there are too many mysteries in the whole thing, Qin Lie and Qiu Bai can only let this thing go temporarily.

Qin Lie promised Qiu Bai that he would take Qiu Bai to see Ning Kun before he went to the United States, and the matter was left here for the time being.

It's just that at this time, outside Qin Lie's villa, Li Tianlin was watching the security situation around the villa.

Suddenly, the door was opened and he came to Qin Lie.

He said loudly, "brother lie, it's not good, Xuanyuan Tianci brought someone over here. He was making trouble outside and insisted on seeing you."

As the saying goes, Cao Cao Cao Cao arrives.

Qin Lie actually guessed it. He accidentally said something yesterday, and Xuanyuan Tianci would definitely put his suspicions on him.

Whether it was calling those doormen or taxi drivers before, he didn't disguise at all when he gave them money. If Xuanyuan Tianci wanted to investigate the medicine, he would soon be able to find him.

However, although Xuanyuan Tianci could find out about him, Qin Lie had one thing for sure.

Those evidences have been destroyed. Even if he knew that the person who did things yesterday was himself, he couldn't do anything about him.

Everything is in Qin Lie's calculations.

The corners of his mouth rose, and he instructed Li Tianlin: "Okay, let Young Master Xuanyuan come in and see what he is looking for from me."


Li Tianlin took the order, and was about to go outside the villa.

As a result, when Li Tianlin was about to arrive at the door, the door of the villa was kicked open by someone outside.

There was a loud bang from the door, and it was kicked against the wall with a thud, and then, Xuanyuan Tianci's magnificent voice came in from outside.

"Qin Lie, get out of here!"

After he finished speaking, Xuanyuan Tianci rushed into the door with his people.

The funny thing is that the people he brought today and the people he brought to Taizhou yesterday are almost the same group, and many of them have been taught by Qin Lie.

Two or three of them had bandages on their hands.

Qin Lie thought it was very funny, but he held back his laughter and pretended to be stupid: "Master God, I haven't seen you for two days, your temper is getting bigger and bigger."

"What made you come to my door to make trouble, where did I provoke you?"

Qin Lie stood up from the sofa, Qiu Bai, Chen Jinhu, Xingfeng and others also followed.

The two sides faced each other, and Xuanyuan Tianci and Qin Lie faced each other face to face.

Seeing Qin Lie pretending to be stupid, Xuanyuan Tianci said loudly: "Qin Lie, don't pretend you don't know anything. I'll see you in two days. You don't know where you were yesterday? You'd better give me the person I want. I hand it over, you can't intervene in this matter, understand?"

Now that he has decided to play stupid, Qin Lie will of course play stupid to the end.

Even if he understood in his heart, Qin Lie continued to act stupid.

"Master God, what are you talking about? I don't care about anything. I had a meeting at the company yesterday and slept at home at night. What are you talking about?"

"Qin Lie!" Xuanyuan Tianci said loudly, "Do you have to pretend to be stupid with me? Yesterday I caught the taxi driver. The taxi driver saw your photo and was sure it was you. I was in Taizhou Hong yesterday. The person you met in the far hotel, dare you say it's not you?"

"What are you talking about?" Qin Lie still looked like he didn't know anything.

"What kind of taxi, what people I met, Taizhou, I've been in Longcheng the whole time. Although we have a grudge, you can't slander me casually."

Xuanyuan Tianci continued to say loudly: "Qin Lie, I warn you, this is definitely not something that a character of your level can bear. If you know the relationship, you should hand over the person quickly, and I can temporarily let you live.

If you insist on interfering in this matter, I promise, you will not be able to eat and walk around. "

Of course Qin Lie didn't put these words into his ears at all.

Picking his ears, he said, "Xuanyuan Tianci, I really made my ears froze when I heard your words."

"Don't just talk and don't do it. You keep saying you won't let me go, and I've been waiting for you for more than half a year, and I haven't seen you do anything to me?"

"Also, you must pay attention to evidence when you speak and do things. You said that I was in Taizhou yesterday and interfered with what you were doing. Then you can show evidence. If you can show evidence, I will definitely admit it!"

"You can just find any taxi driver and try to convict me of making up something unwarranted. You really think I'm stupid!"

In fact, these words made Xuanyuan Tianci a fool.

But Qin Lie now has the advantage of the situation, and he is sure that Xuanyuan Tianci will not dare to do anything to him, and there is no evidence at all.

So dare to be so arrogant.

Xuanyuan Tianci didn't dare to move the Xuanyuan family's power, Qin Lie really didn't scare him about this.


Sure enough, Qin Lie said a word, and Xuanyuan Tianci was speechless.

Xuanyuan Tianci searched for the wording for a long time, but he couldn't argue with Qin Lie.

In the end, he can only be incompetent and furious.

"Okay, Qin Lie, very good, you are really good."

"Touching my bottom line over and over again, and dismissing my words as a deaf ear, it seems that you really think I have nothing to do with you!"

"You can't hold it back this time. You'd better think about it clearly and hand it over, or I promise you will go to the eighteenth hell in a few days."

"Your good days are few days away, you wait for me!"

After saying this, Xuanyuan Tianci waved his hand and ordered the others: "Go!"

A group of people left Qin Lie's villa in a mighty manner.

Qin Lie ignored it, and shouted at Xuanyuan Tianci from a distance: "Tianci young master walk slowly, I'm still busy here, so I won't give it away!"

Qin Lie waved his hand, as if he and Xuanyuan Tianci were very good brothers, so enthusiastic.

It wasn't until Xuanyuan Tianci's people walked away that Qin Lie's complexion slowly returned to normal.

Only then did Chen Jinhu and the others take out the hand holding the weapon in his pocket.

Today, the storm of Xuanyuan Tianci's impact has only ended.

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