After Xuanyuan Tianci left Qin Lie's villa, he drove all the way to the west of Longcheng.

At the same time, he took all the people around him away, and drove to the west city by himself.

While driving on the road, he made another call and went out, said a few words to the other side of the phone, and then hung up quickly.

After making this call, Xuanyuan Tianci drove for another twenty minutes before finally arriving at the destination of this trip - Chunkong Bieyuan.

Just like that time, before he went in, he still looked around carefully for a long time.

After making sure there was no tail behind, he pushed the door and entered.

Passing through the maple tree promenade inside, and walking through the bamboo forest path, I came to the innermost bamboo house.

Naturally, when he came to this secret place, the person he wanted to see was Henry Zhang.

This time Henry Zhang came relatively late. After he arrived, he waited for more than forty minutes before Henry Zhang finally appeared in the Chunkong Bieyuan.

It's just that Henry Zhang's gate into the other courtyard is another one in the courtyard, which is extremely hidden.

As before, the two of them were in the bamboo house and the other was outside the bamboo house, talking through the door of the bamboo house.

Henry Zhang was a little unhappy, and asked Xuanyuan Tianci: "It's only been a few days since we met, and you asked me out again. Don't you know that this is a big risk, and is there anything you can't say on the phone?"

Xuanyuan Tianci was weak, because he did something wrong, and his words were very light: "The last time you asked me to do something went wrong. It's a big thing. It's better to ask your advice in person."

"What's the matter?" Henry Zhang asked, "You didn't kill that person Ning Kun?"

Xuanyuan Tianci shook his head: "It's even worse than this, not only did Ning Kun not kill him, but it seems that he was rescued by Qin Lie..."

"What?!" Henry Zhang, who had always been calm and calm, suddenly became excited, "What are you kidding me? He Qin Lie can still do these things? Is he following you?"

"I don't know if it's stalking." Xuanyuan Tianci said, "Anyway, just when I was about to kill Ning Kun, a masked man came out, his skills are very good, I heard his voice very much like Qin Lie , and then took the photo and asked the passers-by he had bought, and they recognized him, all in all, the probability of being inseparable."


Henry Zhang heard the seriousness of the matter, and yelled at Xuanyuan Tianci: "You can't handle such a little thing, what else can I expect from you?"

"Xuanyuan Tianci, do you really think that after staying in Xuanyuan's house for more than 20 years, when people call you the number one young man in China, you are really the number one young man in China?"

"Kill Ning Kun, let him run away last time, and let him run away this time!"

"Not only did I run away this time, but I was rescued by Qin Lie, the bastard. Tell me what the hell are you doing?"

"Also the number one young master in China. I think you don't even have half the ability of Qin Lie, the grandson! Are you embarrassed?"

This time, Xuanyuan Tianci was indeed ineffective, so even if he was scolded by Henry Zhang all the time, he did not dare to refute it at all.

It's just that the more he was scolded like this, the more fire he felt towards Qin Lie in his heart.

After hearing what Henry Zhang said, he said loudly: "I don't know how Qin Lie came here, but this kid has too many things, since he appeared, how many good things have been broken for us.

Because this matter is too special, I have no way to inform Xuanyuan Wei, so I need you to give me some people from the Xiao family, I will go to hell for Qin Lie in the next few days! ! "

"Go to hell?" Henry Zhang asked him after listening, "What do you want to do?"

"What else can I do!" Xuanyuan Tianci clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, "This kid's hands are too long, I must kill him!"

"Ha ha……"

After Henry Zhang heard it, he sneered and said in a low voice, "I ask you, after Ning Kun was rescued by Qin Lie, have you found him?"


Xuanyuan Tianci said: "That's impossible, he took the person away, and he knew that Ning Kun could deal with me, so he must have hidden him immediately, so how do you find it?"

Henry Zhang continued to laugh: “Yes, you don’t even know where Ning Kun is now, how dare you kill Qin Lie!”

"Does it matter??" Xuanyuan Tianci was still asking.

Henry Zhang shook his head and said: “You have to figure out that Ning Kun, as the person in your forged dossier, is the one who threatens us the most.

If one day he and Xuanyuan Hao meet and talk about the matter, the plan I have planned for so many years will be in vain.

Therefore, the most important thing at the moment is to find Ning Kun, not to kill Qin Lie.

You killed Qin Lie and cut off our clues to find Ning Kun. From now on, it will be difficult to find Ning Kun again.

Keep Qin Lie and send more people to watch him. Only through him can we find Ning Kun as soon as possible, understand? "

"But I'm angry!" Xuanyuan Tianci said loudly, "I went to question Qin Lie, but Qin Lie played me like a fool.

He didn't hand over Ning Kun. You didn't see his face at that time. He was too arrogant. I must kill him. If this kid stays, there will be endless troubles. "

"If you can't bear it, you will make a big mess." Henry Zhang said, "Now that the situation is like this, the only thing that can be done is to make up for it as much as possible. Qin Lie now knows where Ning Kun is, so he can't move.

When we find Ning Kun and kill Ning Kun with one hand and Qin Lie with the other, then we can feel at ease. "

Xuanyuan Tianci wiped his face and took a few strong breaths before swallowing it.

After regaining his composure, Xuanyuan Tianci asked again, "But if we just do this, we may not be able to find Ning Kun.

Qin Lie doesn't speak, how can we find it? "

The incident happened suddenly, and in fact, Henry Zhang didn't even think about what to do.

After listening to Xuanyuan Tianci's question, he was silent in the bamboo house for five minutes, thinking about the relevant methods.

Five minutes later, he opened his mouth and said: "It's better than this, Qin Lie doesn't speak himself, we try to guide him to speak..."

"What do you mean?" Xuanyuan Tianci was even more confused.

"Qin Lie is romantic, there are many women around him, this person is very emotional, and it is a good choice to start with women." Henry Zhang said.

After hearing this, Xuanyuan Tianci guessed: "You want me to tie his woman up and force him to speak out?"

"No..." Henry Zhang said, "Qin Lie's character is very rigid, he will not tell you when you come to face him, you need to change your approach..."

"How to do it?"

"You can do this..."

When Henry Zhang said this, his voice was much lower, for fear that the wall would have ears and others would hear that.

He explained it slowly, word by word.

Xuanyuan Tianci listened outside and kept nodding his head.

About five minutes later, Xuanyuan Tiancicai nodded again and replied in a low voice, "I see."

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