The next day, sunny.

The weather in Longcheng is good today. It should be said that the weather in Longcheng has been good in recent days.

After entering spring, although there is often light rain in Longcheng, the weather is still mostly sunny.

The wind is sunny and the spring is infinite. This is the weather that spring should have.

Say goodbye to the haze of winter, the sky today will be a lot brighter.

Looking up is the blue sky, looking through it at a glance, it is like the whole sky has been washed once.

Today Qin Lie went out early in the morning. Since he came back from South Korea, he is either recovering from illness, or is in the finals of the talent show, and Bai Xianglan.

There are a lot of chores, and I haven't had time to deal with my own affairs.

Today was finally free, and there were still five days left to go to the United States with Blaze and Caesar, so Qin Lie ran out to do some personal affairs.

However, before doing business, he still went to the construction site of the branch factory of Shenzhou Weapons.

After the last super steel incident, Qin Lie went to South Korea and asked the st group for a lot of super steel.

As for other suppliers of infrastructure materials, Lin Jian has provided official partners of Shenzhou Weapons, and other raw materials are basically in place.

After more than a month of construction, the factory has begun to take shape.

From the ground up, the progress of the factory has already reached a small half.

He Linfeng has also changed from a material technical leader to a chief engineer.

Together with the experts sent by Shenzhou Weapons, they guided the construction of the branch factory.

At this rate of construction, the entire factory should be ready for use in about three months.

At that time, all kinds of modern weapons will be transferred from the headquarters to here for production.

Hey, this also means that Tianlin Technology under Qin Lie has established a relationship with the military, and will have much more opportunities to contact the military bosses in the future.

After staying at the scene for about 20 minutes, Qin Lie saw that everything was progressing in an orderly manner, and he also had a bottom line.

He simply drank a cup of tea with He Linfeng, Qin Lie didn't stay any longer, and quickly left the construction site.

The visit here was just on the way. After leaving the construction site, Qin Lie drove out for a full half an hour before arriving at the destination of the trip - Longcheng Women's Prison.

He came over today to visit someone.

Parked the car outside the prison, entered through the entrance dedicated to visiting, and led by a dedicated prison guard, Qin Lie came to the waiting hall.

After doing some identity registration, filling out a few forms, and indicating the purpose of coming, Qin Lie was waiting in the hall.

About an hour later, someone came to inform him that he could enter, and he followed that person into the visiting room.

Because it was not a felony, the visiting room was not isolated. He found a table in the visiting room and sat down.

It took five minutes to see the person he wanted to see.

Zhao Xiaoying was taken to the door by a female prison guard and saw Qin Lie sitting in the visiting room from a distance.

From being caught by the police, to being sent to prison, and today, it has actually only been ten days.

It's just that these ten days seem to have gone through a century for Zhao Xiaoying.

Her face seemed to have aged 20 years overnight. She was only a little over 30, but now she looked like a 50-year-old woman.

Without the splendor of the past, her whole face was turned upside down, and she seemed to have no spirit at all.

Her hair was also cut short. She was originally a first-line star, but in just ten days, she became the most ordinary person.

When I saw Qin Lie for the first time, I was timid and didn't even dare to look at Qin Lie.

After being urged by the prison guard behind her, she slowly walked from the door to Qin Lie.

After walking to Qin Lie's side, she still didn't dare to look at Qin Lie, standing beside her at a loss, clutching the corners of her clothes tightly with both hands, looking very nervous.

"Sit down." Qin Lie looked at her and said, "There are still twenty minutes to talk, so you're going to stand like this?"

With his words, Zhao Xiaoying slowly sat across from him.

But even if she sat down, she was very timid, holding both hands together, constantly picking her fingernails.

After about a minute, she asked, "Why are you coming to see me?"

Qin Lie half-squinted his eyes and said in a low voice, "After all, you slept with me, at least when I slept with you, I liked you and had feelings. Thinking of you coming in for so many days, should I take you If the report was brought in, I still have to come and see it.”

"Okay..." Zhao Xiaoying said, "Let's not mention the past, anyway, they have already come in, everything starts from the beginning, these things are over."

"Um..." Qin Lie nodded silently.

Zhao Xiaoying then continued: "I must be shocked by the scam outside. Have a lot of ugly things been said on the Internet?"

Qin Lie didn't hide it from her, and told the truth: "These things are normal things. After all, you had a lot of influence in the past, and you were bright and beautiful. If you are suddenly arrested, they will definitely speak slanderous words."

"But it doesn't matter to you." Qin Lie said, "When you go out, everything will disappear, and these things have long been forgotten by them."

"The day I went out." Zhao Xiaoying smiled, "I don't even know when I will be able to go out. I asked the prison guards to find out. They said that the amount of my money is basically more than 20 years. You say, by that time, What's the point of me going out?"

Qin Lie came here today because of Zhao Xiaoying's sentencing.

Zhao Xiaoying has just been arrested, and the sentencing will not take effect until the procuratorate initiates a lawsuit, which will take at least three months.

Qin Lie came here today to see her attitude.

Then decide whether to help her or not.

This is the last affection Qin Lie left her.

So when it came to the issue of sentencing, Qin Lie asked her, "Do you still blame me for sending you in?"

After Zhao Xiaoying heard this, she couldn't help shaking her head.

In a low voice, he said melancholy: "It's not strange, there is nothing to blame, in fact, what you did is right."

"In the first three days of being arrested by the police, I really hated you. I wished I could eat your bones."

"But as time went on, the guards in the prison taught me a lot, and I thought about it a lot."

"The worst thing I did in the whole thing was myself. If I didn't covet those money, if I didn't do those things, I wouldn't be where I am today."

"If you do something wrong, you have to bear it. Your suggestion for me to surrender at the beginning is actually the best. If I don't listen, you can only report me. You did the right thing, and I don't blame you."

Qin Lie was very satisfied after listening to it.

It seems that over the past ten days, Zhao Xiaoying has really thought a lot.

She began to be so resistant to going to prison, even if she died.

Now that my thinking has changed drastically, I can clearly recognize my mistakes, which is already a big improvement.

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