Qin Lie continued to ask: "Then what do you think about the outside world, you are so afraid of your reputation becoming stinky, now?"

Zhao Xiaoying continued digging her fingers. After thinking for a while, she suddenly said, "Is this question important?"

"It's important to me." Qin Lie said.

Zhao Xiaoying waved her hand and said, "No, I mean, do those opinions still matter?"

"For so many years, I just care too much about their opinions, so I do things that cross the bottom line again and again."

"To be respected by others, respected by neighbors, and admired by classmates, the whole person gets into the eyes of money, and for the sake of fame, fortune and status, he will do everything he can, and he must do it at the edge."

"I lied, I kept lying, I lied to you, I lied to those little girls, and I lied to myself in the end."

"If I had seen it clearly earlier and didn't care about the thoughts of those people, I would be my own. As long as I can live with it in my heart, I wouldn't live like that."

"To be honest, I wasn't like that when I was a kid, but I don't know since when I became less like me, and these things have become a matter of course."

Qin Lie listened. Although he didn't speak, the corners of his mouth kept rising.

Zhao Xiaoying can have such an idea, he is really happy.

Zhao Xiaoying has completely changed. The education given to her in these ten days is more effective than the education she has given in the past 30 years.

She almost knew where her original problem was.

Live for others, live in what others say, live in what others think.

And these things are precisely the least important.

As if opening a chat box, Zhao Xiaoying took the initiative to speak.

"Do you know what I want to do most now?"

"What?" Qin Lie asked in agreement.

Zhao Xiaoying continued: "If there is a chance, I just want to apologize to the young people who have been harassed by me and their parents. Many people use all their money to help their children because of me."

"Many people have emptied their families because of me. Some young people even stole money to pay my membership fees and took out loans to join my studio. I also ruined their first half of their lives. I'm sorry for them."

"including you……"

Zhao Xiaoying paused and said, "I only wanted to use you from the very beginning when I approached you. I never liked you. I lied to you all before, and made you sleep with me. I'm sorry!"

Saying that, Zhao Xiaoying stood up from her position, very sincere, bowed 90 degrees, and apologized to Qin Lie.

Qin Lie listened and kept nodding.

This is what he wanted to see when he sent Zhao Xiaoying in.

The original Zhao Xiaoying, although the appearance is bright and beautiful, but the heart is actually ugly.

The current Zhao Xiaoying, although without those brand-name cosmetics and delicate makeup, Qin Lie finds her much more pleasing to the eye.

It is precisely because of Zhao Xiaoying's bow that Qin Lie strengthened his inner thoughts.

As for her in prison, he helped.

Qin Lie smiled, looked at her and said: "You know, I have been in contact with you so many times, this conversation today is the one I know you best, because you have no pretense at all, and you have shown everything in front of me. .

If you were like this in the beginning, maybe I'd go after you back..."

"Haha..." Zhao Xiaoying also smiled, "Don't, I still don't like you now, I just feel sorry for you."

Qin Lie shrugged, not embarrassed at all, but relieved.

After a pause, he continued: "Don't worry, I will find you the best defense lawyer in Longcheng, and I will also use all the connections I can use to minimize your sentence as much as possible. I guarantee you will be out within ten years."

"And if you come out within ten years and have nowhere to go, I can still help you arrange a job and give you a normal life."

"Thank you." Zhao Xiaoying's performance was very light.

"Ten years or 20 years, it's my destiny, no matter how much I have no complaints."

"I've escaped too much before, it's time to take on these things."

"However, thank you for having this heart, Qin Lie, you are indeed a rare quality man."

"Although I don't like you, I have to admit it."

"Haha!" Qin Lie laughed, becoming more and more satisfied with Zhao Xiaoying's change.

Since she has the change of heart, Qin Lie will help her.

In the next ten minutes, the two of them simply chatted about something and nothing, just like chatting between ordinary friends.

Although there is not much nutrition in the words, Qin Lie chats very comfortably.

After the visit time came, Qin Lie also kept his promise.

After leaving the women's prison, he immediately returned to Longcheng District and asked Wang Congcong for the phone number of the most senior defense lawyer.

In the afternoon, I went to his law firm to discuss cooperation.

Qin Lie believed Wang Congcong's judgment. Although the other party asked for a high price of two million, Qin Lie paid it without blinking.

After looking for a lawyer, Qin Lie called Han Qi again and asked him to help find the judge of the Supreme Court of Longcheng and people from the procuratorate to talk about these things.

Because of the face of the Kyushu Bureau, the people there more or less showed a little willingness to help.

Qin Lie asked Han Qi to help stare, and the matter was arranged like this.

After a busy day for Zhao Xiaoying's affairs, Qin Lie gave her the last affection.

After everything was done, it was almost five o'clock in the afternoon.

Qin Lie drove the car and was going home to buy some food for Chen Xiaoyu to cook.

As a result, just as he walked out of the gate of the court and was about to drive back, the phone was ringed by Shentu Aoshi.

Shentu Aoshi is the Shentu family that Qin Lie has had more contact with.

Shentu Aoshi had also done a lot for him before, and also participated in Situ Xuan's special training together. The relationship between the two was not bad.

Seeing the phone, Qin Lie started the car and picked it up: "Hey, Brother Shentu, what's the matter, you suddenly called me."

Shentu Aoshi went straight to the topic: "My dad asked me to call you and want to treat you to a meal. Do you have time in the evening?"

"Your dad?" Qin Lie asked in surprise, "Why did your dad invite me to dinner? Isn't the draft bet over?"

Shentu Aoshi said: "On the one hand, to thank you, the relationship between my sister and him has eased a lot. My sister has decided to quit the girl group and go back to the northwest to help manage the family business."

"Secondly, my dad invited you to come over, and I want to discuss with you about the big competition in the family two months later."


After Shentu Aoshi finished speaking, Qin Lie was even more surprised: "Aristocratic Grand Competition, how did your father know that I was going to participate in the Grand Competition?"

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