"Damn!" Shentu Aoshi said, "What's the matter? We are well informed. The main reason is that after the specific comparison time is decided, each family will choose a candidate from their own family."

"The relationship between our Shentu family and the Tang family is not bad, so naturally we got the news."

"Is this still possible?" Qin Lie was a little surprised after hearing that, the Shentu family and the Tang family actually had a good relationship.

It really is that things gather together, people are divided into groups, and so on.

The super family that has a good relationship with him is actually an alliance with each other.

Qin Lie is now very concerned about the big competition in two months.

Having a strong backup is always better than going it alone.

After taking care of Zhao Xiaoying's affairs, Qin Lie agreed to take advantage of the situation and had no other plans for the evening.

"Okay, give me the address, and I'll come right over."

After saying this, Qin Lie hung up the phone.

Not long after, he received a location address on his WeChat.

Coincidentally, Qin Lie had been to this restaurant before - Qinchun Garden - where he also had a conflict with Xiao Xingyao's Thor special team.

It was also in that place that he knew Guan Hai, the director of the Kyushu Bureau.

That pair of paths is relatively familiar, Qin Lie did not use navigation, and drove all the way to the destination.

After entering the door, I explained the purpose of the visit to the waiter of the restaurant, and the waiter quickly took him to a yard.

Still the same as before, a table was set up in the yard, and the lights made the whole yard bright.

The cover of the lampshade makes these lights not dazzling, and all the decorations are just in place.

On this table, there were five people sitting, Shentu Domineering and his son and daughter, and another Qin Lie, who had also seen Shentu Domineering's younger brother after the last draft final, Shentu Songbai, the military advisor of the Shentu family.

The last one is about the same age as Shentu Aoshi, but his body is much slender than Shentu Aoshi, so Qin Lie doesn't know him very well.

Without stopping, Qin Lie walked up quickly and greeted Shentu Domineering and the others: "Uncle Shentu, brother Shentu, good evening."

It was Shentu Aoshi who stood up to greet him.

As he walked, he said, "Brother Qin, you're running pretty fast. You're here in half an hour just after the phone call. How cool is it to eat a meal?"

"Of course." Qin Lie said with a smile, "I used to invite you to dinner, you rarely invite me, can you be a little more positive?"

Shentu Aoshi said, "It's not me, it's my dad who treats guests today, but it doesn't matter, you can eat hard and make a fool of the old man."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The two of them joked with each other and sat down on the table just like that.

When Qin Lie sat down, he greeted Shentu Songbai, the overbearing Shentu, and bowed his hands respectfully.

Just sat down.

After waiting until he was seated, Qin Lie turned his attention to the last young man and asked at the same time, "Uncle Shentu, do you know who this is?"

It was Shentu Aoshi who answered Qin Lie.

"This is my cousin, Shentu Mingxu, who is also the son of my second uncle. This time we represent our Shentu family to participate in the competition."

"Oh." Qin Lie gave a simple oh.

Then Shentu Mingxu said hello and said hello.

After waiting for five seconds, Qin Lie suddenly reacted and said in surprise, "What? The Shentu family he represents participated in the competition?"

"That's right." Shentu said proudly, "I didn't expect it."

Really did not expect.

In Qin Lie's impression, a young man under the age of thirty-five in the Shentu family with a certain fighting ability must be Shentu Aoshi.

He didn't expect that Shentu Mingxu could be killed halfway.

What is this operation!

Although Shentu Aoshi's personality is a bit reckless, in terms of brains, ability to handle affairs, and personal strength, he is definitely a top existence among his peers.

Especially that special training with Situ Xuan, Qin Lie saw the willpower of this kid.

As long as he thinks about it, his future achievements will also be extraordinary.

Such people can't participate on behalf of the Shentu family, so how powerful is this Shentu Mingxu?

"Why?" Qin Lie said clearly, "I thought it must be you who could represent the participation, but it's actually your cousin."

Shentu domineeringly shrugged and said, "It's really my cousin, there's nothing we can do. The way our family chooses the representatives to participate is very simple. It's a competition. Whoever can win the final victory will represent the family to participate."

"Although I also really want to see the big competition, my cousin, since he was a child, has a higher talent in martial arts than me, and I have never been his opponent. He represents our family, and I am also convinced. "

"Oh?" Qin Lie was surprised when he heard it, he really didn't expect the seemingly weak Shentu Mingxu to be so powerful.

If his talent is really a level higher than Shentu Aoshi, then he has almost caught up with himself and Xuanyuan Tianci, and must be a top-notch existence among his peers.

"so smart?"

Qin Lie said: "Why is your name the most heard in the Shentu family? Even from other sources, or from other people's mouths, you rarely see him?"


Shentu Aoshi sighed and said, "My cousin is a standard person who doesn't talk much, and his personality is very similar to my second uncle. They think more and talk less, so they are more suitable to be military teachers."

"I often tell my brother, if his personality can be more cheerful, it will be my turn to be the heir of this family?"

Shentu Aoshi has a straight personality, what to say.

But there are some things, the speaker has no intention, and the listener has intention.

When he said this, Qin Lie could clearly see that the expression on Shentu Songbai's side changed.

But only after a moment, that wrong look quietly dissipated.

Obviously, the topic of family heirs is quite sensitive in the Shentu family.

Earlier, Qin Lie was baffled by Shentu Songbai's 2 billion call Shentu Mingyue to go home.

At that time, he felt that there was something wrong with Shentu Songbai.

Talking about this issue today, Shentu Songbai's reaction made him feel this way even more.

But considering that it was all a family affair, Qin Lie was too lazy to take care of it.

Without dwelling on this question, Qin Lie sat down and started to eat.

"This is where it gets weird."

Shentu Aoshi immediately replied: "I have followed so many masters over the years, and have learned from famous masters from all over the world, but my strength has always been the same.

It was not until after following Elder Xuan that there was a qualitative leap in strength.

Look at my brother again, he has never been a teacher, he has been reading books by himself, practicing according to the books, and then his level has always been a level higher than mine.

Intuit Niubi!

Perhaps, this is the so-called talent gap. "

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