Qin Lie's punch was really powerful.

But in the eyes of Shentu Mingxu, Shentu Domineering and others on the other side, such power is just useless.

Shentu Mingxu's eyes were erratic, even contemptuous.

Shentu Domineering also touched his chin, thinking about all this.

If Qin Lie only had this kind of adaptability, it wouldn't be as powerful as his son said.

In their opinion, Qin Lie obviously suffered a lot from Shentu Mingxu before, and as a result, he has to attack in the same way. Such a choice is undoubtedly extremely stupid.

If Qin Lie fails to attack again this time, and is beaten back by Shentu Mingxu, I am afraid that the whole competition will be lost.

Everyone watched, to see if Qin Lie had any other moves after the fight.

Just like that, Qin Lie's straight fist rushed over and hit Shentu Mingxu again.

Shentu Mingxu used the same method to deal with him before, he followed the same method, grabbed Qin Lie's fist, drew behind him, and prepared to pass all his strength back to Qin Lie after passing a big circle in the air.

However, what he never expected was when he guided Qin Lie's fist behind him this time.

Qin Lie didn't let him lead.

But suddenly, the body that was standing in the same place flew up in the direction that Shen Tu Mingxu was leading.

It means that Shentu Mingxu used Qin Lie's strength to guide him behind him, and Qin Lie simply counted it. Following this direction, the whole person flew up in the air.

Then, after Shentu Mingxu's head turned over a somersault, he landed on the flower bed behind Shentu Mingxu.

Stepping on the edge of the flower bed, the fist on the hand turned into a palm, and the hand that was clearly grasped by Shentu Mingxu, in turn, grabbed Shentu Mingxu's wrist.

And he followed the force that Shentu Mingxu threw in the past, stepped on the edge of the flower bed with both feet, and used this force to exert force.

Shentu Mingxu received the force of his punch, he flew in the direction of Shentu Mingxu, and now borrowed the force again.

With double leverage, Shentu Mingxu's whole body was pumped up.

Unlike Qin Lie's initiative to fly, Shentu Mingxu was completely lifted up by Qin Lie this time.

Originally, he was steadfastly walking on the spot, but he couldn't stop it. He lost his balance and flew into the sky.

Because everything was in Qin Lie's plan, after Shentu Mingxu was kicked up by him, he punched Shentu Mingxu in the stomach fiercely.

This punch is extremely powerful.

Because Qin Lie knew Shentu Mingxu's ability, he started a little harder.

With this punch, Shentu Mingxu, who had already taken off, flew two meters into the sky.

The body was completely out of balance, and it was no longer possible to control the body. Between the two, the whole person fell into the fish pond in the center of the yard.


It exploded in the pond like a depth bomb, and the water splashed all over the courtyard.

Needless to say, Shentu Mingxu was in a state of embarrassment, his whole body was soaked, his hair was disheveled, and he completely lost his image.

After finally getting up from the fish pond, when he came to the shore, the place where Qin Lie punched his chest still hurt.

I coughed all the way, and I stumbled a bit when I walked, not to mention how embarrassed.

Shentu Mingxu is also upright. Seeing how miserable he was in the end, he didn't struggle. He cupped his hands and said to Qin Lie, "I lost!"

"Hahaha!" Seeing this, Shentu Aoshi stood up almost instantly.

He applauded vigorously and said loudly, "Okay, Brother Qin, if you played well, I knew you could do it. You haven't persuaded anyone in terms of ghost ideas!"

"Hahahaha, my brother has been very good since he was a child. He has almost won every battle among his peers. This doesn't teach him a lesson. He always thinks that he is going to fly."

"Cow, brother."

Shentu proud of the world with a wave of rainbow farts, Qin Lie did not want it.

However, because of this, Shentu Mingxu's expression became unpleasant.

The whole person was quite depressed, and he was going to go to the courtyard to find some clothes to change.

Seeing that he was in a bad mood, Qin Lie went up to apologize.

He cupped his hands and said, "Brother Mingxu, I'm sorry, I may have started a little harder, but I didn't think much about it when I landed in the pond. I'll make a toast to you and apologize."

Shentu Mingxu said very few words.

Hearing what he said, he just waved his hand: "There are always winners and losers in the competition. You are amazing, you win, you don't need to apologize."

After saying this, Shentu Mingxu went into the back room to change his clothes.

Qin Lie then sat back on the table.

Shentu Aoshi is still praising him: "My dad and my uncle see you doing the same trick again, looking at you like a fool, only I know that you can never use the same trick when you fail at the beginning. tricks.

Use your strength to fight, and then use his strength to fight back again, Brother Qin, your move is really good. "

Qin Lie saw that Shentu Aoshi kept complimenting him, and Shentu Songbai's face was always ugly.

Still don't want to cause trouble within their family because of their own problems.

Qin Lie stopped Shentu Aoshi's words: "Brother Shentu, don't say these words again, your brother Mingxu is really good, especially above you, we are fighting for the first time today, and we are not familiar with each other.

I may have won because I am a little more experienced. If he does it again, his absolute strength is no worse than mine, and whoever loses will win at that time, it is completely uncertain. "

"Oh!" Shentu Aoshi said, "I know that kid is powerful, and I also know that I can't beat him."

"But I have always lost to him since I was a child. I'm just happy to see him lose today!" Shentu Aoshi covered his mouth and said in a low voice, "You don't know, I used to fight with him, I've been beaten so badly!"

Hearing that Shentu Aoshi kept saying this, Qin Lie had no choice.

In fact, when he said that, in front of Shentu Songbai and Shentu Mingxu, the latter would inevitably think more.

Although he was really just joking.

But the speaker is unintentional, and the listener is intentional. I am afraid that if things go on like this, Shentu Songbai will have a grudge against him.

Last time, Shentu Songbai asked someone to deliberately come to talk to him about Shentu Mingyue, which is probably related to these.

For some reason, Qin Lie always felt that the Shentu family looked calm and peaceful on the surface, but there were already waves behind it.

Although there is no definite evidence, Qin Lie always has this feeling.

Shentu Domineering is a little more observant than Shentu Aoshi.

Even if Qin Lie won, he basically didn't say anything.

He waited until Shentu Mingxu changed his clothes and sat down again before he said: "Qin Lie, although you won the competition just now, but in private, you made Xuer so embarrassed. Accompany him for a glass of wine and make amends."

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