This proposal is also in Qin Lie's mind.

With Shentu's domineering argument, Qin Lie will pour a glass of wine, and at the same time pour a glass for Shentu Mingxu.

He handed the wine glass to Shentu Mingxu, and said at the same time, "Brother Mingxu, I have offended you a lot at first, but I have no intention of it. I apologize here."

Shentu Mingxu didn't have much to say, he took the wine glass, nodded, and accepted it.

After a glass of wine, the things that have just been discussed are finally over.

"Okay!" Shentu overbearingly presided over the situation and said, "Wu also compares, apologizes, and I can feel Qin Lie's foundation, this is just a test I gave Qin Lie, don't worry about it. superior."

No one else said anything, only Qin Lie felt strange.

Ask: "Test, Uncle Shentu, what test?"

Shentu Ba Dao paused and continued: "This nephew of mine has shown amazing martial arts talent since he was a child, but he doesn't like to talk on weekdays, and the outside world knows very little.

No one else knows, but I do.

Few of his peers can catch up with his ability. Although my son usually works hard, he is still unable to catch up with his talent, and is always overwhelmed by his cousin.

I heard from Shi'er before that you also practice martial arts and are almost invincible among your peers.

I just thought, do you have such ability, and using Xuer's ability to test you is the best choice.

Hence today's discussion. "

After Qin Lie heard the words, it was still strange.

Shentu Domineering continued: "As for why I want to know your details, it has to do with another thing I have to say to you earlier today."

Hearing this, Qin Lie put down his chopsticks, sat upright, and got up.

He knew that what Shentu Domineering was going to say next was the focus of this evening.

Shentu Domineering paused for a while, and then began to talk about business: "Qin Lie, in fact, I came to you today, and I still made a deal with you."

Qin Lie listened, without further response for the time being, and asked in a low voice, "How do you say?"

"Two months later, that is, the great family member that I mentioned to you, I want you, together with Xu'er, to help me kill someone..." Shentu said domineeringly.

Qin Lie's eyes widened and he looked at Shentu Domineering: "Killing, who are you going to kill?"

Shentu Domineering continued: "It has a long history, and it goes back to my grandfather's generation."

"The person I want to kill is the number one master of the Su family, Su Bingkun. He will also go to the Magic Capital in two months from now. Everyone will live close by then, so it's a good start."

"Su family?" Qin Lie wondered, "It's the Su family from the super aristocratic family."

Shentu nodded domineeringly: "Of course, otherwise who do you think it is."

"Do you have any grudges with the Su family?" Qin Lie asked in surprise.

"It's been a long time. The most important thing is that our Shentu family was in the northwest region in the early years, close to the Yellow River.

"And the Su family has always been the political family of the eight great aristocratic families. Whether it was in the ancient government or the army, their Su family has a lot of talents."

"The Su family and our Shentu family have always been in an antagonistic situation."

"It's a family grudge."

"But why did you want to kill Su Bingkun?" Shentu said domineeringly, "This person killed a great master of my Shentu family in a recent conflict, and was also the enlightenment teacher of Xuer and Shier's previous kung fu, Yang Hongtao. "

"Hong Tao is my brother who has followed me all the time. He died, I can't just sit back and watch."

"It's just that the Su family did this secretly, and we couldn't find any real evidence to trouble him. I, the owner of the family, didn't have any evidence to do it myself, so I wanted to find a trusted expert. Do this."

"Finally, after Shier's recommendation, we put this candidate on your head."

There are a lot of characters here, Qin Lie only listened to it once and didn't remember too clearly.

To put it simply, that Su Bingkun from the Su family killed a confidant of their Shentu family, and then their Shentu family wanted to find their way back. It was as simple as that.

Shentu Aoshi was mentioned, and the whole person became very excited.

"Uncle Hong Tao was very miserable when he died. When we found him, he was on one knee on the ground, keeping his fighting movements, and he didn't even close his eyes!"

"The Su family's offal is too ruthless. Uncle Hong Tao was chopped more than 70 times all over his body. When he died, there was no complete skin on his body."

"If it wasn't for the fact that I couldn't participate in the Great Family Competition this time, I would have to personally kill that dog thing."

Qin Lie heard their resentment towards the Su family.

But it's still strange: "Why did you choose me, shouldn't you have a more powerful killer in your hands?"

Shentu Domineering then introduced: "This year's family holding the Grand Competition is the Murong family, in the magic capital."

"The annual competition lasts about a week. During this week, the representatives of the eight major families will live in the venue, and the families holding the competition will provide a place similar to the 'Olympic Village' for the representatives of the eight major families. live."

"At this time, unrelated people can't approach, only the list has been counted, and a representative team of about five people from each family can live in."

"There are only so many people, it's not easy to place other people."

"We just thought, you have to participate in the competition, Xu'er will also participate in the competition, Su Bingkun, as the first master of the Su family, he will definitely participate as a 'master', and you are very close to him, this is Of course it's best for you to do it..."

"Of course, this matter ultimately depends on your opinion. If you don't help us, we will think of other ways."

After saying this, Shentu Domineering turned his attention to the poultry, waiting to see what Qin Lie thought.

As for Qin Lie, he just thinks that this family competition is really a gathering for every family to settle their grievances.

In addition to the competition of the younger generation, the grievances and grievances between this family were also staged simultaneously during the competition.

There are still two months before the big competition, but the specific time and address of the big competition have just been set, and Shentu Domineering came to him to talk about it.

The grievances and grievances between these eight great families are evident from this.

When it really arrives on the day of the family competition, I don't know how exciting the various plots are.

With anticipation of the great competition in his mind, Qin Lie began to think about what Shentu overbearing said.

Su family...

Among the eight great families, the one Qin Lie is least familiar with now is the Su family.

Now Shentu is domineering to mention such a thing, if he does it, he will definitely offend the Su family to death in the end.

Just don't know if it can be done.

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