Blaze and Caesar plunged into the Mojave Desert with Qin Lie.

Moreover, they did not drive directly on the road in the desert, but plunged all the way into the depths of the desert and drove in the desert.

When approaching the desert, Blaze got out of the car and installed tracks on the front and rear of the wheels.

This jeep is obviously modified, and it can run normally after the front and rear tracks are installed.

After making the car look like a tank, Qin Lie and his party continued to run in the desert again.

The Mojave Desert is the third largest desert in the United States.

However, although it ranks third in terms of area, it ranks first in its degree of danger.

There is no other, just because the ecosystem of this desert is too bad, the annual rainfall does not exceed two millimeters, and there is almost no water around.

The famous Death Valley is surrounded by a lot of quicksand holes. Even if the special forces come over, the desert will be swallowed up if one is not careful.

Huge sandstorms, severe high temperatures, and various dangerous animals hidden in the desert have rendered this desert a place of hell.

This is a rare no-man's land in the United States. Generally, it is not the kind of explorer who is desperate. Most people will never enter this area for a centimeter.

But Blaze and the others not only entered, but also flew in the desert.

With this move, Qin Lie probably guessed that the headquarters of Skull and Bones should be in the Mojave Desert.

It is no wonder that there is a lot of uproar in the international community. The ambitious Skull and Bones Society has, for so many years, few people know where their exact location is. It turned out to be in such a hidden place.

Qin Lie had a bottom line, but he didn't let go of the work at hand.

Once people enter the desert, the world is vast, and it is easy to lose their direction.

Without a reference, it's almost impossible to remember how the route went.

Qin Lie wanted to remember the headquarters of the Skull and Bones. Since he entered the Mojave Desert, he took out his mobile phone, turned on the satellite positioning, and began to memorize the longitude and latitude of his location.

His mobile phone positioning system was also transformed by someone from the Kyushu Bureau that Han Qi called.

Directly docking with Huaxia Satellite, you can locate your direction at any time, even without the Internet.

Just walking and watching like this, Qin Lie still keeps the memory in his heart.

As long as these longitudes and latitudes can be roughly written down, and then there is a map of Nevada, he can draw a line on the specific travel route of Breez and the others in the desert.

After driving in the desert for another three hours, almost until it was almost dark, Blaze finally stopped in a desert.

Blaze parked the car on a small sand dune and got out of the car. What Qin Lie saw in front of him was a downhill slope that was 100 meters long.

And at the very bottom of that ramp is a small basin surrounded by dunes on all sides.

The sun went down, and the rays of the setting sun dyed the entire desert blood red.

And that small basin looks more like a bloody eye.

Except for these dunes, and the endless desert, everything around is devoid of any features.

As for Qin Lie, he picked up his phone, checked the phone's location, and kept the last latitude and longitude in his heart.

He raised his head and asked Blaze, "Old Bo, have we finally arrived?"

"Yeah!" Blaze nodded. "As you can see, the center of the deep valley is the entrance to our headquarters."

"Qin Lie..." Blaze laughed, "You always know the reason why so many people from the outside world want to find our headquarters, but they can't get to the point?"

Qin Lie nodded with a smile: "Yes, at first I thought the headquarters was set up in a basement in the city, or in the suburbs, but I didn't expect it to drive all the way into the desert. How can people find it?"

"Hehe..." Blaze continued to laugh, "And I tell you, the Mojave Desert is so big, we set our headquarters in the center of the desert, it seems that there are many roads to get here, but in fact, it is really possible to get here from the outside. There are only three paths to the headquarters."

"All other routes have fatal threats. Even if ordinary people know our specific location, it is very difficult to break in."

Qin Lie was shocked when he heard it, but he didn't expect that the skull would be so careful.

After looking around, Qin Lie asked suspiciously, "But there are still sand dunes on all sides. Where is the entrance?"

After hearing this, Blaze smiled and said: "You will know soon."

After saying this, Qin Lie saw Blaze take out his mobile phone, and he didn't know if he sent a message or something remotely controlled.

Anyway, after Blaze gave the order, soon, there was a huge roar on the ground in front of the dune where Qin Lie was standing.

The sound came from the center of the earth, as if some huge machine was in motion.

Immediately following, the ground under my feet began to tremble, and the entire sand dune could feel a distinct tremor.

Because of this vibration, the sand and dust were raised, and all the way back to the sky.

This roar lasted for about half a minute. After half a minute, Qin Lie noticed that the sand and dust in the center of the basin ahead began to sink.

Like an hourglass with sand, it also slides down with the surrounding sand.

However, this process did not last long. After about ten seconds, the sand and dust stopped flowing. After a while, a huge cylindrical object emerged from the center of the basin.

That cylinder-like machine, with a circular diameter of more than fifty meters, seemed to be slowly protruding from the inside of the desert as a huge lifting platform.

The column came out, and at the top of the column, a huge "h" letter could be clearly seen.

It turned out to be a huge helipad.

A circular mechanical platform emerged from the ground, perhaps ten meters higher.

Then, on their sides, there are doors that open.

The door slid left and right, and a closed space like an elevator immediately appeared. The position of the door was just aligned with the direction where Blaze and Qin Lie were standing.

Seeing this, Blaze waved to Qin Lie and said, "Look, the entrance is coming, let's go, get in the car, and go in."

Qin Lie nodded, still a little shocked by the sight in front of him.

The conditions of the Mojave Desert are already so bad, it is much more difficult to do any fortifications in the desert than on ordinary land.

As for the headquarters of the Skull and Bones, the entrance alone is a mechanical platform with a diameter of fifty meters, and this mechanical platform still rises from the ground.

I don't know how big the entire Skull and Bones headquarters is.

What Qin Lie can think of right now is the Umbrella Company in the Resident Evil movie.

If you can really dig hundreds of meters underground like the Umbrella Company did, it would be a very huge project, and it is still in this desert with such a soft soil.

This project is a miracle.

Qin Lie was nostalgic about the scene in front of him and looked at the car that he got on.

After getting in the car, Blaze went downhill and slowly drove the car into the lift along the entrance.

After coming again, the door outside was closed, and the lift platform took the car and drilled into the ground.

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