The lift table with a diameter of fifty meters is just a starting point.

Just as Qin Lie first guessed, there was a huge palace-like complex under the lift.

Entering the elevator platform, the door made of some metal slammed shut.

The headlights inside came on, illuminating the interior.

Although he couldn't see the outside, Qin Lie could still feel the entire lift platform descending while sitting in the car.

After descending for about ten seconds, the entire platform came to a sudden stop, the hatch outside opened, and the scene outside turned into a parking lot.

The parking lot is not small, the lights are bright, Qin Lie can see through it at a glance, the opposite wall is at least 100 meters away from his position.

And this space not only parked a lot of vehicles, even helicopters are parked here.

The ground is at least ten meters high from the ceiling. Although it is underground, it does not feel depressed at all.

After getting down to the parking lot, Qin Lie and Blaise Caesar went out of the car together and stepped on the ground.

After crossing the parking lot, I walked to an elevator inside.

The elevator opened, Qin Lie walked in, and saw that the elevator was actually a transparent sightseeing elevator.

On the opposite side of this floor, turned out to be a huge studio.

On the elevator buttons, a total of 23 floors are displayed, from the negative floor to the negative twenty-three floors.

It is already a very large building.

According to the structure of the parking lot, the first floor is about ten meters high, and the twenty-third floor is almost 230 meters high.

Under the ground in a barren area, he could hit 230 meters down.

The difficulty can be imagined.

Qin Lie looked through the entire Skull and Bones base from the transparent elevator material under his feet. Each floor had different work contents, and there were many busy people. The Skull and Bones Club was established in the barren Mojave Desert. Such an underground kingdom.

Qin Lie has rarely seen such a building, it is exactly the same as those underground bases in Hollywood movies.

Qin Lie was naturally shocked when the movie came into reality.

Stunned, shock written on his face.

Blaze was on the side, holding the handrail of the elevator. He also looked at the base like Qin Lie and said with a smile, "How about Brother Qin, our Skull and Bones headquarters hasn't let you down yet??"

"Refresh the cognition." Qin Lie said directly, "To be able to build such a large underground base in a desert with unstable foundations is a huge project and the difficulty is also the top in the world. This can be regarded as a miracle in the history of modern engineering. ."

Blaze said with a smile: "When I first came to the base, I did exactly the same as you did. I didn't participate in the construction of the base. As far as I know, these bases were the founders of our Skull and Bones in the early years, called The largest construction company in the world, the Andrew Group, took ten years to build.

In the middle, 5,000 workers were used, and the total cost was 530 billion US dollars.

It is built by the world's top engineering mechanics experts, biological experts, ecosystem experts, power experts, and other top talents in the industry.

There are self-sufficient ecosystems that generate their own electricity, water recycling and waste disposal.

Although the space is relatively small, this base basically has all the functions that a city has. "

Qin Lie listened and nodded.

Seeing is believing, what Blaze said, Qin Lie saw it with his own eyes and naturally believed it.

From this point of view, the Skull and Bones Club does have a strong family background, and it still has a lot of influence at the top in the United States.

Compared with the super family, their level is not much inferior.

After entering the elevator, Blaze pressed the minus tenth floor, and the elevator finally started to move.

As the elevator moved, Blaze said: "We now have two core leaders in Skull and Bones, and it is their intention to invite you to join us."

"I brought you here this time mainly to let you see them, and as long as you see them, you will officially become the core member of our Skull and Bones Society, the spokesperson of the Huaxia region, and your status is even higher than mine."

"Now what you want to see is one of our two leaders of Skull and Bones, Frossa, he is currently inspecting the biological laboratory on the tenth floor, and we will go to see him now."

As Qin Lie saw, Blaze also happened to be pressing minus ten layers.

It was the first time Qin Lie had heard the name Frossa, but he had other thoughts in his mind.

Ask Blaze: "Two core leaders, this Mr. Frossa is one, and the other?"

Blaze didn't hide it, and said directly: "The other is Mr. Woodrow. He is on vacation with his wife on the beach in Hawaii. He can't come back tomorrow, so you may have to wait for him at the base for a day."

When Qin Lie heard the word "Woodrow", his heart sank.

However, he had already learned to remain calm, so even though his heart was agitated, he still did not show it.

Woodrow happens to be one of the core leaders of Skull and Bones, so that's great.

Tomorrow, he will take the initiative to come and see himself. This time, he has completed two of the three missions to the Skull and Bones Base, and it is also the most important two.

I didn't expect to go to the headquarters of the Skull and Bones this time so smoothly.

The base address was memorized, as was how to get there from the edge of the Mojave Desert.

See Woodrow tomorrow and find out about him, this time the mission to Skull and Bones is over.

As for others, such as the core biotechnology, whether it can be obtained or not depends on the will of God, Qin Lie is not so demanding.

Sitting down in the elevator calmly, Qin Lie kept looking at the structure of the base.

On the one hand, it is curiosity, and on the other hand, it provides first-hand information for the future capture of the Kyushu Bureau.

So he observed very carefully.

The negative layer is a studio, which is full of large work computers, and each computer has a lot of data.

I think the negative floor is responsible for scheduling the workspace of the entire base.

On the negative second floor, it turned out to be a military training ground. The sand, artificial rock walls, thorns, mud, single parallel bars, high walls, shooting range, etc. that can be seen on TV can be seen inside.

And there are still a lot of armed members trained in it. I want to arrange the training center of the armed forces on such a high floor, in order to prevent other forces from breaking in suddenly, so that they can respond as quickly as possible.

Further down, is a military dormitory lounge, nothing to say.

Further down, it turned out to be a huge commercial plaza - almost the same as the commercial plaza in the city, with all kinds of snack shops, clothing shops, supermarkets, and even Chinese restaurants and hot pot restaurants!

The negative fifth floor is an entertainment area. There is a huge track and field field here, and there are also e-sports halls, gymnasiums, basketball courts, badminton courts and so on.

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