Anyway, as Blaze said, the base of the Skull and Bones is very large, almost including all the functions of the city.

Although it can't be said to be colorful, it is definitely not a problem to live in this base for three to five years.

Then, what impressed Qin Lie the most was the negative eight and nine layers, one of which was the forest ecosystem and the other was the grassland ecosystem.

The trees planted in the negative eighth floor are towering, and the artificial sun is suspended overhead, giving these trees enough light, and then from the forest to the shrub to the grass, the three-layer system is complete.

Because of the trees, Qin Lie couldn't see the inside of the artificial forest. Anyway, outside the transparent glass, he saw tigers, snakes, pigs, coyotes and other forest animals.

The ecosystem of the grassland is similar to that of the forest. Qin Lie saw lions, hyenas, antelopes and so on here...

Although it is not comparable to the real natural world, it is not easy to make such an ecosystem in a limited space.

The structure of the first ten floors is roughly the same.

Because the destination is on the minus tenth floor, Qin Lie can't see so carefully on the ten floors below.

However, after taking a quick glance, what gave him a great visual impact was the blue rippling starry sky at the bottom of the space.

It looks like an underground aquarium, the height of that floor is extremely high, at least four or five times that of the other floors, and it has a height of forty or fifty meters.

Then vaguely, Qin Lie could see a huge marine creature swimming inside.

A blue whale skipped past the window and swam slowly into the depths.

The more Qin Lie looked at these, the more he sighed at the horror and hugeness of this underground base.

It seems that the more than 500 billion US dollars are not in vain.

It's also thanks to them that they can think of an aquarium in the desert.

These things finally reminded Qin Lie that this is not a city, but an underground base.

Each of these floors requires delicate management, and once a problem occurs on any floor, it will be a huge disaster for the entire base.

After a little thought, Qin Lie and Blaze finally took the elevator to the minus tenth floor. The elevator stopped and the three of them walked out together.

After going out, there is an overhead covered bridge leading all the way to the opposite research room.

The negative tenth floor is a research floor, which is divided into many departments.

Many biological and medical experts are busy coming and going on this floor. Qin Lie doesn't know much about these biological researches. He has never even heard of or seen in many departments.

With the route in mind, without speaking, he followed Blaze all the way.

Entering the research room from the elevator, and wandering in the research room for at least ten minutes, Qin Lie finally arrived at the experimental center in the central area.

This experimental center is very special. After Qin Lie opened a door, he entered an area like the Colosseum.

There are stands on the periphery, and in the middle is a deep pit that is five meters deep.

The materials around the deep pit are all smooth metal, and there is no fulcrum, so it is difficult for ordinary people to climb up.

There is a fence on the upper edge of the deep pit. At this time, a group of people gathered around the fence. They supported the fence with their hands and were looking down to observe every move under the deep pit.

There were a lot of people, maybe ten or so.

But only one of them seemed to have a strong aura. He supported the fence with both hands, and the others surrounded him, following his lead.

And Qin Lie saw a touch of fear for this person in the eyes of others.

At this moment, Blaze pointed to the person in the middle and introduced Qin Lie: "Qin Lie, this person is one of the leaders of our Skull and Bones, Mr. Frossa, I will take you there."

Hearing the introduction, Qin Lie nodded to himself, and looked at this Frossa a few more times.

According to his observation, Frosa's appearance is not outstanding, even a little ugly.

The full beard on his face made his outline look very rough.

The top and bottom of the clothes are just suits and trousers, and inside is a pound of white shirts, the most common business dress.

But Qin Lie could see that this Frossa had an excellent body and a big body, and the muscles of his left and right arms propped up the sleeves of his suit.

Even in suits and trousers, it can be seen that his figure presents an excellent inverted triangle.

I am afraid that I also often exercise or fight, and my skills will not be too bad anyway.

As for his age, he was in his 40s, not particularly old, but definitely not young.

Blaze took Qin Lie and walked all the way to Frosa's side. Blaze, a person who likes to yell, turned into a good baby in front of Frosa.

Respectfully stood on the side of Frossa, bowed deeply, and said: "Mr. Frosa, according to your instructions, I brought Mr. Qin Lie here."

But Frossa obviously didn't want to discuss this issue, and immediately made a silent gesture, saying: "Blaze, don't talk for now, I'm looking at Dr. Matthew's latest research results, come and have a look together. "

Saying that, Frossa waved at them.

But he didn't look here the whole time.

Blaze listened, but didn't dare to say anything, he nodded immediately, and walked to the pit with Qin Lie.

Qin Lie had no choice but to follow.

When he got to the handrail next to the pit, Qin Lie saw what was going on in the pit below.

At this time, there was already a tiger in the deep pit with a diameter of almost ten meters.

Looking at its physique, it is a bit like a Siberian tiger, and it is also the largest tiger in the entire tiger group.

This Siberian tiger has a strong physique and is already an adult tiger.

But it was obviously starved for a period of time, and its stomach was very deflated. At this time, it was walking back and forth in the deep pit.

On one of the walls of the deep pit, there was an entrance, which was sealed off by an iron fence.

At this time, a cage-like cage was just pushed over behind the iron fence.

There was nothing else in this cage car, but a man, a blond European.

It's just that this European is not strong, and he is quite thin. He is curled up in the corner of the cage by himself, wearing only a pair of underwear.

The temperature inside the laboratory was still cold, and he was shivering from the cold.

Two staff members in protective suits pushed the cage car into the arena and approached the gate of the pit.

The door opened, and the length, width, and height of the cage just fit the door.

In the next time, one of the two staff members in the back took out a syringe. There was some transparent liquid in the syringe, and I didn't know what it was.

After stopping the prison car, he injected a needle of medicine into the body of the blond man at the beginning.

Then, the door of the cage opened, and the blond man was facing the Siberian tiger on the opposite side.

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