Qin Lie could see that this was a human experiment on medicine.

And it's a fortifying drug.

What Frosa and the others meant, obviously, wanted the thin European to fight the tiger after injecting their medicine.

This tiger is strong and strong, and has been starved for so long, with only food in his eyes.

Tiger was originally the king of beasts, and its ability to fight alone is almost no match for other animals except brown bears, wild boars and other rough-skinned animals that he has the power to teach.

What's more, this is the Siberian tiger known as the king of tigers.

It's more dangerous.

Sure enough, after knocking down the door of the cage, the blond man and the tiger were in the same space, and the Siberian tiger suddenly showed a hungry look at its prey.

At the same time, another staff member who pushed the man into the arena found a bucket of red animal blood from somewhere.

Without hesitation, he immediately poured the entire barrel of animal blood onto the man.

Suddenly, the man's body became a mess.

The blond man was quite frightened. At this time, he was so frightened that he curled up in the corner of the cage, shivering.

The man was rather helpless, but the Skull and Bones people offered him no sympathy as the subject.

Frossa was in the stands, waiting a little impatiently, and urged the staff to say: "Find a way to let him out, stay in the cage, how do you see the result?"


Qin Lie heard a response from the staff below, and suddenly took out a high-voltage electric baton from his waist.

When the switch was turned on, the electric current kept surging on the electric baton, and after a slap, the man put the electric baton on the cage.

The man was instantly electrocuted, and he couldn't stand the feeling. He finally left the cage and came to the deep pit.

This time, one person and one tiger, it can be said that they are really in the same room.

"Yeah!" Frosa on the fence nodded with satisfaction and said in a low voice, "That's a bit interesting!"

And this move is undoubtedly equivalent to provocation in the eyes of the tiger.

It did not take the initiative to attack, the man actually dared to take the initiative to approach.

The tiger roared on the spot, and a loud roar almost pierced Qin Lie's eardrums. This was a warning, warning the man not to approach, and next, he might be about to launch an attack.

The atmosphere of the whole scene suddenly became tense.

It was just at this time that a strange mutation suddenly appeared in the man's body.

He was hunched over, and the whole person stood in place, with an extremely strange shape.

Then, Qin Lie saw that the muscles in his back were growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Originally thin and thin, the muscles on his back seemed to be inflated and became incomparably majestic.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

Then, his arms, his chest, his abdomen, and other muscles all grew at a bursting speed.

The biceps, back, pecs, abs, and so on, all got huge.

And these muscle lines are very good, almost matching the figure of a bodybuilding champion.

It may have been less than twenty seconds before and after, and the scrawny blond man actually grew into a super sturdy man.

This is of course incredible.

Qin Lie was also stunned.

Going down a tube of medicine directly changes a person's body to at least three times the previous one.

It has always been known that the skeleton will focus on the research of genetic medicine, but the real-time medicine, the medicine that is changed in less than half a minute, is too cruel.

Their Skull and Bones technology is already so good.

Qin Lie was surprised, and turned back to ask Blaze: "Now our biopharmaceuticals can make people stronger?"

Blaze listened and said casually: "This thing is indeed a difficult topic that we are breaking through at this stage."

"According to scientific principles, as long as there are enough nutrients in the medicine and the genes are modified, this can be done."

"It's just that we have fallen into a bottleneck in the research on this topic, and we have been making breakthroughs recently. I don't know if it will be successful this time."

"Professor Matthew from Yale University was invited by us with a lot of money, and today's potion is from his handwriting."

After Qin Lie heard this, he nodded silently without saying much.

But he is very clear in his heart that if this technology can mature, it will bring a huge impact to the human world.

Not only the biological world, but also the military world and the weapons world will have a new pattern.

The Skull and Bones have always had the ambition to dominate the world. If this thing were developed by them, the consequences would be disastrous.

Qin Lie thought so in his mind, but he didn't show these emotions and watched silently.

Frosa, who was on the side, saw the man grow in a storm, and suddenly became happy.

Holding the fence, he laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, it succeeded, it actually succeeded, this is the result I want to see, Dr. Matthew, you did a good job this time, hahaha, not bad!"

Qin Lie noticed Dr. Matthew next to Frosa at a glance.

It stands to reason that his experimental results were successfully verified, and at the same time he was praised by Frossa, he should be very happy.

As a result, he looked very nervous now, the sweat on his forehead kept falling like a waterfall, and he kept wiping with the toilet paper, and he could only respond to Frosa in a non-committal manner.

"That's because Mr. Frossa led the way well. Without your guidance, I couldn't have done this kind of research."


Frossa was in a good mood, waved his hand and said, "I'll talk about the reward later. I want to appreciate this human-tiger war."

From Frossa's eyes, Qin Lie saw eagerness and anticipation.

But facing a tiger alone, such a thing should not be expected.

How should I put it, Qin Lie always felt that this Frosa was a little morbid, because he was so crazy when he saw the blond man being pushed into the cage.

"Hey!" he urged the man, "now your strength is enough to shake three Siberian tigers, don't be afraid, kill this tiger and you will be free."

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The man at the bottom didn't answer, and all he heard from the bottom was his heavy breathing.

The man became stronger, but he seemed to be a beast, his breathing was heavy, and his eyes were full of killing.

At this moment, he turned his attention to his opponent, the Siberian tiger with him.

I don't know what he was thinking. At this time, the man's speed suddenly exploded, and without waiting for the tiger to make a move, he took the lead to pounce on the tiger.


He let out a roar like a beast, and it felt like he was the one hunting!

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