"good very good!"

Seeing the man's actions, Frossa suddenly became excited and applauded loudly from above: "That's it, this is what I want to see."

"Bloodthirsty, strong!"

"Only such fighters can carry the ambition of our Skull and Bones. The plan of the Skull and Bones to dominate the world is all on you!"

"Give it to me, and tear this tiger to pieces!"

Frossa was emotional, and his eyes were bloodshot, as if he had seen this potion put into use on a large scale, creating his own army, and then he took this army to conquer the world.

But the man did not let him down. After flying towards the Siberian tiger, he was above the tiger, clenched his fists, and smashed the tiger's head with a heavy punch.

The tiger's fighting response was not weak. When he saw the man flying down, he also used his hind legs to stand up.

The huge tiger claws patted the man's fist.

According to common sense, the strength of a tiger's paw is at least 100 kilograms. Even the most powerful boxing champion in the world, the strength is definitely not a tiger's opponent.

Only this time, the showdown between the man and the tiger had other results.

The man's body was extremely strong after being strengthened. He jumped down, and not only knocked the tiger's claws aside with one punch, but also punched the tiger's head with a right uppercut, which directly smashed the tiger into a stagger.

The tiger staggered backwards, almost unsteady.

After finally stabilizing his body, his head kept shaking, and he was hit hard.

"it is good!"

Seeing this, Frosa clapped his hands again, what he wanted was this result.

The punch just now defeated the tiger's defense, and at the same time smashed the tiger's huge body back.

At least five hundred kilograms of upward force.

And there are records that the strongest fist of mankind, the power of boxing champion Tyson, only has so much in one punch.

In other words, that potion forced out the limit of the man's body, which was already very terrifying.

That's why Frosa is happy.

His eyes returned to the battlefield of humans and beasts.

After all, the tiger is the king of beasts. Even if he was punched fiercely by the man, he quickly regained his fighting power.

But this time, the tiger was completely furious because of the punch of the man's fist.

It bared its teeth, laying on the ground with its four feet, its center of gravity sank, and it was obviously ready to exert force.


With another roar, the tiger abruptly stood up, his body was off the ground, and he jumped at least two meters high.

From bottom to top, he slammed into the man fiercely.

Its weight, coupled with its own strength, the impact of the flying is naturally overwhelming.

Tiger was really furious, and he just wanted to get rid of the man in one go.

It's too late to say.

Although the impact of the tiger is strong, the man is not mediocre after being strengthened.

Seeing the man flying towards him, his eyes were quick and his hands were fast, he held the tiger's shoulders from left to right, and withstood the tiger's impact abruptly.

Between the two, the man put his feet on the ground and began to wrestle with the tiger.

The tiger's forward rushing trend not only did not stop, but was greeted by the man with a slap and threw himself to the ground.

Taking advantage of the momentum, the man stepped onto the tiger's back and pressed the tiger's head to the ground.

It is the most humiliating way for any animal in nature to have its head pressed to the ground.

Even a dog, if its head is pressed, will rise up and bite people in turn.

Not to mention that this is a tiger who is the king of beasts.

The tiger was suppressed, but its body began to struggle frantically.

Because of the weight limit, the man still couldn't completely suppress the tiger.

The tiger arched its back and forcibly lifted the man to a height of more than one meter. The man lost control, and the tiger opened its bloody mouth and bit the man's belly.

For tigers, to hunt animals, either bite off the neck in one bite and kill them with one blow.

Otherwise, they will bite through their stomachs in one bite. They all know that these two places have no bones and are the weakest parts of the animal's body.

But this time, the man saw that the tiger had taken a bite, but went up to it.

Grab the tiger's upper jaw with one hand and the tiger's lower jaw with the other, and simply use strength to hold the tiger's mouth to prevent it from biting down.

The power of men is also terrifying.

The bite force of the Siberian tiger is amazing, but it still can't break through the man's defense.

The man's hand was scratched by the tiger's teeth, but the tiger's mouth was held by him and could not be bitten off.

This time, the man flew and rode on the back of the tiger again, fighting with the tiger on the back of the tiger.

Frosa on the high platform watched the man and the tiger fight from beginning to end.

Obviously, the evolution of the man made him very satisfied.

You must know that the man is just an ordinary school student who has not received any fighting skills.

He can still draw a tie with the tiger now, all relying on the efficacy of the potion, relying on his own strength.

Such a force is very strong, and if systematic training can be carried out, such an army will definitely become the strongest army in the world.

"Okay, that's it." Frosa kept cheering, his face blooming with a smile, "John, if you continue to use force, you will break this tiger's mouth, and if you destroy its mouth, you will win! "

Frossa said so, and the man did the same.

Riding on the back of the tiger, the man grabbed the tiger's upper and lower jaws, ready to break the tiger's mouth off.

As for the tiger, it jumped left and right, hoping that the man would not be thrown off its back, and at the same time, it was also exerting force on its mouth, resisting the man's behavior.

Only in terms of strength, the strengthened man is obviously stronger than the tiger.

The tiger's mouth was broken, and it opened wider and wider, and it seemed that it was about to be abolished by the man.

When the people on the scene saw this picture, they all thought that the man could win the final victory.

But no one thought that at this time, something unexpected happened.

Not knowing what happened, Qin Lie saw that the man's body that was riding on the tiger suddenly stopped, as if it had been clicked.

Then, his eyelids rolled, and the whole person seemed to lose control all of a sudden.

At the same time, the muscles on his body collapsed and contracted at a speed visible to the naked eye, returning to their original physical state.

A super strong man weighing 180 pounds, just like he was out of breath, he turned back to be thin in a few seconds.

And of course, after he changed back, his strength also became exponentially smaller.

He, who could have competed with tigers in the first place, immediately became a lamb to be slaughtered.

Tiger seemed to have noticed this too, and he arched his back and struggled, and with a flick he shook the man under him.

Because he was beaten hard by the man at first, the tiger also held back his resentment. Seeing that the man became so weak, it hardly paused, and it took a bite. The bite force was amazing, and it directly bit off the man's head.

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