It all happened so suddenly that no one around him thought about it.

Especially Frosa, who was elated because of the success of the potion one second, and saw the tiger bite his experiment to death the next second!

Frosa stared, as if completely unacceptable.

The experiment under the deep pit was extremely miserable. After being bitten by the tiger, the neck was cut off by the tiger's paw.

The blood spilled all over the deep pit below, and the intestines flowed out from the wound.

As if the tiger was showing its victory to others, it dragged the man around in the Colosseum below for several times. It really dragged the field full of blood. Its intestines circled the field several times, and the picture was extremely bloody.

Even Qin Lie, who was killed from the desert island, felt that this kind of experiment was too cruel.

But the surrounding staff seemed to be used to it and their expressions were calm.

Only that Dr. Matthew, the sweat on his forehead is getting thicker and thicker, and his face is almost green with fright.

Frosa propped up the railing, gritted his teeth, and his teeth rattled.

Everyone else in the lab was silent, too scared to speak, let alone Matthew.

About five minutes later, Frosa turned to look at Matthew, his eyes full of cannibalism.

Frosa wrote all his anger on his face and looked at Matthew from a distance.

Just like that, Matthew was so frightened that he fell to his knees on the ground, and kowtowed and began to beg for mercy.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Frosa, I'm sorry! I don't know what's going on, I really don't know what's going on, this experiment didn't work out, you give me another chance, next time, next time I will definitely study the medicine to maturity! "

Frossa's eyes were gloomy, staring at Matthew.

The voice seemed to come out from the bottom of a throat.

"Next time, and next time? Matthew, do you remember how many next times I gave you!"

"I invested a full five billion dollars in this project, a full five billion!"

"Do you know what five billion means? Do you know how many times five billion dollars can ask the world's most powerful killer to kill you?"

"This is the answer you gave me. You took my money and fiddled with it in the laboratory for a whole year to give me such an answer?"

"Do you want me to die with such a reinforced unit!!"

With the last sound, Frossa almost roared.

The voice was thick, like a lion's roar.

Matthew couldn't bear the shock, he knelt on the ground and shivered, begging for mercy.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mr. Frossa, please give me another chance, please!"

dong dong dong dong! ! !

Matthew kept banging his head on the ground, and in a short while, his forehead was smashed into blood.

But Frossa was ruthless and didn't listen to Matthew at all.

In a fit of anger, he walked to Matthew's side in three steps, and lifted the weak scientist off the ground like a chicken.

Frossa has a strong figure, and the contrast between the two is very obvious.

Frossa's eyes were fierce, and he said to Matthew: "You should keep your words and say sorry to God!"

After saying this, Frossa grabbed Matthew's collar with one hand and Matthew's head with the other, and twisted it violently.

At this moment, Matthew's head was twisted 180 degrees, and the face that was still in front was directly twisted to the back.

The blood on Matthew's head, coupled with his dead eyes, made the picture very terrifying.

But Frossa didn't take this matter seriously at all. After killing Matthew, he threw Matthew's body into the tiger's pool.

That Matthew, even if he died, couldn't leave a whole body.

After Frossa killed Matthew, the anger seemed to calm down a little, and the others around were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and they lowered their heads, not daring to look at Frosa, and were silent.

"Jack!" Frossa told the people around him at this time, "Go to Harvard to find a new biology expert. Next month, next month, I will see the finished product of the improved medicine!"


The man next to him answered, turned around immediately, and left here as if escaping.

Today's experiment on fortifying potions seems to have finally come to an end.

Frossa washed his hands in the sink next to him and dried them with a towel before finally walking to Qin Lie and Blaze.

Frossa, who was so irritable at first, suddenly changed his face at this time, and his attitude changed 180 degrees.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

With a rough smile, Frossa hugged Qin Lie's shoulder, as if to an old friend whom he hadn't seen for many years.

"Qin Lie, hahaha, my brother from Huaxia. It's great. I've been thinking about seeing you for so long, but I haven't seen you yet. Today my dream finally came true."

"Qin Lie, my Skull and Bones Society has made progress in China. You have contributed greatly. You are now the most important member of my Skull and Bones Society!"

"The beginning has made you wait for a long time, and now I invite you to drink! Go!"

At first Qin Lie always wondered where Blaze's style of doing things came from, and now it seems that he should have an answer.

The words and actions of Frossa are simply an upgraded version of Blaze.

Seemingly enthusiastic, in fact hypocritical. I'm afraid you can't believe a word of what you say. The key is that you shouldn't treat such a person with a black face. If you have a black face, it will make you look like you don't understand the rules.

But Qin Lie knew very well that this Flossa knew that he was going to come over, and he specially performed a live experiment in the laboratory for himself.

Isn't this giving yourself a slap in the face?

It's just that Frosa's face is smiling, and he is not easy to get angry.

Just deal with it casually.

"Mr. Frossa is very polite. This time I came to the United States to see you. It's my honor to meet you. How can I have any complaints."

"Hey!" Frosa said with a sigh, "If all my people are as sensible as you, Qin Lie, I'll run this Skull and Bones Society, and it won't be so hard."

"Qin Lie..." For some reason, Frossa's words changed and he suddenly asked, "Do you think it's right for me to treat Matthew like that just now, should that Matthew be killed?"

At this time, Frossa had already taken the lead in leaving the central laboratory and went outside.

Qin Lie and Blaze followed behind him, and Frossa and Qin Lie chatted with each other.

Qin Lie didn't know what he meant by asking himself this question, but he obviously couldn't tell the truth.

For himself, let alone whether Matthew's thunderous method is correct, to be precise, using non-finished products to conduct living experiments without authorization when the experimental products are not yet mature, first of all, it is an anti-human practice.

For example, the effect of the potion just lasted only five minutes before it failed, which can be found in ordinary experiments.

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