Qin Lie listened to Frossa's words and knew that these people were probably bought by him.

But no matter what Frossa said, he still felt that these practices were inappropriate.

But he didn't bother about these things, and he couldn't stand the eyes and voices of these people.

Finally, he waved his hand and told Frossa: "Mr. Frosa, I didn't feel sorry for them, it's just that I rarely see such a scene, I'm a little surprised, let's go."

Qin Lie forcibly suppressed the uncomfortable feeling in his heart and urged Frossa to leave here.

Frosa also took the lead and continued to walk deeper into this layer.

But at this time, a small accident happened.

Just as Qin Lie was walking in behind Frossa, a mobile unit soon appeared in the space behind him.

Those people came in a line, hurried footsteps, and greeted Frosa when they passed by, and then flew forward.

Qin Lie, a person from these mobile units, also knew it. This costume was exactly the same as the personal armed men who were training on the second floor when he went down the elevator.

The floor where Qin Lie is now is the experimental base. They appeared here in a hurry, indicating that something must have happened on this floor.

Not only Qin Lie, but also Frosa didn't know what happened.

Seeing the troops running by, Frossa grabbed a soldier and asked directly, "Hey, what are you doing here, what happened?"

The soldier, who was very young, was caught by Frossa, and he immediately stood at attention and saluted with a respectful attitude.

At the same time, he replied to Frossa: "Mr. Frossa, a runaway incident has just occurred in the warehouse of No. 3 living body, and the experimental living body number 9877 escaped in the chaos. At this moment, he took a gun and is threatening the safety of this floor. We are passing by. deal with!"

After saying this, the soldier was in a hurry, saluted Frossa again, and quickly chased his own team.

Qin Lie also heard the reason from this simple conversation.

It wasn't the living body warehouse Qin Lie looked at. There was a riot in another living body warehouse, and a living body escaped from the cage.

Qin Lie curled his lips after listening.

This thing seemed to him to be quite ordinary.

Anyone living in a life with no hope at all will definitely become crazy, so many living beings are locked together and raised like animals, someone will definitely find a way to escape from prison, and there will definitely be riots.

After all, these locked up are not animals, but living people!

When Frossa heard the news, he was more excited than anyone else.

"Shit! How dare these live cubs turn the world upside down."

"I bought it for you at such a big price, and you dare to play wild with me, let me see if I don't kill you!"

Frosa's temper was very violent. As soon as he heard that there was a living rebellion, he immediately drew his pistol from his waist and caught up with the troops as if flying.

He was so angry that he looked like he was going to shoot the rebel into a sieve.

Qin Lie frowned, knowing that this must be another bloodshed, he shook his head and chased in that direction.

After running for about half a minute, Qin Lie finally caught up with the mobile unit and Frossa.

It was the corridor between the two laboratories. At the end of the corridor, there was a wall. A man was grabbing a man in white clothes. The staff of the laboratory looked like a professor or doctor.

The rebel was a man, the same as the man Qin Lie saw at the beginning, he was wearing nothing but a pair of underwear.

This man held the professor hostage with a pistol in his hand. He slammed the gun on the professor's temple, and then used the professor as a cover to hide behind the professor.

To Qin Lie's surprise, the man turned out to be an Asian, a Chinese to be exact.

Because in addition to his Asian features with black eyes and black hair, he also speaks Chinese.

He shouted at the mobile troops: "Don't come here, if you dare to come, I will kill this old man!"

"I tell you, I really dare to do this! You have driven me to the point of nowhere. If I go crazy, I really dare to kill!"


In fact, compared to these mobile units and Frossa, men are much weaker.

The man fought alone, facing a behemoth like the Skull and Bones Society.

So although his words were all threats, his heart was very empty.

As he spoke, he cried, and in the end began to plead.

"I beg you, let me go out, I don't want to die here, I still have my sister, I have a family outside, I have parents, I was just tricked into coming here, I want to go out, beg You let me go!"

"You really don't want to come here. If you come again, I'll kill you. Just make way for me!"

But where is this man the opponent of those professional troops.

It's just that the people in those troops are not as bloody as Frosa, and they are still trying to negotiate with that man at this time.

"Living 9877, put down your weapons, let go of Professor Modi, you still have three minutes to think about it!"

"If you are stubbornly resisted in three minutes, we will take action to kill you forcibly. I hope you will think about it clearly!"

"Living 9877, this is your last chance, please consider it carefully!"

"I'm thinking about your mother!" The man scolded back in Chinese, "I'm still dead now, and I'm still dead when I'm locked up. I might as well pull a few backs before I die!"

"You devils, do these evil experiments, and you all have to die!"

"I warn you, you'd better give me a way and let me out, or we will die together today!"

The man was really forced to do nothing and had to confront the Skull and Bones Club.

Qin Lie looked at him with pity, but there was nothing he could do.

But the people of the mobile unit can have a good discussion with this Chinese man, but Frossa does not have such a good temper.

Seeing that man resisting, he didn't want to waste time at all.

He scolded angrily: "The dog dares to ask, you go to see God for Lao Tzu!"

After saying this, he raised his gun and shot directly at the man.

In his hands, as long as the problem can be solved, any price is not a price.

He didn't even bother to care about the life and death of the professor who was kidnapped by the man. He was about to shoot with a gun, and was going to kill the man and the professor together.

To Hungry Frossa, none of these lives counted!

Killing them is as easy as killing a dog.

It's just that Qin Lie can't stand it anymore after seeing this.

Frosa shot down, killing two more people.

The key point is that these two people didn't make any mistakes, and Qin Lie couldn't accept the indiscriminate killing of innocent people.

Seeing that Frossa raised his gun, Qin Lie finally stopped him.

Frosa took the gun, Qin Lie pressed down the strong Frosa's arm with one hand.

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