Frosa is strong, as has been said since the meeting.

His arms are almost as thick as many women's waists, and the muscles on them are as hard as iron, making it difficult for ordinary people to compete with him.

But Qin Lie is not an ordinary person after all. His body looks thin, but the fat content of his body is extremely low.

His burst of power is no less than that of Frossa.

Frosa was held down by his hand, and the hand he raised to shoot was only halfway up, when Qin Lie pressed it back on his waist.

Frosa felt a sudden force on his arm, and then looked at Qin Lie in surprise.

The first is surprise.

His physical strength is one of the best in the entire Skull and Bones Society, and it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to resist his strength.

And Qin Lie not only resisted him, but also made him feel that Qin Lie's strength seemed to be much higher than his, even he couldn't resist Qin Lie's arm.

The surprise comes from the cognitive bias of Qin Lie's physical strength.

Qin Lie is so fierce?

The second is anger!

Frosa has always been short-tempered and irritable, and has always suppressed dissatisfaction with thunder.

The entire Skull and Bones knew his irascible temper and dared not provoke him easily, but Qin Lie dared to stop him when he arrived.

Frossa turned to look at Qin Lie in surprise, frowned, "Qin Lie, what do you want to do?"

Qin Lie said directly: "A lot of people died today, let's die two less, the professor is innocent after all, there is no need to accompany this rebel to die, I will solve this matter!"

"Oh?" Flora said in surprise after hearing this, "You come to solve it, how are you going to solve it?"

"Give me the gun..."

Saying that, Qin Lie asked Frossa for a gun.

Although Frossa didn't understand what Qin Lie was trying to do, he seemed confident, and without any hesitation, handed the gun to him.

In the next time, Qin Lie took the gun and immediately raised his hand, aiming in the direction of the man.

Qin Lie is not good at marksmanship, and it doesn't exist that a shot accurately knocks out a man's arm, leaving him without the ability to resist.

Qin Lie raised his gun, not aiming at the man, but at the wall about ten centimeters and twenty centimeters next to the man.

A shot was fired, and the bullet hit the wall not far from the man, causing a burst of rubble.

Originally, the shot did not hit the man, and the man was safe and sound.

But the man was actually very timid, and the bullet shattered the wall beside him, scaring his soul out of his body.

He screamed, terrified.

The whole body was weak, even the gun in his hand could not be held firmly, and it fell to the ground with a snap.

But at this moment, the mobile unit that had been waiting for a long time by the side had already seen the opportunity. Seeing that the man lost his combat effectiveness, everyone rushed up and took the man down in an instant.

Seeing this, Qin Lie breathed a sigh of relief.

At least, this way, the two of them don't have to die.

Frossa glanced at Qin Lie in surprise, not expecting this matter to be resolved like this.

This is something he can't think of as a fool.

Who would have thought that the man was so weak that he was scared to pee with just an empty gun.

As for Qin Lie, he was completely convinced that the man did not have the courage to break the bank, and he was just an ordinary person who had not trained any killing skills. In his eyes, killing people was a very difficult thing. .

When he was surrounded by the Skull and Bones mobile troops, his legs were all soft. How could he have the ability to fight with the Skull and Bones to the end.

The professor was a pure hostage in his hands, and he would never dare to shoot and kill the professor.

Qin Lie has climbed from an ordinary person to where he is today, and he knows the psychology of ordinary people too well.

It was precisely because of this that Qin Lie was sure that the empty shot, even if it didn't hit the man, was enough to frighten the man to death.

The conflict was resolved, Qin Lie breathed a sigh of relief.

But he never imagined that, even so, Frossa did not intend to let the man go.

After the man was taken down by the mobile unit, Frossa snatched the gun from Qin Lie's hand, and then walked to the man in three or five steps.

At this time, the man was suppressed by the soldiers and knelt on the ground, and Frossa aimed a gun at his forehead.

Just the slightest movement of a finger can kill a man in no time.

"You son of a bitch!" Frosa yelled, "I have to kill you today!"

With that said, the trigger is about to be pulled.

Seeing this, Qin Lie quickly chased after him, raised Frosa's hand again, and immediately said, "Mr. Frosa, you better spare his life."

Frosa raised his gun twice and was pressed by Qin Lie twice, feeling very upset.

In turn, he asked Qin Lie: "Qin Lie, why do you have to help this dog? At first you said the professor was innocent, but now that the professor is safe, you still won't let me kill him?"

Qin Lie sighed, and finally expressed his thoughts: "Mr. Frossa, they are already pitiful enough for coming here as the experimental target. They will die anyway, so let him stay for a few days."

"Qin Lie..." Frosa finally understood what Qin Lie was thinking, and said, "If you say that, I'm a little disappointed in you.

How can someone who has achieved great things be as indecisive as you?

Their existence is our experiment, the experiment is the property of the Skull and Bones Society, our own property, if we want to kill it, we will kill it. If this one rebel is not suppressed, there will be more rebels in the future. only more. "

Qin Lie sighed, and it's hard to say anything dissatisfied with the Skeleton Society.

I can only play the warmth card: "Mr. Frossa, if other people rebel against you, they will kill you, but this person is from China like me, and they both speak Chinese. I have regional feelings, and I still don't want to see him in front of me. If you die, you should give me a face and take him back, okay?"

Qin Lie looked at Frossa seriously.

Also really make a living for this man.

For the sake of this, Frossa has to sell Qin Lie a third of his face.

After all, Skull and Bones will continue to develop in China in the future, and Qin Lie has to be relied on in this regard.

After this sentence, Frossa fell silent and fell into contemplation, and his anger calmed down a little because of this sentence.

After about half a minute, he seemed to have figured it out, and finally informed Qin Lie.

"Okay, since it's my brother who spoke, then I'll give my brother a face, it's just a dog, don't kill it!"

After saying this, he waved the order to the people in the mobile unit: "Bring him back, put him back in the warehouse, and guard it strictly, and send a few more people outside the warehouse. Next time, if someone can run out of the warehouse, They are going to die, and you are going to die together, you know!"


Those people from the mobile unit took orders and left quickly with the man.

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