Before leaving, the man was carried by the mobile unit and walked past Qin Lie.

He glanced sideways and looked at Qin Lie deeply.

From his gaze, Qin Lie read different emotions of anger, gratitude, jealousy, hatred, and so on.

Originally, Qin Lie could handle anyone's gaze without being humble or arrogant.

But facing the man's gaze, he didn't know how to respond.

Glancing at the man, Qin Lie turned his eyes to other places.

After the storm was over, Frossa continued to lead the way in front of him, waving his hand: "Okay Qin Lie, let's go, you have also saved people, and there is nothing left to miss, come with me to the office."

Qin Lie had a lot of thoughts when he came to the headquarters of Skull and Bones this time.

After being a little distracted, he was called by Frosa, and then he responded: "Okay, I'll be right here."

This put those thoughts behind him.

But after what happened just now, Qin Lie was more certain of an idea.

That is, organizations like the Skull and Bones must be eliminated, and Han Qi's approach should be 100% supported.

Such an anti-human organization is controlled by an extreme person like a lunatic. If genetic medicine can be researched, it will be a disaster for the whole world.

But these things are for later.

Followed Frosa all the way to the office, Frosa spent all other irrelevant people, and at the same time ordered his troops to guard the door, and then walked into the office.

The area of ​​the office is not large, only about a dozen square meters.

The decoration is more technological, and fluorescent and transparent materials are used more, which is also in line with the attributes of their biological research base.

After Frossa walked in, he sat down at the main seat of the desk.

At the same time, he reached out his hand to signal Qin Lie to sit down in the passenger seat as well.

Then, Frosa fiddled under his desk for a while before reaching for a bottle of red wine.

He took out two more wine glasses, and while lighting the cigar, he poured wine into the two glasses with the wine bottle.

He poured the wine and said: "This bottle of wine comes from a western winery two hundred years ago. I bought it at an auction for more than seven million dollars. It is very precious and the taste is absolutely the best in the world.

I drank it four times and was reluctant to finish it. Today, you came and just tasted whether this wine was worth 7 million. "

Qin Lie's emotions have returned to normal by now, so he responded to Frossa.

"I'm a rough man. I only know what's good and bad when I drink. I don't know what to drink. Mr. Frossa used this wine to entertain me, I'm afraid it's a waste."

"Haha." Frosa laughed, "It's true, drinking is inherently good and bad, we are not masters of wine tasting, we can drink it, and as for waste, let alone.

Brother Qin's contribution to the Skeleton Society is worthy of this bottle of wine. "

It's all polite words, Qin Lie naturally won't take it to heart.

I took Frossa's wine glass and took a sip. The taste was indeed quite mellow.

Qin Lie can't say that there is any delicate feeling. Anyway, it does not pierce the tongue, the nose has a lingering fragrance, and the position of the throat is very warm, which is indeed much more beautiful than ordinary red wine.

Putting down the glass, Qin Lie also politely expressed his thanks to Frosa.

Then he asked the question.

"Mr. Frossa, what is the reason for you to bring me to your office?"

"This time let me come to the United States. I heard that it seems that it is also your idea and idea."

"That's right." Frossa listened and responded, "It's really my intention to have you here, I think since you've become the spokesperson of our Skull and Bones in China, we should meet each other to increase mutual trust. , so that we can work together on a common goal in the future.”

"That's right." Frossa politely turned around and asked, "Qin Lie, how do you feel after seeing our experimental base?"

Qin Lie is telling the truth.

Whispered: "It's very shocking, beyond my understanding of the word 'biological research institute', and it also gave me a new understanding of the human, financial, technological and other strengths of the Skull and Bones Society."

"Yeah." Frossa said, "This is the base in Nevada. This is indeed the largest one of our bases. However, we have two bases that are about the same size as this one!"

"One in New Jersey and one in Alaska."

Hearing this, Qin Lie's heart skipped a beat.

This is really not in his vision.

No, so, this base can't actually be regarded as the headquarters of Skull and Bones, it actually has three headquarters!

Are you just getting into one of them now?

Damn it, in that case, if I want to find out all the details of the Skull and Bones Society, I still have things to do!

Qin Lie scolded inwardly, as the so-called three caves of the cunning rabbit, the Skeleton Society is afraid that the ancient saying of Huaxia has been brought into full play, so what excuses are there to go to the other two bases to see?

While having a headache, I still have to pretend that I don't know anything in front of Frosa.

He widened his eyes and responded: "This is too amazing. Just this base cost hundreds of billions of dollars to build. For bases of the same scale, there are three Skull and Bones in total. This trip to the United States, It really refreshed my understanding.”

After listening to what he said, Frosa immediately asked again: "Then do you think, with technology and scale like ours, is it possible to dominate the world?"

Qin Lie always knew that Skull and Bones had big ambitions.

The word "dominate the world" has not only been heard from Han Qi's mouth, but also from Blaze's mouth.

Now that it was mentioned by Frossa again, Qin Lie didn't dare to answer blindly, and asked, "Mr. Frosa, I don't know what you mean by dominating the world?"

"What else do you mean?" Frosa spread his hands, with a high-spirited look, self-confidence, "Of course it is to establish a new regime, a regime that can rule the world, otherwise, I spend so much money to do it What are these front-end technology experimental bases doing?"

After Qin Lie heard it, he immediately thought it was quite funny.

But he didn't show it, he just thought about it in his heart.

A global regime, what the fuck, Frossa wants to be the emperor of the world!

This idea is afraid that if you put it in front of anyone in the world, you will be called a lunatic.

It's just a pity that Frossa was a lunatic.

His ideas are extremely extreme, and his ruling methods are quite dictatorial, almost better than Hitler during World War II.

It’s just that the world is huge, there are many people, and it’s not surprising that all kinds of ideas are there.

Qin Lie thought Frossa's idea was ridiculous, but it should be taken seriously.

Now the scale of Skull and Bones is not small. If it is ignored, if it is really developed by him, the whole world will face a catastrophe.

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