Damn it, Qin Lie cursed inwardly.

He entered the Skull and Bones Society as an undercover agent, and inexplicably began to save the world.

Shouldn't these things be what Spider-Man and Iron Man do?

The Xiao family in my own family has not been settled yet, so how can there be so much idleness to take care of other things.

Fortunately, although the Skull and Bones Society has some power now, they have only reached the level of the eight great families in China. They still have a long way to go to achieve the level of waging war on a global scale as described by Frossa.

Qin Lie just heard a madman's speech.

Qin Lie could only respond to Frossa, saying, "Mr. Frossa, your ideals are too lofty, and I don't know how to answer you.

But for now, we are not strong enough to establish a global regime.

But don't worry, I'm on Skull and Bones no matter what. "

"Okay, very good." Frossa nodded in satisfaction and drank the red wine in his hand.

"Brother Qin, with your words, I can rest assured. When our lofty ideals are realized, you will be our number one person, and you will have unparalleled power in the world."

At this moment, the pie of Frosa began to be painted.

Sure enough, yy is invincible, and everything can be realized in yy.

Qin Lie couldn't say anything, and he had to thank Frossa.

After a wave of yy-like conversations, Frosa finally talked about something that fell to the ground.

He said, "I called you over this time. Besides meeting you, I have something to tell you."

Qin Lie didn't speak, he crossed his hands and waited for his next words.

Frosa then continued: "I called you here this time, I still want you to do something, you have done a good job in the Huaxia base, and we have also established a laboratory in Huaxia, which is also counted as having a presence in Huaxia. root.

Now, we want to infiltrate a little bit of Huaxia's power and prepare to send some personnel to Huaxia. "

"It's easier for scientists to deal with it," Frosa added, "it's just that the armed men are not easy to deal with."

"Like the special forces trained by our Skull and Bones, some of them are legal, but most of them are the targets of Interpol's tracking, including Huaxia, who has also issued a red notice on them. You Huaxia's border defense is very strict, we can only Sending them into China's territory by smuggling, I am going to leave it to you to do this."

Sure enough, after the Skeleton Club's base in Huaxia was built, the first thing to do was to send personnel to Huaxia.

Scientists are one thing, and the armed forces protecting the base are another.

Scientists can apply for visas and even change their nationalities to enter the country normally.

But those armed forces are very troublesome. Everyone has several, or even dozens of lives on their backs. Interpol is tracking them down. Naturally, it is impossible for Huaxia to let them in easily.

If it's just extraditing people into the country, it's not too difficult.

The problem is that armed personnel, in addition to their own people, may also smuggle arms into the country.

These things are very well controlled in China, and this Frossa has created a problem for himself.

"How is it, is it all right?" Frosa asked.

Qin Lie didn't answer directly, but instead asked, "How many people need extradition?"

Frosa: "I'm going to extradite about 500 in the first round."

Qin Lie scolded her mother secretly inwardly when he heard it, this Frossa is cruel enough, as soon as he arrives, he will give away 500. It takes a ship to hold it.

Qin Lie remained calm and continued to ask, "What time?"

"As soon as possible," Frossa said. "It's better that you go back from the United States this time, and bring these people back with you."


Hearing this, Qin Lie said clearly: "The time is too short, Huaxia is one of the strictest countries in the world on smuggling management. The border guards have invested a lot of manpower on the issue of smuggling. Five hundred people are too many. Entering in batches, and the time has to be extended, I will take them back when I go back, which is unrealistic.”

Frossa seemed to have come to discuss this matter with Qin Lie. Hearing what Qin Lie said, he continued to ask, "How many people do you think and when is the right time?"

Qin Lie thought for a moment, then said, "One hundred people, one week."

"And I have to go back to China first. After I arrive in Huaxia, a week later, you can send those 100 people over. Even if it's this 100 people, I'm afraid they will be brought in in several batches."

Qin Lie's answer has his own considerations.

In fact, there is a question mark on whether he will do it or not. After all, it involves endangering national security, so Qin Lie will probably not do it.

He just wanted to delay for a while, and then he would discuss it with Han Qi.

It is not good to refuse Frosa now, and it is not good to agree to it in one bite. It can only be delayed a little.

After listening to what he said, Frossa touched his chin and thought.

It seems that this matter is really important to him, even if it is, he still asks: "Are you sure you can't do the conditions I just made."

"I really can't do it." Qin Lie said loudly, "Don't say it's me, even if you go to the largest Xuanyuan family in China, they may not be able to do it. I have already thought of a compromise."

"Okay." Seeing Qin Lie's firm attitude, Frosa finally gave up and nodded in response, "Okay, then do it according to your method, but I have a request, when you return to Huaxia, three Within a month, the five hundred people I mentioned must be extradited."

Three months is a long way off.

Three months later, I don't know if the Skull and Bones Society still exists, Qin Lie naturally agreed: "Yes."

"Yeah." Frossa nodded, and the matter was over.

But he immediately said: "You can delay the previous matter, but the next matter, you must do it as soon as possible."


"Assassination of Han Qi." Frossa.

Frosa paused for a while and continued: "I remember Caesar told you about this when he arrived in Huaxia, right?"

"Hmm." Qin Lie responded to him.

"It's been two months since then, are you doing this?" Frosa asked again.

Are you doing it?

It definitely didn't do it!

Qin Lie said to himself.

Caesar did mention this to him at the beginning, but he definitely couldn't kill Han Qi.

In the end, I forgot about it.

At this moment, Frossa was obviously a little guilty.

Naturally, Qin Lie couldn't say anything and didn't do anything.

After a little thought, lies will come when you open your mouth.

"I've been doing it all the time!" he said, "I have basically mastered his itinerary and living habits now, and have a clear understanding of the security forces around him."

"It's just that after all, he is the deputy director of the China Kyushu Bureau. It can be done, but it will take time."

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