When Frossa learned that Qin Lie was doing this, he finally nodded.

"As long as you do it, Han Qi is the mortal enemy of our Skull and Bones Society. If he doesn't die for a day, he is a big threat to our Skull and Bones Society."

"Yeah." Qin Lie nodded and said, "Don't worry, as long as it doesn't conflict with my principles, what the Skull and Bones Society has told me can be done. It's just a little bit different in terms of time."

"it is good."

Frosa said yes, and answered, and he heard it.

"That's all I'm looking for you to do now. You've been running for so long today, and you must be tired. I'll find someone to take you to the fifth floor and find a room there."

"Tomorrow Woodrow will come back, and he has something to tell you. You should not leave the base for the time being."

"Okay..." Qin Lie said, "I see, then I'll wait for Mr. Woodrow to come back."

Woodrow was looking for him, and he happened to be looking for Woodrow, so this arrangement was naturally the best.

After chatting with Frossa, Blaze took Qin Lie to the elevator and went all the way to the negative fifth floor.

I found a hotel here and opened a room to stay.

The amazing thing is that the hotel in their base not only has it, but it is even more luxurious than the ordinary hotel outside.

At least five star level.

The bed is very soft, and when people lie down, they are basically wrapped in the surrounding quilts, which is very comfortable.

I was really tired today. As soon as Qin Lie touched the bed, the sleepiness invaded his whole body like a devil.

On the soft bed, Qin Lie fell asleep without taking off his clothes.

I don't know how long I slept in the room, and my brain hurts a little.

It wasn't until he was woken up by the doorbell outside that Qin Lie rolled over from the bed.

Walking to the door of the room, Qin Lie asked outside, "Who is it?"

As a result, he asked in English, but people outside answered in Chinese.

It was the voice of a soft girl. She said, "Mr. Qin, I was ordered by Mr. Frossa to come and serve you."

Qin Lie's heart moved when he heard this.

According to the nature of Western people's urine, this service may not be any different from the service they imagined.

Opening the door, Qin Lie finally saw this oriental woman standing at the door.

It's not amazing, it's really called Qin Lie's eyes.

The first thing that impressed Qin Lie the most was her height, about 1.7 meters, which was definitely considered tall among women.

He is very slender, with a small suit on the upper body to accompany the shirt, and the lower body is a miniskirt, and the bottom of the skirt is full of legs.

Her legs are straight, snow-white, without the slightest flaw, like a finely carved jade, perfect.

Then there are high heels that are as high as ten centimeters, which fully interprets the word sexy.

A very refreshing girl, Qin Lie glanced up and down, and finally asked, "Did Frossa call you here? Are you from China?"

"Yes." The woman said, "My name is Zhang Xiaoyun, and Mr. Qin can call me Xiaoyun. I'm from China, and I'm from Taidong."

"Taidong?" Qin Lie asked in surprise, "Then why are you here?"

"These things are a bit complicated." Zhang Xiaoyun said, "but it doesn't matter, as long as it doesn't interfere with my serving you."

Qin Lie reconfirmed: "So what does Frossa mean by serving?"

Zhang Xiaoyun is actually quite open, even more open than Qin Lie: "A man and a woman are in the same room, is there any other service?"

With that said, Zhang Xiaoyun looked at the door behind and said, "Mr. Qin, can I go in?"

Seeing Zhang Xiaoyun in such a good figure, Qin Lie didn't refuse, he made way sideways and let Zhang Xiaoyun into the room.

For Qin Lie, as soon as the spring breeze and jade dew meet, and occasionally it involves dew love, it is acceptable to accept it.

The key is that Zhang Xiaoyun's figure is very good, and she took the initiative to bring it to her mouth. She is still in the United States, and the sky is high and the emperor is far away. If you don't accept it, you are not a man.

After Zhang Xiaoyun came in, she looked left and right, and finally locked the direction of the bathroom.

Pointing to the bathroom, he said, "Mr. Qin, I'll go take a shower first. You can choose to take a bath with me, or you can think outside, what kind of service you need, and tell me later."

After saying this, Zhang Xiaoyun walked to the bathroom.

And he took off his clothes while walking, dragging his coat and taking off his short skirt.

She slipped into the bathroom naked, leaving her underwear on the ground.

The bathroom was designed to be translucent and the glass was blurred, but Zhang Xiaoyun's outline could be seen.

In the mist of water vapor, Zhang Xiaoyun's temptation is a little more.

Qin Lie's yu fire naturally also ignited.

About fifteen minutes later, Zhang Xiaoyun came out of the bathroom.

Qin Lie was lying on the bed at the moment, staring at the ceiling boredly.

He was wrapped in the quilt, his hands resting on his head, and he squinted at Zhang Xiaoyun.

As for Zhang Xiaoyun, she was only wrapped in a bath towel.

Above the towel, the mountains overlap, the towel goes down, and the long legs are straight.

The skin above and below the entire body is as white as a baby, making people want to take a closer look.

Walking to the bunk, Zhang Xiaoyun quickly lifted Qin Lie's quilt and got under the quilt like a rabbit into the quilt.

Climbing along Qin Lie's feet all the way to his legs, then from his legs to his waist, and then from his waist to his chest, and finally that pretty face came out of the bed and kissed Qin Lie's lips.

Warm as jade, the lips are like a fudge, soft and sweet.

Zhang Xiaoyun was like a kitten, every movement tickled Qin Lie's heart.

How many men in the world can resist such a woman?

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