Very professional!

Facing Zhang Xiaoyun's service, Qin Lie has only three words to describe, that is: very professional.

Every movement, every expression, and even every voice she hummed, seemed to have been carefully prepared earlier.

Make Qin Lie addicted!

Qin Lie has a lot of experience in this area, he originally thought he was already a master in this area.

As a result, compared with Zhang Xiaoyun, he is almost nothing.

Those gameplays, those strange movements, Qin Lie had never heard of it before, had never seen it before.

Just changing the way of playing makes Qin Lie almost disarm and surrender!

With such a strong business level, Qin Lie once thought that Zhang Xiaoyun must be a super expert in this field, and has experienced countless actual battles.

Otherwise, there would be absolutely no such great level.

It wasn't until Qin Lie really started to work that he heard Zhang Xiaoyun screaming and dyed the sheets bright red, Qin Lie realized that this was actually Zhang Xiaoyun's first time.

That feeling is very strange, like hitting a ghost.

How could a woman who has never experienced this kind of thing be able to do that at the beginning?

Zhang Xiaoyun's frown and smile are all charming, almost to the core.

But how did she manage to do this without being hired?

Qin Lie didn't understand, but after Zhang Xiaoyun's brief painful struggle, she quickly used her skillful skills to make Qin Lie sink.

Qin Lie was originally very fierce, and he and Ye Yuqing could play for two hours.

But when she met Zhang Xiaoyun, she became very vulnerable.

Half an hour later, Qin Lie was sweating profusely, almost unable to hold on.

In the confusion, his muscles were tense, almost reaching the peak.

At this time, the man's thinking ability is the lowest, like returning to the instinct of the beast.

Including the detection of dangers around itself, it has also become extremely weak.

It is also at this time that if a man is to be killed, his resistance will be minimal.

And what Zhang Xiaoyun did was actually such a thing.

Just as the two were entangled with each other, Zhang Xiaoyun took out a dagger from somewhere. She was above, picked up the dagger, and stabbed Qin Lie's neck fiercely.

As I said just now, the man at this time is the weakest in detecting danger, and it is like Zhang Xiaoyun's attack. At that time, the tip of the knife was less than ten centimeters away from his neck.

Qin Lie was instantly shocked, and the whole back was sweating, only to realize that something was wrong.

The conditioned reflexes arched up, and at the same time kicked Zhang Xiaoyun, the two people who were still on top of each other suddenly separated.

Zhang Xiaoyun took the cup two meters into the air, and finally fell heavily in the corner.

And the knife that she started to shoot, also because of Qin Lie's strike, hit the empty place, did not stab Qin Lie's vital point, and only left a faint bloodstain on Qin Lie's neck.

Qin Lie finally knew that something was wrong, and immediately put on his clothes and pants after getting up.

From a distance, he looked at Zhang Xiaoyun coldly, and said sharply, "What on earth are you trying to do?"

Zhang Xiaoyun has been seducing herself in her way since she first entered the door.

Qin Lie couldn't figure it out, he and her had no grievances or hatred, and for whom did she want to harm herself.

From seduction to going to bed, and then taking advantage of the peak to assassinate, this is a complete set of killing routines!

Qin Lie wants to figure this out.

As for Zhang Xiaoyun, the assassination failed, and her emotions suddenly became excited.

She even started to cry, muttering to herself a lot of things Qin Lie couldn't understand.

"You bastards, you should all go to hell!"

"You guys are so hateful, you don't treat us like humans at all!"

"If I don't kill you, who else will I kill??"

"I thought Chinese people would not cheat Chinese people, but I didn't expect you to be the same as them."

"People like you deserve to die, it's best if they all die."

Qin Lie could understand everything Zhang Xiaoyun said, but he didn't know what he meant by putting these words together.

Indifferently approaching Zhang Xiaoyun, Qin Lie leaned down, facing Zhang Xiaoyun and staring at her.

Grabbing her chin, she raised her head and said coldly, "You look so good, but your mind is so vicious, you stinky bitch, I ask you, who sent you to kill me?"

"Bah!" Zhang Xiaoyun turned out to be very stubborn. Facing Qin Lie's question, she didn't even answer, and spat on Qin Lie's face.

Qin Lie had just experienced life and death, and was in a bad mood.

Now he just wants to understand the inside and outside of this matter, and he is too lazy to pay attention to Zhang Xiaoyun's bad attitude.

So after Zhang Xiaoyun spat, Qin Lie didn't stop, and slapped Zhang Xiaoyun in the face with a backhand.

How powerful is Qin Lie's slap, and how delicate is Zhang Xiaoyun's figure.

That slap sent Zhang Xiaoyun flying, hitting the wall behind her heavily.

Zhang Xiaoyun was beaten twice by Qin Lie, almost unable to move.

She lay on the ground, vomited blood, and said some insignificant words bleakly.

"I still can't do it. I'm too useless. I can't even kill a person before I die."

"I'm such a waste, I can't kill people, I can't escape, I'm locked here, what's the point of living?"

"Mr. Qin, why don't you kill me anyway?"

Qin Lie really couldn't understand what Zhang Xiaoyun said.

Looking down at her, he asked, "What the hell are you doing here? Who ordered you? Did Frossa send you to kill me?"

Zhang Xiaoyun shook her head weakly, very disappointed.

He murmured in a low voice, "No one instructed me, and Frosa did only let me come to serve you. Killing you is my own choice."

Qin Lie didn't understand even more: "I never knew you and I before, why did you kill me?"

"Why?" Zhang Xiaoyun said loudly, "Just because you are a member of the Skull and Bones Society, the people of the Skull and Bones Society are not good things, shouldn't you kill them?"

"So..." Qin Lie heard something from her words, and continued to ask, "You killed me just because you hated Skull and Bones?"

"Why not!?" Zhang Xiaoyun said, "Isn't this reason enough! If possible, I want to kill all the members of the Skull and Bones Society."

Qin Lie was still a little confused, and continued: "But you were raised by the Skull and Bones Society. You depend on the Skull and Bones Society to survive. Why do you hate it?"

"Haha!" Listening, Zhang Xiaoyun began to sneer, "Alive? Rely on the Skull and Bones?"

"Yes, the Skull and Bones Society did give us food to keep us alive, but living like this is just a tool. Living like this, I might as well die!"

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