And Zhang Xiaoyun had this not in-depth communication.

Qin Lie still somewhat knew the purpose of Zhang Xiaoyun's visit.

If what she said was true.

Then she was sent to her own room to serve herself, which was indeed what Frossa meant.

But it was Zhang Xiaoyun's own intention to kill herself.

She was sent by Frossa, but her words were filled with hatred for Skull and Bones.

After listening to what Zhang Xiaoyun said, Qin Lie continued to ask: "Why don't you die, what will the skeleton do to you?"

Qin Lie didn't know the three questions, so Zhang Xiaoyun was confused.

"Aren't you a member of Skull and Bones?" She asked Qin Lie with wide eyes, "You don't even know these things?"

Qin Lie can only tell him this: "I'm not a member of the Skull and Bones, and I'm not a member of the Skull and Bones. There are many things in it, and I can't explain it to you. You just need to tell me what you know."

Zhang Xiaoyun hesitated for a while, considering whether to answer Qin Lie's words.

But after a slight pause for half a minute, she decided to tell Qin Lie her story.

Only then did Qin Lie know that Zhang Xiaoyun was also a victim to the Skull and Bones Society.

Zhang Xiaoyun is 26 years old this year. She used to have a fairly good job in Taidong. Later, after a person's introduction, she met an American.

The American claims to be very powerful in the United States. If he wants to immigrate, he can go to him, and any trouble can be settled.

As for Zhang Xiaoyun, she has always been brainwashed by the powerful remarks of the United States, and she has always longed to go to the United States.

After contacting the American for two or three months, Zhang Xiaoyun was sure that the man was indeed as powerful as he said.

Then I believed him and made all preparations to immigrate to the United States with that American.

He even bewitched his big brother and brought her to the United States with her big brother.

As a result, the immigrant to the U.S. that was originally thought to be generous turned into smuggling when they actually started to act.

Zhang Xiaoyun and her big brother drifted across the Pacific Ocean for more than a month on a boat full of stowaways. It was a nightmare.

Arriving in the United States and going ashore, Zhang Xiaoyun thought that all nightmares were over, but she and her big brother changed hands and were sold here.

That's right, the well-packaged American is actually a personal trafficker.

And this happened two years ago, and she has been locked in this underground base for more than two years.

There were also many girls with her, all of whom were locked in a small room that did not see the light of day by the Skull and Bones Society.

What use are these girls?

Seduce, seduce, and help skeletons achieve all they want.

In the past two years, all Zhang Xiaoyun has received is the education of how to please men.

There are so many women, almost all of whom have been trained as slaves, they are the machines of the body, and they have to sleep with whoever they ask them to sleep with.

Zhang Xiaoyun and the others were luckier than they were, and they hadn't been sent out for a mission for two years.

The reason is that she is still a virgin, and this thing can satisfy the special hobbies of some big people, so it has never been used.

Just waited until today.

This is also the specific reason why Zhang Xiaoyun is familiar with all the routines, but she is still a virgin.

Zhang Xiaoyun's big brother was even worse than her. She was arrested and trained to become a ****, but her big brother was directly locked in a living cage by the people of the Skull and Bones Society, waiting to be used as a living body for drug experiments.

One was used as a ***, the other was used as a test subject, and they both became tools of Skull and Bones.

Two years of mental and physical torture finally destroyed their psychological defenses.

Zhang Xiaoyun tried to escape three times before, but was caught every time.

Then, once he was caught, he was severely beaten. Every time he was beaten, Zhang Xiaoyun had to lie in bed for half a month.

So much so that she didn't dare to run outside.

Because of such a long dark day, she gave up her longing for life and gave her a vicious idea.

That is, when she really goes out to serve someone, she must kill the person serving.

Her idea was that she could not live anyway, so it would be better to give the Skeleton Society a little revenge.

That's what happened when she assassinated Qin Lie just now.

It is also because of this that after her failed assassination attempt, the last thoughts in her heart were gone.

After Qin Lie heard this, he sighed to himself, this Zhang Xiaoyun, after all, is just a poor person.

After seeing the true face of Skull and Bones, Qin Lie's disgust for Skull and Bones continued to increase, and now he learned about Zhang Xiaoyun's story, which made this disgust even stronger.

Originally, whoever dared to put a knife on his neck, he would fight back with ten times the power.

If it was someone else, what was lying on the ground at the moment was already a corpse.

But after hearing Zhang Xiaoyun's words, his anger gradually subsided.

If there is no anti-human lesson model of Skull and Bones, naturally there will be no people with such extreme ideas as Zhang Xiaoyun.

She is also a victim and a pitiful person, and it makes no sense to take out her anger on her.

Qin Lie hugged her shoulders, listened to all Zhang Xiaoyun's words, and finally gave up the idea of ​​revenge on her.

After thinking about it, finally waved to Zhang Xiaoyun: "Okay, I know everything about you, you go out."


Zhang Xiaoyun was very surprised, as if she had heard something wrong: "What did you say?"

"I'll let you out." Qin Lie said again.

Zhang Xiaoyun was still incomprehensible, her eyes twitched in circles in her sockets, and finally she was still worried: "Are you sure?"

"You bitch is really..." Qin Lie said impatiently, "If you let you go, just leave, and you have to wait for me to kill you to be satisfied?"

"But..." Zhang Xiaoyun's face was full of surprise, as if she had encountered something she didn't understand. "But you are a member of the Skull and Bones Society. I have already killed you. Are you going to let me go?"

Qin Lie said: "I have already said that I am a member of the Skull and Bones, but not a member of the Skull and Bones, so don't think of me and all the members of the Skull and Bones.

The Skull and Bones do some things that make me sick. I'm not in the same camp with them, so you can go. "


Up to now, Zhang Xiaoyun still doesn't fully believe Qin Lie's answer.

The evil of Skull and Bones was deeply ingrained in her heart, and Qin Lie's approach went against the current, and in her opinion, it was simply the savior of the world.

However, although she hesitated, she finally climbed up slowly against the wall.

Picking up the clothes he took off from the ground, he walked out the door with a puzzled face.

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