The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1469 Zhang Xiaoyun's Request

"Let's go..." Qin Lie waved Zhang Xiaoyun away, "Go back and tell Frosa, just say I'm satisfied, I won't tell him about this."

Zhang Xiaoyun still looked puzzled.

How is this Skull and Bones completely different from other Skull and Bones people?

If there were any other members of the Skull and Bones Society, she would have been a corpse by this time.

Could it be that Qin Lie was not actually in the same camp as the Skull and Bones as he said.

I don't understand, but Qin Lie's approach still gave Zhang Xiaoyun a different feeling.

As for Qin Lie, he pushed Zhang Xiaoyun out with his own hands, feeling very depressed.

A good dew relationship has to be played as an extreme female agent.

That good figure was ruined in the end!

Now, these women are really not fuel-efficient lamps.

Depressed, Qin Lie went back to his room to put on his clothes, ready to go to other places in the base to look around, express his emotions, and get acquainted with the venue.

Only when he opened the door and was about to leave, did he realize that Zhang Xiaoyun was still standing on the side of the door.

Although she went out the door, she didn't leave at all.

Seeing her, Qin Lie was very surprised, looking at her and frowning: "What do you mean, didn't you let you go, why don't you go, what, I have to poke the matter to Flossa, take you away Do you feel at ease when you die?"

Zhang Xiaoyun didn't know why, but her attitude towards Qin Lie changed 180 degrees at this time.

At first aggressive, the feeling of rage has disappeared, replaced by a flattering, flattering look.

"That..." Zhang Xiaoyun stammered, "Mr. Qin, I want to ask you a few questions. After just closing the door, I thought a lot and found that you are indeed different from others. Can I ask you these questions?"

Qin Lie was impatient and waved: "Hurry up and ask, I have other things to do."

Zhang Xiaoyun said: "Mr. Qin, are you really, really not an accomplice with the Skeleton Society, but I think Frossa has a very good attitude towards you, and walked side by side with you in the afternoon, how could you not be one of them? Woolen cloth?"

"Haha..." Qin Lie sneered and whispered, "What's weird about this, this world is all for the benefit and the benefit, and he and I can temporarily become friends because I have what he wants in me, He has what I want in him, that's all."

"Sometimes what you see is not necessarily true. There are too many things in it. I can't explain it for a while. You don't need to know. Everything made me very uncomfortable, including you who were sent."

"Then..." Zhang Xiaoyun hesitated for a while before saying, "Mr. Qin, can you speak in front of Frossa now?"

"There is a certain right to speak, but the power is definitely not as great as that of Frossa." Qin Lie said, "Why are you asking this?"

"Mr. Qin." Zhang Xiaoyun's expression became very embarrassed after saying that.

Her eyes twitched in her sockets, and she waited for half a minute before she said, "Then, Mr. Qin, since you have nothing to do with the members of the Skull and Bones Society, and for the sake of us all being Chinese, you, Can you help me and my brother?"

Qin Lie suddenly lost interest when he heard about Zhang Xiaoyun's request.

Just say what she has been waiting for at the door, it turned out to be for this one.

She had been doing it for so long, so she wanted to help him and get out of the control of Skull and Bones.

Although Qin Lie has a good heart, he will not let these things keep stumbling his feet.

Immediately, he waved his hand to reject her, and said unhappily, "Zhang Xiaoyun, I think you've made a big mistake."

"You attacked me. I didn't kill you. I'm very worthy of you. You still dare to ask for this, ask for that, do you really think I'm so good at talking?"

Zhang Xiaoyun had already decided to ask him, and seeing that he was not satisfied, she knelt on the ground with a thud.

Grabbing Qin Lie's pants, he cried: "Mr. Qin, I'm sorry, it was indeed my fault that I started to attack you, but it was just a moment of urgency, I didn't know you were different from them.

Your heart is kind, my brother and I have reached the end of the road, and we don’t know who to trust or rely on. I believe that God has assigned you my first time. He must have his intentions, so you can help Help us. "

"You have to figure it out." Qin Lie pointed to Zhang Xiaoyun's nose and said loudly, "The reason why you have today's days also has your own consequences.

If you weren't greedy for a rich life in the United States, dreaming of making a lot of money in the United States, how could you be sold?

Good Huaxia stay, you have to come to this 'everyone yearns' America, I think you deserve it! "

Zhang Xiaoyun was trained, and the more she cried, the more she cried, holding Qin Lie's trouser legs and crying bitterly: "Mr. Qin, I know I was wrong, I know that I gave up my life in China and came to the United States by myself.

But that crime isn't dead yet.

Their Skull and Bones is a cult. The whole organization is filled with an anti-human atmosphere. My brother and I will definitely die if we stay here. I beg you, just as I beg you to raise your hand and help our brothers and sisters! "

Qin Lie listened and sighed.

Qin Lie was really stunned here, because he felt that Zhang Xiaoyun was right.

Yes, they just yearn for a better life, and they didn't do anything to harm other people. They can be condemned, but not to the point of death.

Mainly Zhang Xiaoyun's words resonated with him a lot.

The entire Skull and Bones is a cult, and Frossa is a lunatic. It is very anti-human to try to establish a global regime. Zhang Xiaoyun saw this as he did.

Listen, listen, Qin Lie's position was a little moved.

He looked Zhang Xiaoyun up and down, and remembered that this woman was given to him at least for the first time.

Coupled with the same idea with this woman, Qin Lie's heart has begun to shake.

Qin Lie thought about it, and finally sighed, which was a part of compromise, and told Zhang Xiaoyun, "You two brothers and sisters, you and I can save you, but your brother, not."

"Why!" Zhang Xiaoyun said with a sad face, "You have so much power here, and Frossa calls you brothers. My brother and I are only a small part of the many properties of the Skull and Bones. If you want to take it away, he will definitely agree. Yes."

"You don't understand." Qin Lie shook his head, "I am also on the way to gain the trust of Skull and Bones. Just to save you, it's very simple, I said I like you to serve me, and he gave you to me.

But your brother is a living body test subject. In the afternoon, there was a rebellion in the living body warehouse. I have already shown the intention to protect the living body in front of Frossa. How can I help you now? "

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