"He will definitely doubt my position, the purpose of my joining Skull and Bones, and then target me for not being on the same front as their Skull and Bones."

"I haven't fully gained the trust of Skull and Bones, so I can't help you with this!"


In the afternoon, Qin Lie had already had a disagreement with Frossa about the living body No. 9877.

Qin Lie clearly felt at the time that he had angered Flossa by guaranteeing number 9877, but because of his identity, he only muttered a few words and finished the matter.

But what to do now, Zhang Xiaoyun still wants him to go to Frosa to intercede and save a living body, what will Frosa think, is he more suspicious of his purpose of coming to this base?

This is where Qin Lie worries.

"By the way, what is your brother's living body number?" Qin Lie suddenly remembered this thing.

Because the man in the afternoon is also a standard Chinese, and Zhang Xiaoyun is also a Chinese, maybe there is some connection between the two.

As a result, Zhang Xiaoyun told him, "My brother's number is 9877."

"He was the one leading the rebel mission in the afternoon."

Qin Lie sighed: "That's even worse." Qin Lie said, "I have already protected him in front of Frossa in the afternoon, and now I can't do it. If you want, I will call Buddha now. Rosa, let him give you to you, but if you insist on your brother, I'm sorry, I can't help you with this matter."

"No way!" Zhang Xiaoyun was even more excited when Qin Lie said she couldn't help her brother, "Mr. Qin, no way, my big brother came with me, if it wasn't for me, he wouldn't be in this troubled water. .

If I leave and leave him here alone, I will be a sinner. Even if I go back to Huaxia, I will have no face to see my parents! "

Qin Lie listened impatiently.

He said sharply: "Zhang Xiaoyun, you have to figure out, now you are begging me to do things, it is my benevolence and righteousness to help you, not my obligation, you are not qualified to ask for that much.

In this matter, I only save you. Your face is your problem. If you feel unhappy, you can go directly. You can see if I will care about you. I really don't know. It was you who wanted to kill Me, now it's your turn to push your nose on your face, ask for this, ask for that? "

Being reprimanded by Qin Lie, Zhang Xiaoyun finally understood Qin Lie's attitude.

Zhang Xiaoyun sighed, knowing that there was nothing wrong with what Qin Lie said.

Helping yourself is benevolence and righteousness, and if you don't help yourself, you can't find any faults.

After all, it's not a relative, not a relationship, just because of a shot, you have to worry about this and that for yourself, how can there be such a good thing in the world.

However, for Zhang Xiaoyun, she killed her big brother, and she brought her big brother to the United States.

If she can leave, she must bring her big brother, and she must not be allowed to stay here.

If she can't save her big brother together, it's meaningless for her to leave alone, and she can't live with it.

Seeing that Qin Lie's attitude was clear, Zhang Xiaoyun gave up in the end.

He sighed, looked at the ground in despair, and finally said, "Well, since you don't want to help my big brother, Mr. Qin, I won't force you.

It's just that I don't want to live alone, and I won't go with you alone.

So, then ask Mr. Qin to do me a favor again, call Frosa and say that I assassinated you, I think he will send someone to kill me soon, so I can be considered relieved. "

Zhang Xiaoyun meant that she would not leave the base alone.

But living at the base was worse than death, she asked Qin Lie to help report and hasten her death.

After saying this, Zhang Xiaoyun's eyes no longer have any passion, as if she has no interest in the whole world.

She turned around and walked out of the hotel in a desolate body.

She moves like a walking dead and has given up everything.

This picture has always been in Qin Lie's sight.

For some reason, at that moment, Qin Lie softened again.

Qin Lie has a great advantage, but also a fatal disadvantage.

He is so kind at the bottom of his heart. He is often like that. He was able to help, but he didn't help in the end. He would feel that it was his fault.

It is said on the Internet that he is a likable personality, but Qin Lie thinks it is farting. He thinks that he just has relatively positive values.

Of course, because of this, he also caused a lot of trouble for himself.

Like, now.

Seeing Zhang Xiaoyun leave in despair, Qin Lie was touched, as if a whip had hit him in the heart.

Seeing Zhang Xiaoyun really go all the way, Qin Lie felt tormented inside.

She is dissatisfied with Skull and Bones, and Zhang Xiaoyun is also dissatisfied with Skull and Bones.

The two of them were supposed to be in the same camp, but because he was afraid of Frosa's suspicion, he refused to help her.

Thinking about it now, Qin Lie suddenly felt that he was quite weak.

After thinking about it, Qin Lie still couldn't get past the level in his heart. Seeing that Zhang Xiaoyun was about to disappear at the end of his line of sight, Qin Lie finally opened his mouth and left Zhang Xiaoyun behind: "Hey, Zhang Xiaoyun, wait a minute."

As he spoke, he quickly ran behind Zhang Xiaoyun.

Zhang Xiaoyun turned around in confusion, looked at Qin Lie, and said, "What's the matter, you don't even bother to help me with Frossa, right?"

"No." Qin Lie shook his head, too lazy to talk about other things, and immediately asked, "I ask you a question, do you regret the decision to leave Huaxia and come to the United States?"

"Why are you asking this?" Zhang Xiaoyun was puzzled.

"Just answer." Qin Lie said, "If you answer well, maybe it will change my mind."

Zhang Xiaoyun listened, her eyes flickering, as if there was a life-saving straw.

She thought for a while before answering Qin Lie: "I regret it, I must regret it. Since I came to the United States, I regret it every day. I regret how I made such a stupid decision."

"But..." Zhang Xiaoyun changed the subject and added, "But there's no way around this, some things can only be known after they've experienced them.

Without experience, I have no idea how ridiculous the original idea was.

If I went back two years ago, back to twenty-two years old, I would still not be able to resist the temptation of this immigrant, and regretting it now is useless. "

There are some things that you can only know when you experience them.

Qin Lie was very satisfied with this answer, this Zhang Xiaoyun finally repented, and her answer was very sincere and did not deliberately please herself.

Qin Lie then asked: "Then let me ask you one last question. If I help you go back to the country this time, will you still think about running to the United States?"

"That's definitely impossible!" Zhang Xiaoyun blurted out without thinking, "I'm not mean, I've already experienced this once, and I still want to come back, how much I want to die!

Mr. Qin, I'm not afraid of your jokes. What I'm thinking now is that even if I die, I want to die in China! "

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