With the answer to the last question, Qin Lie has no doubts.

Finally, he looked at Zhang Xiaoyun seriously and said in a low voice, "Okay, I'll help with this."

This time, Zhang Xiaoyun looked at Qin Lie in panic as if she had been electrocuted.

Very disbelieving, his eyes were full of hope and he asked, "What did you say?"

Qin Lie didn't tell her the second time, just said: "You heard that right."

"Why?" Zhang Xiaoyun asked again, "Didn't you say you don't want to reveal your identity?"

"Not bad." Qin Lie said, "I don't want to reveal my identity, so I won't do it in my identity, we can make a big fuss for the whole base."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Xiaoyun was even more puzzled.

Qin Lie didn't need to explain: "You don't understand, it doesn't matter, you just need to do something for me."

"How to do it?"

"It's very simple, tell Frosa afterwards that I have been doing that thing with you in the room from eight to eleven, and let him mistakenly think that I have been in the room all the time, no problem."

This is simply a matter of opening his mouth, and for Zhang Xiaoyun, it is just a small effort.

She didn't know Qin Lie's plan: "Is this way I can leave the base with my brother?"

"Yeah." Qin Lie nodded firmly, "As long as you listen to my arrangements, I can keep you out."

"This..." Zhang Xiaoyun hesitated, not knowing where Qin Lie's confidence came from.

But she has come to a dead end, and there is no better way than trusting Qin Lie.

In the end, he could only nod his head and say, "Okay, I will definitely listen to your arrangement."

"Okay." Qin Lie nodded, "Then let's go back to the room now."

Since Qin Lie had already decided to help Zhang Xiaoyun, he took this matter to heart.

He already has a framework outline for doing this, but he has not yet planned the specific action details.

After returning to the room with Zhang Xiaoyun, Qin Lie brainstormed again.

Finally asked Zhang Xiaoyun: "Zhang Xiaoyun, let me ask you, when Frossa sent you over, did you tell him, for example, tell me about my situation, tell me whether I am satisfied with your service, etc. ."

"No..." Zhang Xiaoyun shook her head and said, "Frossa is too high for us. He won't give us orders directly. We are all under the command of a team leader who manages us."

"Did that team leader ask you to give back information?" Qin Lie continued to ask.

"Yes!" Zhang Xiaoyun said, "The team leader told me that you are an honored guest of the Skull and Bones Society today, and you must be served comfortably, and let me report your situation at any time, so that he can consider whether he needs to send more girls over. "


Qin Lie didn't bother to care if they really wanted to entertain him, or just used a reason to stare at him.

Anyway, Qin Lie's current plan only needs their feedback.

"Then remember, you only need to report the situation to your team leader after half an hour according to the normal situation. In the words to him, you should mention that I am with you, and I am in the hotel room. "

"Okay." Zhang Xiaoyun nodded and asked back, "Then what are you going to do??"

"You don't need to worry about other things. You just need to wait in the room. If nothing happens, I can reunite you two brothers and sisters in an hour." Qin Lie replied.

Zhang Xiaoyun was surprised, she always felt that what Qin Lie said was not so easy to achieve.

But looking at Qin Lie's plan, he didn't ask any more questions in the end.

"Okay." She nodded again, "I'll do as you say."


Qin Lie nodded, and didn't continue talking to him. Before he came back, he dressed himself up just like he did to Xuanyuan Tianci when he was in Taizhou.

First, I got a black dress, and then changed my T-shirt into a hood, the kind of hood that can completely cover up my facial features.

But this time, Qin Lie didn't go out with the headgear directly, but put the headgear in his clothes pocket.

After making all preparations, Qin Lie went out.

Because Qin Lie came to the base this time to investigate the structure of the Skull and Bones Base, he was very familiar with the structure of the entire base in addition to memorizing the routes.

Before he went to the hotel, he remembered the location of surveillance inside and outside the hotel.

These are all things he does consciously.

So when he left the hotel, he avoided these surveillance cameras, and sometimes turned the window, trying not to expose him to anyone's sight.

Just like that, Qin Lie touched the outside of the hotel.

But this is not over yet, to walk back and forth in the entire Skull and Bones base with ease, you have to be a disguise.

So after Qin Lie left the fifth floor, he took the elevator to the first floor. That place was the dispatch center of the entire base, and there were a lot of staff.

As soon as Qin Lie arrived on the first floor, he headed into a public toilet on the first floor.

He found a pit and kept waiting inside, watching.

Finally told him to wait for a chance, an Asian staff member walked into the toilet. I don't know which country in Asia, but at least he was a yellow race.

And at that time, the whole toilet was the Asian except for him.

Qin Lie seized the opportunity, jumped out of his own pit, and slashed fiercely on the man's neck.

The strength of his palm was so strong that when he cut it off, the man fell into Qin Lie's arms as soft as a noodle.

Taking advantage of no one, Qin Lie quickly dragged him into his pit again.

After closing the door, he took off the staff member's clothes and put them on himself.

After doing all this disguise, locked the door in the pit, Qin Lie turned over and came out, making sure that this man would not be discovered so quickly.

Then, he walked out of the toilet door pretending nothing had happened, and went all the way to the elevator.

This time, he went straight to the minus ten floor, which is the specific floor of the Institute of Biological Research, and the place where those living bodies are imprisoned.

When taking the elevator, I still pay attention to those surveillance cameras, and put myself in the blind spot of the surveillance as much as possible.

On the tenth floor, following his memory, he slowly moved to the door of the living body warehouse No. 3.

Because he was wearing the clothes of the staff, including most of the people in the base who didn't know him, there was almost no obstruction along the way.

It wasn't until outside the warehouse that Qin Lie felt a little bit troubled.

Without him, because of the accident in the afternoon, Frossa has obviously added a lot of mobile troops to the outside of the living warehouse.

At a glance, there are a total of eight at the door of warehouse No. 3!

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