Qin Lie's purpose today is to rescue Zhang Xiaoyun's big brother as someone else as much as possible.

So try not to reveal your identity as much as possible.

There is a combination lock outside the living body warehouse, and Qin Lie doesn't know what the password is.

Coupled with the members of the eight surrounding mobile units, it would be a little difficult to forcibly enter this living warehouse.

After seeing the eight reckless men outside the warehouse, Qin Lie immediately began to think of other ways.

Yiran remembered one of the professors that the man held hostage in the afternoon.

Since Zhang Xiaoyun's big brother can hold the professor hostage, it means that the professor has the power to open the living body warehouse and call the living body object, and he should also know the door code of the warehouse.

Thinking of this, Qin Lie temporarily evacuated the warehouse and found the professor in the research institute on the minus tenth floor.

Because he already knew the overall structure of the negative tenth floor, Qin Lie found the professor's laboratory in less than five minutes.

God help him, at this time, there is only one professor in the entire research office.

He got in quickly, and Qin Lie put the headgear that he had started on on his head.

He turned around and locked the door of the research room behind him so that no one else could come in at this time.

In his eyes, the professor lowered his head on a table, studying something intently.

Qin Lie approached quickly, got behind the professor, stretched out his hand, grabbed the back of his neck, pressed him fiercely on the table, and at the same time a golden knife appeared on his neck, cold and sharp.

That professor wasn't stupid either. He was held hostage by the golden knife and immediately knew that someone was plotting against him, and immediately raised his hands.

He didn't dare to look back at Qin Lie, so he could only lie on the table and ask nervously, "You, who are you, and what do you want to do?"

Qin Lie didn't answer him, but ripped off a work card from his chest, and that work card had his name on it - Andrew.

"Professor Andrew." Qin Lie didn't talk nonsense, and said directly, "I am looking for you here and want you to help me with two things. If you do well, everyone will be at peace. If you do not do well, then I will not. I can guarantee something will happen later!"

Andrew said solemnly: "You are so courageous, do you know that this is the base of the Skull and Bones, do you know that the person in charge is Frossa, you are doing bad things in the base, and if Frossa finds out, you will lose ten lives. Not enough to kill him."

Qin Lie said: "I don't need to bother Professor Andrew to worry about my safety. You are afraid of Frosa, but it doesn't mean that everyone is afraid of Frosa. Now you only need to answer my two questions."

"First, what's the password for Living Warehouse No. 3?" Qin Lie asked.

Andrew said: "You are going to open the warehouse door, what are you going to do?"

Qin Lie's knife approached three points and left a bloodstain on Andrew's neck. The pain also rose rapidly, making Andrew have to face it.

"I'll say it again, you can answer whatever I ask, don't try to ask my identity, and don't delay time, it's not good for you, I ask you, what is the password of the No. 3 warehouse password door!"

Andrew was caught and threatened by the man only in the afternoon, and now he is caught and threatened by Qin Lie.

Although he was in the base of Skull and Bones, he often saw similar things happen, and he was more courageous than other researchers.

But when Qin Lie was really fierce, he still didn't dare to fight against Qin Lie.

Seeing that Qin Lie was impatient, Andrew took a deep breath, gave up resistance, and finally said: "The six-digit password, 752314..."


Qin Lie recited it three times, and then asked: "The second question, if you want to use the living body in the living body warehouse for experiments, what procedure do you need to follow, and whose consent do you need?"

Qin Lie wanted to get close to the live warehouse through their base's compliance procedures.

As long as you can safely enter the living body warehouse, the rest will be easy.

So he wants to go directly into the warehouse through the laboratory's order, which is the purpose of his question.

Andrew was still cooperative, and then replied: "Because the transfer of living bodies is very frequent, almost every researcher in each laboratory uses it every day, so the transfer procedure is not complicated, as long as the team leader of each laboratory agrees with the seal. ."

Andrew probably guessed Qin Lie’s purpose.

So this time, without waiting for Qin Lie to speak, he added: "I am the team leader of my laboratory, and I can give you an order."

Qin Lie listened, the corners of his mouth rose.

"You are Junjie who knows the current affairs. Before I said it, you took the initiative to bring it up."

Andrew also said: "There is no way, I'm doing things for the Skull and Bones Society and it's just a partnership. The Skull and Bones Society will give me money, and I will do things for him, so there's no need to work for his interests. Besides, there are many things in the Skull and Bones Society that are not so bright. , there are some things that I don't like."


Qin Lie was very surprised in his heart.

It seems that the general iron-and-blood rule of the Frossa dictator did not respond well.

Even the researcher in his hand was unwilling to stand on the same line as him.

Now that I think about it, it's right. Just because one experiment was unsuccessful, the researcher was thrown into the cage to feed the tiger. How could such a boss win people's hearts, and no one would be willing to give his life to him.

But it's okay, since Andrew has this attitude, he is a lot easier to operate.

"That's the case," Qin Lie said, "please ask Professor Andrew to give me an order. I will disguise as your subordinate and go with you. As long as you bring me into the warehouse, your mission will be completed."

"Is it that simple?" Andrew asked.

Qin Lie replied, "It's that simple."

Andrew listened and asked one more question: "Then what is the purpose of your entry into the living body warehouse?"

Qin Lie spread his hands and said the truth: "It's just to save one person."

"But you saved people, but you can't get out. Even if you can run back to the ground, this base is in the center of the Mojave Desert, and you can't survive in the end. Why do you do such a meaningless thing?"

Qin Lie was too lazy to talk to him anymore: "You don't need to worry about these things. I have my own arrangements. Now, go write the transfer order and seal it."

On Andrew's side, in order to save his life, he finally did as Qin Lie said.

It wasn't too difficult. First, Andrew was really afraid of death. Second, Qin Lie vaguely felt that Andrew seemed to be dissatisfied with the Skull and Bones Society and had a little compassion for the people in the living body warehouse.

So this goal is quickly achieved.

The transfer order is a special card inside the base. It has two lines on it. The person who needs to call clearly writes the time and purpose of the call, and it will take effect if the team leader seals it.

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