Andrew is the person in charge of his laboratory, the so-called group leader.

Under Qin Lie's instruction, Andrew quickly made up the order, and according to Qin Lie's intention, he took the lead to go to the third warehouse.

As for Qin Lie, he took off his hood, but still made some other disguises.

Wearing sunglasses and a mask, try not to show your true face as much as possible.

Playing as Andrew's assistant, always following behind Andrew.

Of course, his knife has always been hidden in his cuff, never more than ten centimeters away from Andrew.

This could kill Andrew at any time, and also gave him a certain threat.

Qin Lie just followed behind Andrew, and the two of them swaggered to the door of the warehouse.

Because it is in the laboratory, it is normal to wear a mask. Qin Lie just has an extra pair of sunglasses, so it does not make those troops feel that something is wrong.

Andre showed his work permit to prove his identity, and at the same time showed his purpose with a transfer order.

The troops from the other side took a look at the transfer order and asked casually, "Professor Andrew, you have already transferred a living body from the warehouse in the afternoon, and it has only been a few hours, do you need to use the living body again? "

Facing the cross-examination, Andrew was very calm and responded with ease: "The experiment has entered a critical stage. Three rounds of experiments on living bodies are required. Recently, there must be a lot of living bodies. Not to mention now, I may have to come again in a few hours."

Andrew's composure did not arouse the slightest suspicion from those in the troops.

The leading troop members checked Andrew's identity and transfer orders several times, but could not find any flaws.

In the end, I could only let go, but when I let go, I just told him: "In the afternoon, there was a riot in the warehouse. After Professor Andrew goes in, you can choose the living body you want as soon as possible, and don't have any extra things. If there is another problem in the warehouse, Mr. Frossa. will trouble us..."

"I know." Andrew replied casually.

Just like that, after the leader told Andrew a few words, he let Andrew Qin Lie go.

Andrew walked to the door and entered the six numbers on the PIN pad: 752314, which was no different from the number he told Qin Lie.

Qin Lie didn't say a word the whole time, just followed Andrew into the No. 3 warehouse.

Things went well. Qin Lie went to the warehouse, turned around and closed the door. The scene inside was not visible to the troops outside.

Once inside, Qin Lie let go of Andrew.

Because Andrew was more cooperative from start to finish, Qin Lie didn't embarrass him any more.

Whispered: "I'll take the person out later, you can go back and make up a reason, saying that the living body you picked died unexpectedly during the experiment, this matter is over, and I'll take the person away, thank you. "

Originally, Qin Lie wanted to make a big noise in the warehouse.

In the end, he didn't expect Andrew to cooperate so much.

Now, instead, he can take people out quietly.

As long as Andrew cooperates, he can use this order to take Zhang Xiaoyun's big brother out without even disturbing the security forces at the Skull and Bones base and Frosa.

This is of course the best result.

"I can help you," Andrew said, "but I still have a question."

Qin Lie turned to look at him, waiting for his next sentence.

Andrew said: "I thought at first that you had to go to the warehouse for your benefit, but now it seems that you really just want to save someone."

"I'm very surprised. In the Skull and Bones base, everyone is in danger. Everyone wants to save their lives, but you take risks to do these things. Why do you do this?"

Qin Lie laughed after listening to it: "Professor Andrew, although you ask that, but you and I are doing the same thing, right?

I was held hostage by No. 9877 in the afternoon. How did No. 9877 get out of the cage?

This cage is so sturdy, and the living body basically has no strong physique, how could it be possible to get out of the cage by itself.

At the same time, how did the gun in 9877's hand come from? Your researcher doesn't have a gun in your hands. If you didn't bring it in for him, would he have a gun?

Let's talk about it just now. The members of the eight mobile units stood in front of me just now. You can expose me with just one sentence. You can easily get away with a pounce, but you didn't do that.

You gave me orders and gave them extremely casually. Everything in this way proves that you actually have the same thoughts as me.

If you insist on asking me why I am doing this, I can only tell you two words: human nature. "

Qin Lie's words made Andrew laugh.

As Qin Lie said, Andrew is actually someone who is in the same camp as himself.

Otherwise things wouldn't be so smooth tonight.

After all, in the base, you can still meet one or two people who still have good intentions.

Andrew did not answer Qin Lie's question directly, but pointed to the warehouse and said, "Forget it, hurry up and find the person you are looking for. After a long time, the security outside will become suspicious."


Qin Lie responded and didn't talk nonsense anymore.

He turned on the headlights in the warehouse, walked all the way to the depths of the warehouse, and began to slowly find Zhang Xiaoyun's big brother.

Because each cage in which the living body is held has a number, the target person can be quickly found by following this number.

In cage 9877, Qin Lie found Zhang Xiaoyun's big brother, the weak Asian man, Zhang Enjun.

At this time, Zhang Enjun slept weakly in the cage, with obvious bloodstains on the exposed objects on his hands, feet and body.

Obviously, even though Qin Lie came to protect him in the afternoon, he was still beaten hard.

clang clang!

Qin Lie knocked a few times on his cage, knocking him out of his coma.

"Zhang Enjun, wake up, I have something to tell you."

Zhang Enjun tried to escape this afternoon, but was caught and beaten at the same time. At this time, he had no fighting spirit at all.

However, the way Qin Lie addressed him surprised him.

He hadn't heard someone call him by his first name for a long time.

He has only one codename in the Skull and Bones base, 9877.

The sudden name naturally made him a little surprised.

He raised his head weakly and looked at Qin Lie. He didn't know it because it was tightly buckled. He rolled his eyes and said, "Who are you, and how do you know my name?"

Qin Lie didn't talk nonsense and took off his mask and sunglasses.

In the afternoon, Qin Lie and Zhang Enjun had a visual confrontation. Because they were both from China, Qin Lie also saved his life, which made Zhang Enjun's memory very deep.

"It's you." He recognized Qin Lie and asked strangely, "What are you doing here?"

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