The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1474 Make A Big Noise In The Warehouse

Qin Lie's long story short answer.

"Your sister met me tonight. She persuaded me to come and save you. You don't need to know about the rest. Just know that you can follow me after you go out later."

"My sister?" Zhang Enjun became very excited when he was mentioned about his sister, "Xiaoyun, Xiaoyun, is she still alive?"

Qin Lie nodded: "I live well, although life is not as good as death, but the situation is not bad for you."

"Haha..." Zhang Enjun smiled bleakly, "Life is not as good as death, yes, now our life is not as good as death.

In the afternoon, I thought I had a chance to go out, but I didn't expect that these people really didn't take us as human beings. Even if it was the professor's life, they didn't care at all.

How can we get out of this hell, these beasts. "

Qin Lie looked at him calmly and said, "Just follow me."

"Can you really take us out today?" Zhang Enjun asked.

Qin Lie had a plan in his mind: "I might not take you out today, but I can keep you alive."

"Who are you, why are you thinking about helping me?" Zhang Enjun said.

Qin Lie was too lazy to explain so much to him.

Having said it to Zhang Xiaoyun and Andrew again, Qin Lie is really impatient.

"We'll talk about other things when we go out." Qin Lie said calmly, "Remember, after you go out later, follow me, and don't make any extras."

"it is good."

Now that Qin Lie has made such a guarantee, Zhang Enjun has nothing else to say.

As the saying goes, a dead horse is a living horse doctor. There is nothing worse than his current situation. It is nothing more than a death. What is he afraid of.

Soon, Qin Lie started to move and pushed Zhang Enjun's cage out of it.

Originally, it was said that as long as Zhang Enjun and his cage were pushed out of the warehouse, brought out for the purpose of experimentation, released to him in a place where no one was there, and changed into a staff member's clothes like Qin Lie, today's affairs could be ended smoothly.

But something always happens.

At this moment, the gate of the originally peaceful No. 3 warehouse was suddenly opened from the outside.

This time it was none other than the person in charge of the entire Skull and Bones Society, Frossa!

He came in from outside the warehouse with a few people behind him, and saw Andrew at the door at first glance.

He was very upset and asked Andrew: "Professor Andrew, you had an accident here in the afternoon, the warehouse almost had a riot because of you, and now you don't avoid the limelight, and you come here to wander, what are you trying to do? "

Andrew repeated the order and the remarks he had just given to the security outside the door to Frosa again, barely believable, but Frosa had another purpose.

"Then your work on mobilizing living bodies will be suspended first, and I will deal with these wastes first."

"A group of beasts without bones, now they dare to provoke a rebellion. If they don't kill a few to deter them, they really don't know how to be afraid!"

"you you you you……"

Frossa instructed the people around him and said loudly: "Choose a few animals, especially the one with the number 9877, you must find it for me, and kill him in front of all the animals, let me Look at the other animals, what are the consequences of trying to escape!"


Those subordinates responded and quickly began to execute.

Qin Lie heard something from Frossa's words.

It was nothing more than the rebellion in the afternoon that made him feel uneasy, and now he came over to look for these living bodies to kill the chickens and set an example to others.

Maybe in his mind, Qin Lie was only hot in the afternoon, so he chose to help that 9877.

Now that Qin Lie is not here, he can do whatever he wants.

Yang favors yin and yin violates it. One thing in front of the other and another behind the other. Qin Lie has experienced it many times in Blaze.

It's no surprise that Frossa would do it, Qin Lie.

But now the situation is delicate. When I was saving people, Frosa suddenly appeared, with so many thugs, that directly blocked myself in the warehouse.

The biggest reason why Qin Lie was able to travel unimpeded throughout the base before was that most of the people in the base didn't know him yet.

If they don't know each other, they pretend to be a little bit, and they think they are staff members of other departments, so it doesn't matter much.

But Frosa knew himself.

Disguising in front of an acquaintance, even if you cover your entire body, your voice and actions will be exposed.

This is why, when he rescued Ning Kun in Taizhou, he just accidentally said a word, and Xuanyuan Tianci decided that he was the one who saved people.

The situation is extremely embarrassing now.

If he is still here, oh no, he has even pushed Zhang Enjun's cage out.

If Frosa finds out about himself later, his identity will definitely be exposed!

And if you appear here at night, disguised as a base staff member, you have absolutely no reason to explain to Frossa.

The whole situation became a lot more urgent because of the appearance of Frosa.

No matter how many calculations, who can think that when he is saving people, he will run into Frossa?

What should we do now?

With his eyes fixed, Qin Lie saw that the thugs under Frossa also quickly approached.

There is only one exit, and it was blocked by Frosa, how do you get out now!

In a short time, Qin Lie kept brainstorming in his mind, hoping to find a perfect solution.

Finally, Qin Lie looked at the other cages and living bodies around him.

A crazy idea came to mind.

At first, I thought that there might be a lot of trouble in the warehouse.

In that case, proceed as planned!

Maybe there is a way to survive in the chaos.

Thinking of this, Qin Lie quickly put on his headgear, and at the same time told Zhang Enjun: "Zhang Enjun, it's the original plan, you must follow me when you come out later. Now that Frossa is here, if you If you can't keep up with me, you will die!"

Zhang Enjun swallowed his saliva, already panicking.

No one expected Frossa to come here at this time.

The point is, the purpose of his coming this time is very clear, that is, to come here to kill himself.

For Zhang Enjun, he has no way out, and now there is no other way to survive except to listen to Qin Lie.

After hearing what Qin Lie said, he could only nod his head.

And Qin Lie finally started to act.

These cages that hold living bodies are similar in structure to prisons, and their cage doors have a unified switch manager.

Basically a group of ten cages, as long as the wrench that controls their gates is pulled down, the gates of those ten cages will all open.

This is also the result just after Qin Lie looked around.

Now Frossa is blocked at the door, there is no way out, and there is only a wave of chaos.

Thinking of this, Qin Lie quickly walked over to the first set of switches, and with a violent force, he directly opened the doors of the ten cages.

Soon after, he went to another set of switches and opened the doors of the ten cages.

Go to the next one and open ten cages.



Qin Lie was very fast, and in half a minute, he opened no less than ten sets of cage doors.

That is to say, one hundred living subjects were released by him within half a minute.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the entire No. 3 warehouse suddenly became very eerie.

The living body that had been imprisoned for a long time came out in unison!

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