Qin Lie showed a strong concern for the situation, and stood firmly on the same front as Frosa.

The sweat that rushed from his head almost wrote the words "disturbed" on his face.

As for Frossa, he is now organizing a mobile unit to fight back against those living people.

Looking back at Qin Lie, he was very surprised: "Qin Lie, why are you here?"

Qin Lie immediately said: "Hey, Mr. Frossa, things are going crazy. The waiters in the hotel are talking about it. They even knocked on the door to tell us not to go out at will. I must come and see."

Frosa did not doubt what he said, and said like this: "Then you should stay in the room, and I can take care of this little thing."

"Do not!"

Qin Lie spoke loudly, with a dignified look: "When such a big thing happened, I am one of the management of Skull and Bones, how can I stand by, I can't do anything else, fights are still a good player, where there are riots , I went to clean them up!"

Qin Lie's words were so embarrassing that Frosa refused.

He didn't think much about what Qin Lie said, and immediately said: "Most of the riots have been leveled now, and there are still some people in the southeast corner who are fighting hard, grabbing the database of our institute, saying that if we don't let go When they leave, they will burn those materials, this matter is more troublesome, and it is still being dealt with, or you will get it?"

Qin Lie readily accepted it.

Now what he wants to show is the attitude of sharing weal and woe with the Skull and Bones, so as not to cause this matter to burn himself.

With Frossa's order, Qin Lie quickly went to the southeast corner.

Like Qin Lie's initial prediction, although there are a large number of living rebel members, they are not well-trained and well-trained teams, nor do they have as good professional equipment as mobile units.

Although they regard death as home, their combat effectiveness is still far behind that of the mobile troops.

They can make a big noise, but in the end they will be suppressed by the professional soldiers of the mobile unit.

Now Qin Lie is going through such a process.

He took Frossa's orders to suppress the last rebellion in the southeast corner, and by the time he arrived, the mobile units had already dealt with the people in that area.

Before their fire was enough to destroy the data, the machine guns swept them to death.

Qin Lie beat up a few reckless men in the past, captured a few living bodies, and behaved extremely diligently. Today's mission is over.

It took less than an hour from the beginning of the riots to the complete calming down of the riots.

Finally, the people of the mobile unit began to clean up the battlefield and clean up the corpses, and the position on the negative tenth floor began to slowly return to normal work.

In this rebellion, by the end of the count, almost 200 living members had died, and more than 700 had been recaptured. At the same time, about 100 people had disappeared completely, like Zhang Enjun.

On the Skull and Bones base, more than 30 staff members died, only 5 troops died and only 20 were injured.

On the surface, those who are living members suffered heavy losses, died and wounded.

But Qin Lie had a clear conscience, and even felt that he drove well in this riot.

The more than 200 people who died ended their inhuman lives early, which was a relief.

The hundred or so who disappeared did not know where to hide, and did not know if they could escape.

Qin Lie felt it was worth it even if he could run out one-tenth and have ten people regain their freedom.

After all, in the hands of Skull and Bones, these people have no chance to struggle at all. Even if Qin Lie doesn't do this, these people will still die in the end.

Qin Lie also helped him.

After the riots were settled, it was time for accountability.

This incident caused a lot of trouble, and Frossa was furious. He found ten objects in the living body warehouse, and beat them to death in public, killing chickens and monkeys.

But this still can't release his emotions. He has to find the real culprit who started this riot - the dog who opened the doors of all the living cages in warehouse No. 3.

That is Qin Lie.

Frossa tuned up and watched all the surveillance footage on the minus tenth floor tonight before the riot, in an attempt to find the man wearing the hood.

It's just a pity that Qin Lie had calculated this point in advance, and he didn't show it from beginning to end. Of course, these surveillance videos could not find his trace.

In the end, Frosa was left with a breakthrough.

Professor Andrew!

Because when Frosa went to the warehouse, he saw Andrew with his own eyes, and also saw the bastard with the hood.

Later, I asked the security personnel who looked after the No. 3 warehouse tonight, and learned that the mysterious man entered with Andrew.

This naturally turned the attention to Andrew.

But Andrew was also loyal and did not confess Qin Lie. His argument was: he was also forced to threaten. He was held by the mysterious man wearing a hood with a knife, threatening him for what he did. As for the mysterious man Who the man was, he didn't know.

Andrew and Qin Lie sang and sang together, fooling Frossa like a double reed.

Frossa repeatedly searched for clues to find out about this matter, but in the end, he couldn't find any clues at all. Although he was furious, he could only give up.

For him, fortunately, more than 200 living bodies have died, which is worth tens of millions of dollars, the important information is still there, the riot has not spread, and the matter is not too big, so he does not pursue it any more. down.

The people in the army were instructed to respond to the investigation. He was too tired tonight and was going to go back to sleep.

He and Qin Lie were on the fifth floor of the elevator together, and they were also in the mood to chat in the elevator.

While walking, Frossa asked Qin Lie: "Brother Qin Lie, how is it, the woman I sent to you today is still in line with your taste, right?"

Of course Qin Lie still has to act.

Showing a smile that every man understands, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Mr. Frossa, how exactly do you train women, I think I should learn from you about this.

The technique of the woman you called is really good. A man like me can't stop being treated by her. She has orgasmed several times in a row. Hahahaha, it's really cool! "

"Hahahaha!" Frossa also laughed, completely unaware that the reason for today's riots was because of Zhang Xiaoyun who he sent over.

"Brother Qin Lie, if you like it." Frossa smiled, "I have quite a few women in my hands. If you are not in a hurry to go back to the United States this time, I will send one to you one night to ensure your satisfaction. "

"Ouch, hello." Qin Lie begged for mercy, "Mr. Frossa, you'd better let me go. I can't stand just that one woman. If I get a few more, I'm afraid I'll die at our base."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The two of them went all the way up, their laughter was extremely hearty, as if nothing had happened.

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