But although everything seemed calm on the surface, Frosa did not pursue anything.

But some things were still imprinted on Frossa's mind.

After reaching the negative fifth floor, Qin Lie and Frossa broke up, Qin Lie went to his room, and Frosa also returned to his residence at the base.

It's just that after returning home, Frossa always felt that something was wrong. He sat on the sofa and thought about it, and finally called the captain of his private armed force, O'Connor.

This is what he told O'Connor on the phone: "O'Connor, take some brothers to monitor Qin Lie's room and see if anyone else has been in or out of his room recently."

Frossa has no substantial evidence, and he wants to monitor Qin Lie, which is entirely from a feeling in his heart.

When I went to the warehouse at night, besides Professor Andrew, there was also a boy wearing a hood in the warehouse.

According to Andrew, the mysterious man in the hood was the source of all the troubles today.

For some reason, Frossa felt that the mysterious person and Qin Lie were very similar in size.

Although he didn't see his face clearly, Frossa felt that way.

In the afternoon, Qin Lie pleaded for the person of Huaxia Living Body 9877. After the riot, the living body with the number 9877 also disappeared and I don't know where it went.

All of this gave Frossa a feeling that Qin Lie had nothing to do with tonight's riots.

Although Qin Lie was eager to help the base to put down the riots after he came to the scene, Frossa still didn't fully believe him.

Don't look at Frosa's strong body, he looks like a fool in the past, but he has a delicate mind.

O'Connor has been asked to do what he said, and his heart was a little more stable.

Including Qin Lie, I also know that things will not end so easily tonight.

As long as Zhang Eunjun is still in his room, this is a ticking time bomb.

You have to find a way to send Zhang Enjun out. This is what Qin Lie has to do these two days.

But for what reason to go out, or, how to send him to the ground without knowing it, this is the most important.

Back in the room that night, Qin Lie repeatedly told Zhang Enjun that he must not leave the room and appear in front of anyone else without his permission.

After Zhang Enjun reassured him again and again, Qin Lie was relieved.

But for the time being, he couldn't think of how to take people out. Qin Lie didn't think much about it, so he went to sleep first.

After today's event is over, there will be another big event tomorrow.

There are two leaders of Skull and Bones, one Frossa and one Woodrow.

Seeing Frosa today, Woodrow will come back tomorrow, and this person is the focus of Han Qi's attention. Obviously, there will be a major event tomorrow.

The base of the Skull and Bones is very well done. The artificial sun overhead simulates the sunrise and sunset outside, bringing almost all the weather on the surface to the base.

Qin Lie fell asleep at about one o'clock in the morning and woke up at about nine in the morning.

And as soon as I woke up, I got a message that Woodrow had returned from outside, and he was asking to see Qin Lie.

Qin Lie didn't know the purpose of their enthusiasm, but it was in line with his idea.

After taking a brief shower, he told Zhang Enjun not to go out again, so he put on his clothes and went out.

What made Qin Lie curious was that the place where Frossa and himself met was in the biological research institute on the minus ten floor, and Woodrow actually arranged the place to meet with him in the military training base on the minus two floor.

That's right, it's the same place where the private armed groups of Skull and Bones train.

When he got to the negative second floor and walked out of the elevator, Qin Lie felt that the line of sight on this floor was much wider than that of the research institute on the negative tenth floor.

It's like seeing several huge football venues together. Qin Lie doesn't know what kind of mechanical structure this underground building adopts, but the whole training ground can be seen through at a glance, there are not even huge stone pillars for load-bearing, the whole space Especially open.

On the negative second floor, Blaze greeted Qin Lie at the elevator door, and the two walked into the venue together.

Blaze said as he walked: "Qin Lie, Mr. Woodrow flew back from Hawaii today after learning that you arrived at the base yesterday, but his wife was very dissatisfied.

I've been in Skull and Bones for so many years, and you're the first person to have both leaders take this seriously. "

Qin Lie could only politely say to Blaze, "Mr. Blaze is polite. If you hadn't pulled me into the Skull and Bones Society, I wouldn't be where I am today. I should be most grateful to you."

Just talking side by side with some unnutritious words, Qin Lie and Blaze finally came to the center of the entire field.

There is an artificial rock climbing wall in the center. The rock wall is straight and about 30 meters high.

At this time, Frossa was also there, including the private armed forces of the Skull and Bones Society. Everyone gathered together, looking up at a strong man above his head climbing to the top of the rock wall, and sometimes exclaimed and exclaimed. cheers.

Following their gaze, Qin Lie saw the strong man.

To be honest, his figure is much more shapely than that of Frosa, who is full of muscles, but seems to have lost the beauty of the human body.

But the man who is climbing on the rock wall at the moment is full of tendons, but he does not deliberately go to the gym. His body is not much different from that of ordinary people, but his strength is not weak.

There is one detail: he hung one finger on the rock wall, and with a slight swing, the whole person turned 180 degrees on the rock wall, and finally climbed to the top.

One finger is enough to support the weight of his entire body, and this person's body is not bad.

The difference between him and Frossa is like the difference between a bodybuilder and a martial arts star, just like Dwayne Johnson and Donnie Yen.

Obviously, Qin Lie prefers the latter.

"This is Mr. Woodrow?" Qin Lie asked Blaze aside.

Blaze nodded affirmatively: "Yes, this is Mr. Woodrow. Well, Mr. Woodrow's figure is not bad, right?"

"Yeah." Qin Lie said, "I just didn't expect the two leaders of Skull and Bones to have such a strong body. I thought that Mr. Frossa was so strong. Mr. Woodrow should be a resourceful leader. , the result was beyond my expectations.”

"Resourceful?" Blaze laughed, "You have to say that Mr. Woodrow and Mr. Frosa are on a par in the planning of things and the control of details, but if you consider physical strength, Frosa There are 10,000 gentlemen who are not as good as Woodrow."

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