"Oh?" Qin Lie was a little surprised, and said in surprise, "Mr. Woodrow is so powerful."

But Blaze didn't say any more, and said in a condescending manner: "Otherwise, why would he meet you in this place, you will find out later."

Qin Lie smiled and didn't ask any further questions.

On the other side, Frossa heard the conversation between the two of them, and interjected with a smile: "Qin Lie, I heard Blaze say that your kung fu is not weak. Last time you were in Las Vegas, you took World Boxing Champion?"

Qin Lie thought to himself: "I can't be considered a world champion, after all, there are not many people participating, I am still a bit skilled, but even me, I can't be regarded as the top group in our country, I am better than me. There are a lot of people.”

Frosa apparently didn't care about this, he said: "Wait a minute, Woodrow is a kung fu madman, and he will definitely compete with you later!"

After saying this, everyone stopped talking and turned their attention to Woodrow, who was climbing overhead.

Woodrow is undoubtedly the focus of the entire venue at this moment, and everyone's eyes are on him.

When Qin Lie arrived, he had only climbed halfway up the entire rock wall, and after talking for a while, he had already climbed to the top of the cliff quickly.

At the top there is a folded 90-degree wall hanging cliff, where the rock wall is almost parallel to the ground, and the climber must hang his body with two arms to get over that hurdle.

Ordinary people must be hanging with two hands and slowly moving out, but he is not. He leaped over, and the protruding cliff wall that was originally three meters wide was directly leaped by him.

He grabbed the edge of the cliff with one hand, twisted his waist, and flew directly to the top, pulling out the flag placed on the top.

At this time, the soldiers under the cliff who were watching his movements all burst into cheers and applause.

Among soldiers, good health is worthy of worship.

Woodrow's rock climbing speed is very fast, and he is even more powerful than the average rock climber by three points, which is indeed worthy of this applause.

Woodrow stood at the highest point, looked down at everyone below, then locked Qin Lie who was standing inside in the crowd, and gave him a smile from a distance.

Qin Lie could only nod to him in response.

Immediately afterwards, Woodrow descended from the top, without even taking the artificial stairs, and jumped directly from the top of thirty meters. On the way, he only used the unevenness of the cliff to slow down his momentum, and he jumped from the top in less than two seconds. The top fell to the ground.

He bent his legs a little, and quickly stood up straight, without the slightest discomfort from jumping down from a height of thirty meters.

When Qin Lie saw this, he felt something was wrong.

Woodrow's physical strength is a bit beyond the standard!

Yes, Qin Lie thought about it and became more and more certain of this logic.

Woodrow's body is indeed strong, but it is too strong, and even a little out of the category of normal people.

Qin Lie didn't even think about it when he started rock climbing, after all, he can do those operations himself.

But seeing Woodrow falling straight down from a height of thirty meters and unscathed, Qin Lie couldn't hold back a bit.

This is not normal!

Thirty meters, what concept?

At the height of ten floors in the country!

If a normal person falls from a ten-story building, ten of those nine lives will die.

Even with Qin Lie's physical strength, if he fell from a ten-story building, he would basically go to see the Lord of Hell.

This has nothing to do with the level of kung fu, only the physical strength.

No matter how high Qin Lie's kung fu is, he is still a mortal person, and he will die if he falls.

Not to mention Qin Lie, even Qiu Bai, even Situ Xuan, who fell from such a high place would surely die.

Having said so much, Qin Lie wanted to say something.

If a normal human body falls from the tenth floor, it is almost certain to die.

It can be seen that Woodrow's body has exceeded the scope of normal people.

Or, like Alonso, he was also transformed by the technology of Skull and Bones to achieve this strength?

Qin Lie already had such an idea before he had contact with Woodrow himself.

Woodrow landed on the ground, came from a distance from the front, and approached, he smiled and greeted Qin Lie: "Mr. Qin Lie, I've heard the name for a long time, it's the first time I've seen you, it's a pleasure to meet you."

He stretched out his hand and smiled warmly, looking like he was in his forties, but his real age should be in his fifties.

Qin Lie reached out and shook Woodrow's hand and carefully observed Woodrow.

In fact, Woodrow's hair is more than half white, and there are many wrinkles on his forehead, but he has an aura about him that makes him feel that he is not too old.

A standard Western businessman, he doesn't look as high-spirited as Frosa.

And since Qin Lie saw him, he always had a feeling in his mind, that was where this person seemed to have been seen before.

As time went on, this feeling became stronger and stronger.

"Mr. Woodrow." Qin Lie also greeted him politely, "I'm honored to meet you too."

"However." Qin Lie paused and expressed his doubts, "Mr. Woodrow, I don't know if it's my delusion or what's going on, I always feel a familiar feeling when I see you, and I seem to meet you somewhere. past you."

It stands to reason that Woodrow had heard it from Han Qi's mouth before, and it must be the first time he saw it today.

But the familiarity was too strong, so Qin Lie had to pay attention.

As for Woodrow, the corners of his mouth rose and he smiled: "Mr. Qin, you are not the first person to say that I am familiar. Your observation skills are meticulous and powerful. If I change my appearance, maybe you will be more familiar."


Change the look?

Qin Lie didn't quite understand what Woodrow meant, so Woodrow took out a human-skin mask from his pocket and quickly put the mask on his face.

The workmanship of the human-skin mask was very fine, and when it was put on his face, it was impossible to tell that it was a mask.

And he also changed into another face.

Qin Lie is more familiar with this face.

"You are!"

Pointing at Woodrow, Qin Lie's eyes widened, and the thoughts in his mind flashed like electricity.

Because the Woodrow after wearing the mask is too familiar, Qin Lie always feels as if he has seen this photo often, and more than once.

"You are..." Qin Lie kept thinking, and finally, the information in his mind matched the appearance in front of him, Qin Lie blurted out, "You are Kafka!"

Kafka, the world's richest man, has long occupied the top three positions in the world's richest list, and often goes to the first place.

He has the most powerful technology company in the United States, Wilson Modern Technology.

His technology group is integrated into major industries: communication, mobile payment, information technology, military industry and so on.

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