The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1480 It's Not That The Family Does Not Enter The House

After all, Qin Lie has been involved in business for so long, and he still knows a lot about the international bigwigs in business.

In fact, the world-class rich man who impressed him the most was Kafka.


Because this rich man is involved in the military industry.

Just like Shenzhou Weapons, Kafka has a military enterprise in his hands, which specializes in producing heavy weapons on behalf of the United States.

Unlike China's industry, China's military industry, including Shenzhou weapons, are mostly state-owned enterprises.

But the United States is not. Their military industry is a private enterprise, cooperating with the state and doing business with the state.

Moreover, the technology of some military enterprises is even more developed than the state-owned technology of the United States.

For example, the military enterprise under Kafka has applied nanotechnology to the missile warhead for the first time, and the destruction level of the missile has reached the nanometer level.

Qin Lie has seen Kafka taking photos with high-level generals, executives, etc. of the United States many times, so he is relatively familiar with Kafka.

As soon as he saw Woodrow, Qin Lie felt that his face was very familiar, and he didn't remember it until Woodrow put on the mask.

Surprised suddenly, he said loudly: "So, Mr. Woodrow, you are Kafka, the world's largest military enterprise, the boss of Thyssen Military Industry?"

"Look." Woodrow laughed, "I said that after I put on the mask, you will be more familiar with me."

"You are a double identity!" Qin Lie exclaimed in shock.

Woodrow nodded and said: "After all, I also want to live, and I also want to socialize. The name of the leader of the Skull and Bones is not very popular in the world, so I naturally have other identities.

Moreover, as the boss of the military industry, I can help the Skull and Bones Society in many ways, and my two identities complement each other.

Without a mask, I'm Woodrow, and with a mask, I'm Kafka. "


Qin Lie finally came to a realization.

No wonder that with Han Qi's ability and the power of the Kyushu Bureau, Woodrow has not been found for so many years.

It turns out that Woodrow can be said to exist in this world, and it does not exist in this world.

The boss of the Thyssen military industry, Kafka is Woodrow, if he wears a mask, who will find out?

This is a major development!

One of the most important tasks of coming here this time is to find out Woodrow's identity and the background of his trace. Now that we have such information, it can be said to be a major breakthrough.

After that, if Han Qi wanted to find Woodrow for revenge, wouldn't he just find Kafka directly!

Damn, these foreigners are hiding deep enough.

Qin Lie was excited and excited about this discovery.

But also have to admire Woodrow's cleverness.

They are military enterprises, on the one hand, they can set up a perfect shell for the Skull and Bones, so that the Skull and Bones will be sheltered and not be so easily discovered.

In addition, with the military industry, the products developed by the Skull and Bones in private will also have sales channels, which can realize the research results of the Skull and Bones, feed them back to the Skull and Bones, and provide funds for the research of the Skull and Bones.

Moreover, more and more new technological weapons appeared. With the presence of this military industrial enterprise, it would not cause too much doubt and attention from the outside world, and it would become the sanctuary of the Skull and Bones Society.

I have to admit that this trick works really well.

But it doesn't matter anymore. For Qin Lie, finding out that Woodrow is Kafka is the most important thing to him.

Putting this matter down in the notebook, Qin Lie began to politely deal with Woodrow again.

"Mr. Woodrow's identity is hidden deep enough. Who would have thought that the leader of the Skull and Bones Society turned out to be Kafka, the boss of the world's largest military industry."

"Kafka is the perfect embodiment of your identity."

"Just don't know if you prefer Woodrow or Kafka?" Qin Lie asked.

But Woodrow did not answer Qin Lie directly, but instead asked Qin Lie: "Mr. Qin, you are relatively young, what do you think the trend of human beings in contemporary society is, and what can make human society continue to progress?"

What the hell!

To be honest, Qin Lie was asked this question, and the only two words in his mind were this.

Damn, Qin Lie's biggest wish now is to kill the Xiao family and give him a peaceful life.

This is still imagining how to deal with the super family. People come to ask you how human society has progressed.

The proposition was too big for him.

Qin Lie never thought about this question, and naturally there is no corresponding answer.

He could only say: "Mr. Woodrow, I am short-sighted and have never considered this question, and I hope you will answer it for me."

Woodrow was not stingy, and said with a smile: "For me, human society wants to progress, and only the continuous evolution of human beings can drive social progress.

In today's world, technology is the most fascinating thing.

Using technology to promote human evolution is my lifelong goal.

And the military industry will only use the regression of human society. If I say so, you should know which identity I prefer. "

Undoubtedly, he naturally prefers the identity of the Skull and Bones.

Because most of the efforts made by the Skull and Bones Society are genetic modification, and this genetic modification may be the technology that promotes human evolution as he said.

After hearing what Woodrow said, Qin Lie smiled heartily.

There are two people from Skull and Bones, one Frossa and one Woodrow.

Frossa wants to establish a world-class regime with only one government, and Woodrow wants to promote the progress of human society by himself.

As the so-called not a family, do not enter a family.

Frosa's idea is crazy enough, I didn't expect Woodrow's idea to be even crazier than Frosa's.

Qin Lie also doesn't know how to evaluate their ideas. Anyway, world-class regimes and promoting the progress of human society are definitely not something that their anti-human research methods can do.

This Skull and Bones must be destroyed!

Only now, the perfunctory is still perfunctory.

"Mr. Woodrow's goals are lofty and beyond the reach of a mortal like me." Qin Lie said.

Then he asked again: "Mr Woodrow, I just watched your climbing process. I have a question. I want to know if your body has been modified like Alonso."

"Of course!" Woodrow said without hesitation, "How can a normal person's body be able to fall 30 meters into the air unscathed?

And I can do that, and that's what's fascinating about my technology. "

"That's right." After Qin Lie mentioned this, Woodrow remembered something, "Qin Lie, compare yourself with me."

"I heard Blaze and Alonso say that your body is the most extreme human body, let's see, is your conventional human extreme body stronger, or my modified body is stronger? ."

Woodrow laughed: "In the process, I believe you can also see the fascinating charm brought by technology!"

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