"Oh?" Qin Lie was also interested and asked Woodrow, "How would Mr. Woodrow compare?"

Before Qin Lie and Alonso met at the World Championships, and against Alonso at that time, Qin Lie won the final victory.

This proves the fact that Qin Lie's own strength is stronger than that of Alonso's modified fighters.

Although, that was a long time ago, and I don't know whether the genetic technology of the Skull and Bones Society has been enhanced or not.

Qin Lie has also been thinking, in the 21st century, so many companies focus their research on genetic engineering, can genetic engineering really accelerate the speed of human progress.

Or, can genetic engineering really make humans stronger?

Qin Lie also wanted to figure this out.

"It's very simple, we're more than triathlon, triathlon Qin Lie, you know," Woodrow said.

"That's natural." Qin Lie said.

The so-called triathlon is a combination of long-distance running, swimming and cycling, which tests the comprehensive strength of a person's physical fitness.

This project also exists in the Olympic Games.

Woodrow said: "Now we have no bicycles in this training ground, then we will change the cycling program to rock climbing. We are better than rock climbing, long-distance running and swimming!"

"Yes." Qin Lie nodded, "What about the specific rules?"

"Specific rules." Woodrow muttered, and then took the lead in walking into the venue, pointing to the facilities in the venue as he walked.

"We started from this line, and the fastest we reached was this artificial rock wall. The rock wall went up and down three times, and then set off to the swimming pool."

"This swimming pool is 100 meters long, and one round trip is 200 meters. We swim five rounds, which is 1,000 meters."

"The last is running. The standard runway is 400 meters. We run ten laps. Whoever finishes first will win."

The rules are simple enough to understand in one go.

It is a competition of pure physical strength.

It's just that the average person can't stand these three projects. Even professional athletes, without special training, are very difficult to complete these three projects.

That's an all-around physical strength test.

It seems Woodrow is confident in his revamped body.

Qin Lie said after listening, "Is there a bet? Whoever wins the two of you and me has a little advantage. It's interesting to compare it with a little gimmick!"

After listening, Woodrow smiled and said: "The stake is, then whoever wins will get the bottle of 57-year-old Lafite that is treasured in the Frosa family."

"Let me tell you," Woodrow said. "This bastard, Frossa, has been hiding this bottle of wine for years. Let him take it out for us this time."

When Frossa heard this, he immediately disagreed: "No, Woodrow, you bastard, what are you two doing with my things as a bet, I haven't planned to drink that wine, let's have a later time. Decades, wait for it to be a hundred years old and then take it out!"

"Come on." Woodrow said, "You really plan to pass your bottle of wine to your descendants. Now that we have such a good spokesperson for China, why don't you show your things to reward them?"

"The leader of the Skull and Bones Society is so big, you can't give up such a little thing, you are afraid that Qin Lie will laugh your teeth off!"

After being told this by Woodrow, Frossa finally couldn't stand it anymore, and finally waved his hand impatiently: "Okay, oh, you say it so much that I don't want to face, take it out and take it out, a bottle Wine, I can still afford the florosa..."

"But I have a condition," said Frosa. "If you drink that wine, I'll have a few with you!"

"Okay!" Woodrow raised his brows and said, "You made everything, so can we stop you from drinking it?"

The matter is settled like that. Of course, the wine thing is all information off the field, and the most important thing is the game on the field.

The physical limit of ordinary people and the physical limit after transformation, which one is stronger and weaker?

This may be the reason why Woodrow put the location of today's meeting here.

Everything was discussed, Qin Lie changed into loose clothes and stood on the starting line with Woodrow.

Frossa and other members of the mobile unit also gathered around to pay attention to the fight.

Those who were soldiers said something sporadically, and they were all discussing who could win between the two of them.

Obviously, there are not many people on Qin Lie's side.

"Hey!" One of the soldiers asked the other soldier, "Who do you think will win this time between Mr. Woodrow and this new Chinese?"

The person who was asked on the side immediately sneered, and didn't even bother to answer his question.

"Does it need to be said? Mr. Woodrow is the most successful person in the transformation of all technologies in our base. He has more than 20 billion investment in technology alone. If Mr. Woodrow loses, then our investment is not all. In vain."

"That's right." The soldier who asked the question at the beginning said, "Mr. Woodrow's body is not human at all, the most powerful soldiers in our team are not his opponents, and the Chinese man doesn't look very good. , it is estimated that he will be abused miserably."

"Yeah!" Someone next to him said, "Let's just see how far this Chinese boy will be thrown."

"One is an ordinary person, and the other is a master who has opened a plug-in. There is no comparison!"

There was a lot of discussion, and they basically stood on Woodrow's side.

Or maybe they had seen the power of Woodrow, so they didn't have any expectations for Qin Lie.

Qin Lie didn't care, he just stood at the starting position, waiting for Frosa's start command.

In fact, he didn't have a clue in his heart. Whoever wins and who loses in this game will have to watch his performance for a while.

After standing at the starting point for about two or three minutes, Frossa brewed for a while, and then turned into a palm with one hand and slammed it down. Immediately afterwards, Qin Lie and Woodrow were like chicken blood. Shot out like an arrow.

The atmosphere of the crowd was also warmed up by the start of the competition between the two.

In the cheers of the crowd, the two almost rushed forward together.

The distance from the initial position to the climbing position is about 30 meters. This distance mainly depends on the explosive force, that is, the starting speed of the 100-meter sprint.

Of course, even such a small distance can't open a significant gap.

Qin Lie's reaction speed was slightly slower than Woodrow's, but the burst speed of departure was faster than Woodrow's.

So the two people reached the rock wall almost at the same time.

The soldiers next to him were quite surprised at this scene. Obviously, they didn't expect Qin Lie to be so fast!

Everyone's eyes lit up, they looked at each other in dismay, and all of a sudden they started to look at Qin Lie again.

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