In the final picture, the two of them rushed to the finish line almost at the same time.

With the naked eye, it is almost impossible to see who is faster and who is slower.

This time, everyone in the venue exclaimed.

"My God, what's the deal with this?"

"I see that they seem to be rushing in at exactly one time. How can this be good."

"A draw? A draw at the end?"

"But no matter what, this Qin Lie is amazing."

Crossing the finish line, Qin Lie was too tired to walk to Frosa, panting, and asked Frosa the result.

"How about me and Mr. Woodrow, who got to the finish line first?"

As the referee of this competition, Frossa had no way to draw a conclusion: "I don't know, I think you two crossed the finish line almost at the same time, and I can't see who is faster."

Qin Lie asked: "Is there an electronic detection device that is accurate to the millisecond level?"

Frossa spread his hands and said: "Do you think we are a competition center here? Where can there be those things? This is a training base, not so precise."

"Then what is the result?"

Frosa replied: "Since it's not clear who is faster and who is slower, it's better to simply even if the two of you are in a draw, it won't be hurt."

"Then how can it be done." Qin Lie said, "There must be a winner or loser in the game. It's boring to have a draw if you don't win or lose."

Woodrow on the side also slowly leaned over and said with a smile, "Qin Lie, don't embarrass him, he just doesn't want to take out his red wine, so even if we draw, come on, I don't know him yet?"

"Fart!" Flora said, "You think I'm really that stingy, no matter who wins or loses between you two today, even if it's a draw, I'm happy to watch this game today, I'll still take out the wine, really , I don't have a bottle yet, I still have two bottles!"

"Hahahaha..." Woodrow laughed when he heard it, patted Qin Lie on the shoulder and said, "Seeing that there is no Qin Lie, I'm still in your light. If it's normal, I want to drink a bottle of his wine, Harder than going to the moon."

After the bullshit was over, Woodrow finally got down to business with Qin Lie.

Putting away his smile, Woodrow said sternly: "How about Qin Lie, who just finished the competition with me. What do you think about our genetic modification technology? What do you think of it?"

"Very powerful!" Qin Lie sincerely expressed his thoughts.

But before he really expressed his opinion, Qin Lie asked one more question: "I just don't know how Mr. Woodrow's physical fitness was before?"

After listening to Woodrow, he said casually: "I am a military engineer, businessman, mainly in business. How do you think my body can be?"

Frossa added: "Two years ago, not to mention two years ago, just one year ago, before Woodrow's transformation, his strength was not enough to carry a bucket of water to three floors. In your Huaxia's words, It's really called the power of the hand, but after the transformation, it took only a year of effort to have the current level."

"Yeah!" Qin Lie nodded after listening, "If that's the case, then this technique is really powerful. Does Mr. Woodrow feel any discomfort after being transformed?"

"That's not true." Woodrow said, "It's just that this technology is still not proficient, and the genetically directed modification has pushed my physiological limit to a new level.

But as you can see, my explosiveness is very strong, but my endurance is almost meaningless, and at present, to reach my level of transformation, the transformation cost of one person is as high as 20 billion US dollars.

The cost is too high, and it is nothing more than mass transformation.

Sustained endurance is too low and how to reduce costs, these are the two difficulties we are currently overcoming. "

"Well." Qin Lie nodded, "If these two difficulties can be overcome, this technology can become a technology for human innovation..."

Woodrow said: "And this transformation also depends on the basic physical fitness of the original human body. If the original human body is better, the effect after transformation will be better.

A person like me who is powerless can reach such a level after transformation. If it is you, you can imagine what kind of monster you can become. "

"How, are you interested?" Finally, Woodrow added.

Qin Lie paused for a moment, then smiled awkwardly: "Haha, Mr. Woodrow, that, I am still relatively conservative, although this technology still looks very powerful now, but it has not been verified by time, I still do not Dare to use it casually, and wait for it later, after the technology matures, I will experience it again.”

Qin Lie still had the same idea, the body was given by God, artificially remodeled, it still tasted a bit against the sky, and he was still unwilling to take the initiative to try these skills under the condition of immaturity.

As a result, Woodrow waved his hand and said, "No, no, you misunderstood. I asked if you were interested, not if you wanted to try it, but if you were interested in this project."

Woodrow just said: "Our Skull and Bones is at the forefront of the world in genetic modification technology, and no other country or organization has higher attainments in human modification than us.

But even we still encounter bottlenecks in this technology, just like the two difficulties I just told you.

Then, we have been trying to find a way to expand our base to Huaxia for the past two years. Why? "

"Why?" Qin Lie asked.

"Because we have found several experts in biological genetics in Huaxia, we all feel that those experts are likely to help us make major breakthroughs in our technology."

"We would like to invite them to join our Skull and Bones Society, but for various reasons, the Chinese Academy of Sciences is unwilling to release people, and some patriotic scientists are unwilling to join us, and the Kyushu Bureau strictly prevents our Skull and Bones Society from infiltrating China, which led to our plan. Bankruptcy, that's why we found you."

"We want to invite them to join in the name of a Chinese person, and let them serve us in a way of contributing to the scientific cause of Huaxia."

"So we let you set up a biological experiment base and exist in your name, and even handed over our core technology to you."

"You want me to help you invite them." Qin Lie asked back.

"That's right." Woodrow said, "For now, everything is in the plan. Next, we will send our elite scientists to the base in Huaxia, and you need to help us get in touch. Those scientists, pull them into your camp."

"When there is a breakthrough in research, the results come out, and you will get half of all the benefits."

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