"And what I'm asking you is, are you interested in this?" Woodrow finally said.

Qin Lie immediately had his own answer in his heart.

It must be interesting, it's just too interesting.

Don't say that Woodrow mentioned this matter, even if he didn't mention it, Qin Lie was already quietly doing it.

After getting the core documents from Caesar, Qin Lie made a private copy.

The original was sent to the Huaxia Research Base of Skull and Bones, and the copy was sent to the Biological Research Institute of Tai'an Medicine.

For this reason, Qin Lie also went to Shuimu University to invite Ye Dingtian, the top biologist in China, to join him.

Of course, these things are not known to Skull and Bones Woodrow.

What Qin Lie didn't expect was that Woodrow was going to let him do the same.

If you do it like this, you can act blatantly!

This is a good thing!

Somewhere, Qin Lie felt that what the Skeleton Society was researching, when it really matured, must be an innovative technology that caused a sensation in the world.

After any innovative technology is born, huge benefits will follow.

Qin Lie faintly smelled a golden mountain from behind this technique.

He even had a bold idea.

Isn't Han Qi targeting the Skull and Bones Society? Han Qi and the Han family and the Kyushu Bureau launched together, and maybe they will directly destroy the Skull and Bones Society in the end.

Once the Skeleton Society is destroyed, the only one who knows this technology will be his own family.

At that time, the technology of the Skull and Bones will be completely owned by itself.

If it's really until then, what five or five points? What Skull and Bones? It's not all about how far you go!

Of course, this wishful thinking goes a bit far.

But in any case, this matter is not harmful to Qin Lie.

The Skull and Bones are still thinking about using each other with themselves, each taking what they need.

But Qin Lie was already thinking about how to destroy them.

As soon as he agreed, Qin Lie responded immediately: "I'm interested, of course I'm interested, I'm a member of the Skull and Bones Club now, of course everything depends on the arrangements of the two leaders, so I can contribute a little to the club. it's my honour."

The words were official, but Woodrow and Frosa didn't care.

"Okay, very good," Woodrow said. "It was the best decision we made to find you."

"Including what I told you today, and the two things Frossa told you yesterday, this is the main purpose of calling you to the United States this time."

"We can't enter Huaxia, and we have been issued a red notice in Huaxia, so we can only pull you to the United States."

"Haha..." Qin Lie smiled, "Actually, these things can also be said on the phone."

Woodrow also laughed: "Then before we hire people, we still need to see if the other party is reliable. You have joined the Skull and Bones for so long, and you are in an important position. We, the leaders, have never met each other, so we can't tell. ."

"So." Qin Lie paused and said, "Is Mr. Woodrow satisfied with me after seeing me again?"

Woodrow continued to laugh: "If you weren't satisfied, there wouldn't be that conversation at all."

At this point in the chat, today's conversation is almost over.

in conclusion.

Frosa and Woodrow called themselves over this time, mainly to investigate themselves and explain a few things about themselves.

The most important thing is to completely entrust Huaxia's biological base to yourself, and let yourself help find some of China's most powerful biological scientists. The second is to extradite some scientists and armed forces of Skull and Bones to Huaxia to supervise the order of the Huaxia base. The last one is to assassinate Han Qi.

All these things are shaken out, and this trip to the headquarters of the Skull and Bones is almost over.

Afterwards, Woodrow and Qin Lie chatted a lot.

Qin Lie discovered that Woodrow was actually a fairly knowledgeable and shrewd person.

If you don't care about the grievances with Han Qi, such people can also get to know each other.

It's a pity that between Han Qi and Woodrow, Qin Lie must choose Han Qi.

Besides, people like Woodrow and Frossa have the ability, but the values ​​are wrong, and even a bit anti-human, it is better to have less contact.

At the end of the conversation, Woodrow told Qin Lie: "Qin Lie, it was a pleasure meeting you this time, everything is almost the same, if you want to keep playing in the US, keep playing, I can even find you a few The beauty guide takes you around.

But if you want to go home, I can send it back for you too. "

"No no no..." Qin Lie said, "I can't go back to Huaxia for the time being. I came to the United States with two things. The first is to see you at the headquarters. The second is that I Gotta go to Los Angeles and discuss something else with the Rockefellers..."

"Oh?" Woodrow said in surprise, "You still have contact with the Rockefeller family?"

Qin Lie thought for a while, this matter has absolutely nothing to do with the Skull and Bones Society, so it doesn't matter if he tells him.

Maybe the Skeletons can help him a little bit in this matter.

Thinking like this, Qin Lie said casually, "It was Capo, the concubine of the Rockefeller family, who took the initiative to find me. He said that he was severely oppressed in the family, and I hope I can help him get some justice."

"I thought that the products I made in China can be sold in the United States. This Kapuo has contributed a lot, so I came to help him. Anyway, I want to see you anyway, so I did it by the way."

As a result, as soon as Woodrow heard it, he immediately saw the essence of the matter.

"Qin Lie, do you want to support a puppet in the US to help you open the US market?"

"Haha..." Qin Lie said, "I can't hide anything from your eyes."

"I've been in touch with that Kapoor," Woodrow said. "He speaks and acts in a measured manner, but he lacks ambition, and he has the ability but no courage. He is indeed a good candidate for a puppet."

Qin Lie didn't know what to say, so he could only nod his head in response.

At this time, Frossa interjected: "If you want to say that, I still remember one thing, this Rockefeller family has just placed an order in our hands to buy a batch of arms, We haven't had time to deliver..."


This information immediately aroused Qin Lie's interest, he raised his brows and asked Frossa: "The Rockefeller family asked the Skull and Bones for a batch of arms."

"That's right." Frossa said, "That's what happened three days ago. We are already out of this batch."

Qin Lie thought about it and continued to ask Frossa, "Who ordered from us?"

Frossa: "It should be the patriarch of Rockefeller, Abraham, what's the matter?"

Hearing this information, Qin Lie fell into deep thought.

If this is the case, the Rockefeller family will indeed have something big happen recently!

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