The Rockefeller family is a consortium, a business, not a gang.

They may have private armies at ordinary times, but definitely not many.

Suddenly buying arms, it must be because there is a big event going to happen in the family.

Three days ago, it was probably when Kapoor approached him and asked for his help.

There might be some connection between the two things.

Thinking of this, Qin Lie had another thought in his mind.

Turning back and asking Frossa, "Mr. Frossa, I would like to ask you a favor."

"What?" Frossa asked.

Qin Lie paused and said, "You haven't released this batch of arms yet?"

"It will be out soon," said Frossa. "From Nevada to Los Angeles, what, what do you think?"

Qin Lie said: "Then can you give me this arms transportation task, I have brought a lot of my armed forces in the country, and can be responsible for this transportation task, I think, this batch of arms It should be able to bring a lot of convenience to what I do.”

After these two days of contact, Qin Lie discovered that both Frossa and Woodrow were both nominal leaders of Skull and Bones.

But Woodrow's status is still vaguely higher than Frossa.

Mentioned by Qin Lie, Frosa looked back at Woodrow and asked, "Is it alright?"

Woodrow shrugged and said, "Yes, why not? It's not a big deal. If you can help Qin Lie, then help him."

"That's fine!" Frossa turned to look at Qin Lie and said, "But I have a request. I can give you this batch of arms, but you have to make sure to deliver these items to the Rockefeller family on time and on time."

"No no no..." Qin Lie refused to say, "Since I want this batch of arms, I definitely want to use them to make a fuss, so it's impossible to deliver it on time."

"Then you will affect the reputation of our Skull and Bones!" said Frossa.

"Forget about Frossa!" Woodrow said, "Give Qin Lie the arms. He can do whatever he wants, and you can do whatever. He will have a foundation in the United States in the future, and it will be the same for us. good thing.

Isn't it just a Rockefeller family, we can afford to offend it! "

The Rockefeller family is one of the top ten financial groups in the United States.

Of course, the foundations of the consortium in the United States are not deep, so their influence is far less than that of the eight major families in China and the Cape family in Europe.

The Skull and Bones Society has developed so much now that it is naturally not afraid of the Rockefeller family.

Woodrow's move can be regarded as sacrificing the Rockefeller family to please Qin Lie.

If Qin Lie can succeed, in the end the Rockefeller family is also Qin Lie's, which is called killing two birds with one stone.

Woodrow's words were finalized, and Frossa said nothing.

"Okay, since that's the case, then this batch of arms will be handed over to you, and what happens next will be your responsibility."

This guarantee is enough for Qin Lie.

Qin Lie naturally agreed: "Don't worry, I won't bring any trouble to the Skull Association."


At this point, everything is over.

Qin Lie agreed to escort the arms to Los Angeles for another reason.

That is, there is actually a time bomb hidden in his room.

Now that he has finally gained the trust of Woodrow and Frossa, Zhang Enjun must not be exposed.

If Frossa knew that the riots that turned the entire base upside down originated from him, there might be trouble.

With the right to send this arms to each other, the Longyan Squad can justifiably come to the vicinity of this base.

When the time comes, Zhang Enjun will be dressed up in disguise, and he will be able to sneak into the Longyan Squad and leave the base.

For helping Zhang Enjun and Zhang Xiaoyun, Qin Lie can be considered a good deed.

That night, Qin Lie told the plan to Chen Jinhu, Jiang Lei and others in Carson City, and asked them to bring the Longyan team to the base for handover tomorrow, and sent them the specific location and route.

Qin Lie had nothing else to do in the evening, just had a drink with Frossa Woodrow.

Frossa took out the fine wine he had kept for decades, and a few people enjoyed it.

During the process, Qin Lie mentioned that he was going to take Zhang Xiaoyun away. Zhang Xiaoyun was an extremely small property to the entire Skull and Bones Society.

Now that Qin Lie has a high status in Skull and Bones, Frosa and Woodrow of course agreed.

After drinking and returning home, Qin Lie told the news to Zhang Xiaoyun and Zhang Enjun, the two brothers and sisters, who were grateful again.

This trip to Skull and Bones headquarters is completely over.

The next day, Qin Lie woke up after sleeping until after 8:00 in the morning. The members of Longyan Squad had arrived at the center of the desert overnight, that is, the location of the base.

Qin Lie went down to see Chen Jinhu and the others first, took off the clothes of a young man from Longyan Squad, returned to the hotel and put it on for Zhang Enjun, and finally left the hotel with Zhang Enjun, disguised as a member of Longyan Squad, and left together with arms. Skull and Bones Base.

Don't mention, the Rockefeller family bought a lot of arms this time. Qin Lie and the others used that kind of small pickup truck to transport goods.

Of course, they are all conventional guns and ammunition, nothing unusual.

Everyone said goodbye to Frosa and Woodrow and drove away from the Mojave Desert.

The state border control in the United States is not very strict, so Qin Lie and the others drove quickly from Nevada to California, which is the state where Los Angeles is located.

Take the No. 15 highway, no speed limit, it will be four hours.

When he arrived in Los Angeles, Qin Lie's first thing was to send the two brothers and sisters Zhang Enjun back to Huaxia. Everyone met by chance, and it was a matter of righteousness to help them escape from the Skull and Bones Society.

How the brothers and sisters will go on the road behind has nothing to do with him.

What Qin Lie didn't expect was that Zhang Enjun was in a hurry to return to China, but Zhang Xiaoyun was not in a hurry.

Qin Lie asked her to fly back to Huaxia, but she said she wanted to stay by Qin Lie's side and wanted to repay him for saving his life.

It doesn't matter to Qin Lie, anyway, Zhang Xiaoyun's appearance is not bad, and the figure is also good, mainly because the skills in that area are perfect after training, and he can almost make him want to die.

With Zhang Xiaoyun by her side, if there is fire all over her body, she can also purify the fire on her.

It's impossible to give her a name, but it's okay to be a tool person.

Just like that, Qin Lie also agreed with her to stay by his side.

After arriving in Los Angeles, Qin Lie also officially entered the sphere of influence of the Rockefeller family in addition to dealing with the two siblings.

Originally, the person who ordered the arms was Abraham, the patriarch of the Rockefeller family, and he should go to Abraham with the arms.

But he didn't, but contacted Capuo for the first time.

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