After receiving the call from Qin Lie, Kapoor felt like he had received a call from the savior.

He breathed a sigh of relief on the phone, sighed and said, "Mr. Qin, you're finally here, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Qin Lie was still here and said with a smile: "Mr. Kapoor, I said I would definitely come to help you, you have nothing to worry about."

"Mr. Qin." Capo said immediately, "Have you arrived in Los Angeles, I must meet you now, where are you now??"

Qin Lie said: "I'm still on the outskirts of Los Angeles, and I don't dare to enter the city, because I brought something along the way, and this thing can't be seen in the city. If you want to see me, arrange a place for me to hide. Is the place to live?"

"Ok!" Kapoor is so eager now that he didn't even ask Qin Lie what he brought, "I'll send you an address now, you bring people and things over there, I'll be there in a moment, also in Suburbs of Los Angeles, should be not far from you."


Qin Lie answered, and the two hung up the phone.

After a while, Qin Lie received a message from Kapuao on his mobile phone, which was a location address.

Qin Lie opened the map software in his mobile phone, and looked at the address, which was only 15 skill points away from his current location. It wasn't too far. Qin Lie took Chen Jinhu and the others to the address.

The destination in about half an hour.

The destination is still in the suburbs, and it is a manor in the suburbs. The scale is not large, but there is no problem in accommodating them.

When Qin Lie arrived, Capuo had not arrived yet, and a housekeeper who was over fifty years old opened the door for them.

Apparently Kapoor had already made arrangements, and the butler quickly led everyone to the depths of the manor.

To say that this manor is quite hidden, there are very few people around. When Qin Lie drove over, he saw no more than ten cars along the road. It was built behind a farm. If you didn't pay attention, you would never have imagined it It's still a manor.

Qin Lie temporarily parked the car with the arms in the yard and waited for Kapoor to come over.

Everyone was resting in the courtyard.

It may take a while for Kapoor to come from the city. Everyone sat in the yard bored and chatted.

Chen Jinhu, Jiang Lei and others didn't know much about this matter, only that Qin Lie came to fight for the control of the Rockefeller family.

Seeing such a large batch of arms being transported again, I can't help but guess: "brother lie, are we going to fight the Rockefeller family?"

Qin Lie said: "It's best if we don't fight. Our opponent this time is not the Rockefeller family, but their patriarch, Abraham."

"You want to take the position of the head of the Rockefeller family?" Chen Jinhu asked.

"Yeah." Qin Lie nodded and said without shyness, "Our industry is developing well in the world now, but it is blocked in the United States. We must also establish a base in the United States and find a spokesperson. It's going to be a lot smoother too, that's what we're going to do."

"Is Kapoor reliable?" Jiang Lei couldn't help but wonder, "If he was really capable, he wouldn't have been so miserable by his uncle, and now I can only ask you for help."

After Qin Lie heard this, he smiled and said, "Jiang Lei, identity is very important in this world. What is equality for everyone has never existed in this world."

"It's just because Kapoor wasn't born well, so he can't stand in the family. It doesn't mean that his ability is not good. If you give him enough resources, maybe he can manage the family better than his uncle."

"But there is one more problem." Chen Jinhu said, "We are so blatant to help Capo, let alone the Rockefeller family disagree, I don't think other families in the United States will agree, if you successfully control the Rockefeller family, That would be equivalent to taking a share of their U.S. pie, and the other families in the U.S. must not unite against us."

Chen Jinhu's remarks came to the point, and Qin Lie was very satisfied.

"Golden Tiger, you've made a lot of progress recently, and you can actually see what's behind so much."

"Hey." Chen Jinhu touched the back of his head and said, "that's what I learned from you, brother lie."

"That's right!" Qin Lie nodded, "Jin Hu, you are right, if we really want to settle in the United States, other than the Rockefeller family, other forces will definitely come forward to obstruct it. The battle we are going to fight this time is very big. And probably long lasting..."

"Then what are you going to do?" Qin Lie asked.

Qin Lie sat in the chair and said calmly: "Everything in this world is for profit, and everything is for profit. As long as enough benefits are given to them, I think there must be many solutions, but those are all We'll have to wait until the Rockefellers are dealt with."

Now Qin Lie also has bigger and bigger ambitions.

Money, he has earned a lot.

In the country, except for the eight great families, he is the ceiling of almost all the forces.

If he is lucky and can kill the Xiao family, Qin Lie can become one of the biggest forces in the country, comparable to the family.

When the domestic foundation is stable, it is natural to seek development abroad.

Cape's influence spreads across Europe, and the Xuanyuan family's industries also spread all over the world.

In order for Qin Lie to truly be on an equal footing with the family, his international influence must also go on.

This is a necessary process.

He had never dared to expect so much before.

But the more you see, the higher your horizons.

He is also thinking now, is it possible to add the word "Qin" to the list of noble families!

In the same sentence, if you want to be truly carefree and achieve absolute freedom, you can only achieve the top of the world.

After thinking a little too far, Qin Lie took his thoughts back. At this time, Kapoor finally came to the manor.

The car came in through the gate and stopped right in front of Qin Lie.

The wheels hadn't even come to a stop yet, and Kapuo flew down from the car.

He came to Qin Lie, hugged Qin Lie, and patted Qin Lie's back heavily, feeling very excited.

"Mr. Qin, you are finally here. You are here, and my father and I will be saved!"

Qin Lie still didn't like Western hugs, and quickly pushed Capuo away.

Qin Lie looked at him and found that his face was dark yellow and bloodless, but his eyes were bloodshot, as if he hadn't slept for a long time, and his demeanor was very haggard.

"Mr. Capo, it seems that you have been having a bad time recently!"

Kapoor smiled bitterly: "It's not just bad, I feel like my father and I are dying!"

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