Looking at Kapuao, it may have been really miserable recently.

After Kapoor arrived at the manor, he quickly welcomed Qin Lie and Chen Jinhu into the villa.

I asked the people below to make coffee and authentic Longjing tea for Qin Lie and the others, and everyone formed a circle.

Of course, the main people are Qin Lie and Capo.

Qin Lie took two sips of the tea, and it tasted quite authentic.

Sitting on the sofa, squinting at Kapuao, Qin Lie couldn't help laughing: "Mr. Kapuao, what happened to make you so anxious that you're going to die, right?"

"Hey!" Kapoor sighed, helpless, "These things are really hard to describe, and now is the most difficult time for my father and I, this is handled well, we can still survive, if we handle it No, we really could be life-threatening."

"It doesn't matter." Qin Lie spread his hands and said, "This time I'm here to help you deal with this matter. There's a lot of time. You can talk about it."

Kapoor clasped his hands together, his thoughts were confused, and he didn't know where to start.

After thinking for two minutes, he finally said, "Mr. Qin, do you remember what I told you last time about my uncle being seriously ill and hospitalized for half a year?"

"Hmm..." Qin Lie shrugged, waiting for his next sentence.

Kapoor said: "Now I can basically be 100% sure that the illness that time was completely faked by him. He lived for half a year, just to give us a false impression that he was going to die, and then we made performance expectations. Go compete for the position of the patriarch, so once he comes back, there is a reason to suppress us!"

"Hmph, what a cunning thing."

Qin Lie said after listening: "You told me this from the beginning, and I probably guessed his purpose."

"But what I think is." Qin Lie added, "His feigning illness is not aimed at your father and son. He pretended to be ill and was admitted to the hospital, and then waited to see who took advantage of him to leave the family and did not control the power of the family. When it suddenly jumps out, whoever dares to jump out during this time will be picked up by him."

"Is it important? It's not important," Capo said. "Anyway, now that we've hit his gun, we can't just sit back and wait for him to take care of us."


Qin Lie agreed with him and continued to ask: "In addition to what you said before, he confiscated the business you negotiated for others to do, what else did he do?"

"Haha..." Kapoor sneered, "I'm basically speechless in the family now, and I've been demoted."

"The last time I went to Huaxia to see you, I was still the general manager of the family's affairs in Asia. After this incident, Abraham transferred me from the general manager of Asia, back to the United States, and then in the family's logistics department. Do management, shit, the logistics department, he's treating me like a chorus!"

Qin Lie nodded admittedly.

This is a very vicious demeanor.

Although logistics is also a necessary department of a company, this department has little real power and low status, and basically belongs to the grassroots of a company.

What kind of person is this place suitable for? Those who don't like to do things, have no ambitions, and live in peace and quiet.

Don't fight, don't grab, and do what you do with your salary.

You can't starve to death, but don't even think about climbing up by this.

Abraham's meaning is to let Capo be honest!

But Capo is clearly not one of those people.

Although he has been forbearing under the suppression of the family all these years, he still has grand ambitions in his heart.

Abraham's drawing from the bottom of his hand, it was to cut off his thoughts.

No wonder Capo was so anxious.

"Well, it seems that your uncle really wants to deal with your threat completely." Qin Lie said.

"It's nothing." Capo continued to say indignantly, "My father is even worse. Before, he was in charge of the sales of a product within the family. The original ruling written by his father said that within a quarter, the Increase the sales of this product by 10%!"

"Then when the time was over, my father's work was done, and it only increased by 8%, and he didn't reach the goal set at the beginning."

"Then Abraham used this reason to say that my father had seriously neglected his duties, and he was dismissed from his family position. He didn't even move him, and left him with nothing to do. My father is still idle at home."

"Do you think this 2% error needs to be on the line like this?"

"Okay, this is also the previous story." Capo's anger could not stop, he continued to accuse Abraham, "Later, my father was unhappy and bored because he had nothing to do at home, so he invited several members of his original family. An old man came home to drink coffee, play poker, and kill time."

"Of course..." Kapoor paused and said, "I also want to discuss with them how to deal with the current situation, after all, it is human nature to want to solve the difficulties after being dismissed.

And guess what Abraham did? He actually dismissed several of my father's old subordinates on the grounds that my father and other subordinates were privately murdering the interests of the family, and then banned all family members from contacting my father, and sent someone to impose a foothold on my father! ! "

"I'm really convinced. My father has been very hot-tempered recently, and he's already trying to find a way to lift Abraham's patriarch's seat. I'm thinking about this development. If my father ever confronts Abraham head-on, Abraham really would kill my father."

"Mr. Qin." Capuo complained in a wave, his breathing became rapid, he poured a full cup of coffee into his mouth, and finally controlled his emotions.

"The situation is already like this. Our father and son and Abraham are just a piece of paper away from tearing our faces, but we don't have the capital to tear up our faces with him now. Our background is too shallow to fight him."

"There's really no way out, I just found you."

"You started from scratch in Huaxia, and you have achieved today's level from a small worker with nothing. Your ability is extraordinary, please help us think of a way."

In this round of conversation, Qin Lie completely understood the current situation of Kapoor.

As he himself said, the situation is indeed serious.

All those things are unnecessary!

A gentleman is innocent, but he is guilty!

If one person wants to fuck another person, even breathing can be his reason.

Abraham clearly set his sights on the Kapuo and his son, and without completely bringing them down, Abraham would never give up.

It seems that the dispute between the descendants has never been a patent of Huaxia.

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