After listening, Qin Lie sat on the sofa and quickly responded: "In this situation, don't say anything to compliment me. It's the key to solve the problem first. I didn't expect your situation to be so serious."

"Otherwise," Kapoor said, "I'm not a person who likes to ask for help. Last time you mentioned this issue, I didn't even mention it to you."

"I originally thought that as long as I was conscientious, everyone in the family would see my efforts, but now I think it's naive."

"Haha..." Qin Lie smiled, "There is no such thing as a hard-working person in this world. Kapoor, you made the right choice this time."

The situation was basically understood. Kapoor asked Qin Lie, "Then Mr. Qin, what are you going to do?"

It is too early to draw conclusions, and Qin Lie has no specific plans in mind.

It’s just that this must be done, not only for Kapuao, but also for his future layout in the United States.

So Qin Lie did it for himself.

He responded in a low voice to Kapoor: "Don't worry, before making a strategic plan, I have to meet Abraham for a while. Now I don't even know the character, capital and means of doing things of my opponent, so I can't make a plan."

"But don't worry, with my people there, there will be no problem with your life and your father's safety."

Kapoor said: "But how are you going to contact him, is there a reason?"

"Why is there no reason?" Qin Lie said, "I am both a legal person in Tai'an Medicine and Qingqingjia. You both signed a contract with me. After all, the Rockefeller family's partner is me. I can't meet Abraham?"


Qin Lie paused and continued: "Not only can I see him as a collaborator, but I can see him in other identities..."

Qin Lie said, pointing to the three small pickups parked in the yard outside the villa: "Seeing if these three trucks are missing, this is the capital for me to talk to him."

Capo was surprised, because those three trucks were also what he wanted to ask about and never asked.

"That's right." Capo said, "What are these three trucks from, and what are they inside?"

"Arms!" Qin Lie summed it up in two words, and then briefly explained, "Abraham asked the Skull and Bones to order a batch of arms, I don't know why he ordered it, this batch was shipped by me, and it hasn't been delivered yet. Hand it over to him."

"Skull and Bones!"

Kapoor was even more shocked when he heard it, completely unexpected that Qin Lie was still related to the Skeleton Society: "Mr. Qin, are you still related to the Skeleton Society?"

"There's no need to explain this to you." Qin Lie waved his hand, "Anyway, you just need to know that all the arms Abraham wants now is on me. Do you think I have the qualifications to talk to him?"

"Oh my God!" Capo's first reaction was quite shocked, he exclaimed, "What the hell is Abraham trying to do? Now, at this critical period, he actually asked the Skull and Bones Society to buy such a large batch of arms. He completely wanted to take us out. Have people in this family been eliminated?"

"Mr. Qin." Capo pleaded, "You must not give him this batch of arms."

"It's hard to say." Qin Lie said, "After all, it involves the interests of Skull and Bones, so I can't hang him all the time, but it's certain that this thing can help us gain a certain level of leverage."

"Tomorrow!" Qin Lie said, "I'll call Abraham early tomorrow morning, citing the transfer of arms, and you will follow. I'm going to officially meet your uncle."


Capo sighed, but there was really no better way.

"Okay." In the end, he could only nod his head.

Kapoor’s meeting with Qin Lie ended here. Because there were other matters on the family side, Kapoor didn’t want to arouse Abraham’s suspicion. After talking with Qin Lie, Kapoor left in a hurry.

The rest and dinner in the evening were all arranged by the housekeeper in the manor.

Qin Lie, Chen Jinhu and others were still tired after running around for a day. After eating, they went to bed very early.

Qin Lie found a separate house in the villa. The space is quite large, and the western-style mattress is soft and comfortable to lie on.

He lay in bed after a bath, thinking about his meeting with Abraham tomorrow.

At this moment, there was a knock on his door.

Turned over to get up, opened the door and saw Zhang Xiaoyun standing at the door.

How should I put it, today's Zhang Xiaoyun is even more sexy than the day before yesterday - to be exact, she was only wrapped in a white bath towel.

The bath towel was tied to his chest, and the pair were squeezed slightly, ready to come out.

The towel was not long, and it barely covered the base of the thigh.

If she looked up a little, or if Zhang Xiaoyun moved a little bigger, she would be able to see her panties right away.

And further down the towel is her iconic long legs, straight and snow-white, as if carved out.

Qin Lie took a sip of water, and the fire in his heart was immediately stirred up.

Don't say anything else, just say the figure, Zhang Xiaoyun is indeed the world's top!

And her figure is not the kind of coldness that can only be viewed from a distance and cannot be played with. Her movements, her eyes, and every bit of her charm can evoke the deepest desires of men.

Qin Lie was quite unsatisfactory, and the brother below reacted immediately.

But the fire could be suppressed for the time being. Qin Lie looked down at her and asked, "Zhang Xiaoyun, what are you doing here? It's so late, it's time to lie down."

"I..." Zhang Xiaoyun paused and then said, "Brother Qin, you are busy all day today, and I can't find a chance to talk to you. I just want to tell you about me and my brother. thanks."

"It's okay." Qin Lie said immediately, "It's good when it comes out now, it didn't cause me any trouble, don't worry about it."

But Zhang Xiaoyun didn't care about it at all, and continued to take care of herself: "You don't think it matters, but it is a life-saving grace for us. I almost killed you the night before yesterday. I'm so damn good."

"I have no other ability, and I can't give you any other benefits without money. The only thing I can do is to make you happy. Brother Qin, let me serve you again."

Qin Lie is not a straight man of steel, of course he knows what this service means.

Looking at Zhang Xiaoyun up and down, there were even drops of water on her arms and shoulders.

"I just had a shower and could just start doing it," she said.


Qin Lie was a bit at a loss for her initiative.

Zhang Xiaoyun didn't stop, she put her hands on Qin Lie's shoulders and pushed Qin Lie back into the room.

He turned around, closed the door with his foot, undid the towel with one hand, and threw the towel directly on the floor of the room.

Before Qin Lie could react, he kissed the cherry tenderly!

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