After the bath towel was removed, Qin Lie realized that Zhang Xiaoyun was not wearing anything inside.

The golden ratio body was exposed in front of Qin Lie.

Qin Lie was like a thousand grass and mud horses galloping past his heart.

What the hell!

Sure enough, there are specialties in the art industry, and there is a gap between amateurs and professionals.

Just a few random actions can hook the bathing fire to the top, this stunner in this world, how can ordinary people stand it.

While kissing Qin Lie, Zhang Xiaoyun stretched out her hand to grope around Qin Lie's body, she was extremely active.

Qin Lie didn't intend to do this tonight, but under the temptation of Zhang Xiaoyun, he quickly disarmed and surrendered and fell into the trap.

Zhang Xiaoyun had no other thoughts, and only wanted Qin Lie to reach the peak.

During the whole process, Qin Lie experienced a variety of poses, and the gameplay was unheard of, beyond his imagination.

But I have to say, this woman is crazy.

Qin Lie was reckless to the end, galloping on her like a wild horse off the reins.

In this regard, Qin Lie is the first time to play so heartily.

The places where I had done with Zhang Xiaoyun were all over the room, and the battle lasted for three full hours.

Of course, Qin Lie's powerful fighting power made Zhang Xiaoyun paralyzed on the bed in the end, and it was difficult to even move a finger.

One night of passion, soon to the next morning.

A battle at night did not affect Qin Lie's business.

Early the next morning, Qin Lie got up, covered Zhang Xiaoyun with the quilt, and hurried out the door.

The main thing today is to meet Abraham as planned yesterday.

On the one hand, the handover of arms should be done, and on the other hand, he should also talk to Abraham about Kapuao.

After getting up, Qin Lie notified Chen Jinhu and Jiang Lei Xingfeng, and then called Kapuao and asked him to come with him. A group of five people formed a small team and set off for Los Angeles.

During this period, Qin Lie called the people of the Rockefeller family who were in charge of the arms deal and agreed on the place of handover.

Moreover, Qin Lie specifically made a request to them on the phone, that is, the handover process must be done by the patriarch Abraham himself, otherwise, this batch of arms will not be given to them.

The Locke family, who was in charge of the handover, also agreed and gave the address later.

The address is not very close to the city center, but a warehouse on the outskirts of the city. According to Kapoo, the warehouse is an equipment warehouse owned by the Locke family. The location is hidden, and it is indeed more suitable for arms handover.

Originally, Kapoor wanted to tell Qin Lie that he must not give arms to Abraham this time.

As a result, Capao found out that Qin Lie didn't drive the pickup trucks loaded with arms at all, so he felt more relieved.

With Kapoor as a guide, Qin Lie and the others didn't even need to navigate, they drove half an hour in Los Angeles to their destination.

It was a large industrial park with many factories.

The warehouse given by the Rockefeller family was only one of many warehouses. When Qin Lie and others arrived, there were already many people guarding the door of the warehouse.

Most of these people are more than 1.8 meters tall, strong men with strong backs.

There is no gun, but his eyes are vigilant, his brows are furrowed, and he looks ready to fight.

Qin Lie arrived at the door and explained his purpose. In addition, there was a Kapoor inside. The big man who guarded the door quickly put Qin Lie and others in.

In the warehouse, Qin Lie parked his car outside a warehouse, and the doors of the entire warehouse slowly closed.

Another special person led them into the warehouse. In a huge prefabricated room, Qin Lie saw the person in charge of the arms handover.

But at first glance, the person in charge was only in his early forties, at most a few years older than Kapoor, so he couldn't possibly be Kapoor's uncle.

Qin Lie was naturally suspicious, and turned to Kapoo and asked, "Kapao, is the person in front of him Abraham?"

Capo shook his head very quickly and whispered in his ear: "No, he is just the security captain beside Abraham, Capo is not there."

"Haha..." Qin Lie sneered, "I made it so obvious that I almost pulled their ears and told them to let Abraham come over in person, but they still only called a security captain to come here. It's so big!"

Kapoor said in a low voice, "I've already told you that for such trivial matters as arms deals, Abraham would never be there in person. If you want to meet him today, you may have to think of other ways."

"No no no..." Qin Lie shook his head and said, "In fact, we have been fighting with him since this moment."

"Wait and see." Qin Lie said, and walked towards the security captain with him.

When they got close, the person opposite seemed to see their appearance clearly. The leader was very surprised. It seemed that he didn't expect that the person who handed over the task with them was actually a Chinese.

The man walked up to Qin Lie with doubtful eyes, shook hands with Qin Lie, and introduced himself: "Hello, sir, I am the person in charge of dealing with you on behalf of Mr. Abraham. My name is John."

Qin Lie only answered him with two words: "Qin Lie!"

"Mr. Qin." John said straight to the point, and said strangely, "I didn't expect that the people who came to trade arms in place of the Skull and Bones this time would actually be from China. You surprised me. Are you a member of the Skull and Bones?"

"And..." John said, "Why did Master Capo come with you, and what is the relationship between the two of you."

John is eager to get to the core of what's going on inside, and he's been asking a bunch of questions since.

But Qin Lie came to meet Abraham today, and he didn't want to waste his words at all, and he also wanted to give Abraham a slap in the face.

Qin Lie kept silent about John's question, and asked John indifferently, "Mr. John, what about the patriarch Abraham and others, why didn't he come to the scene?"

John's attitude was quite polite, and explained: "Mr. Qin, the patriarch is busy with his business, and he is organizing a family core meeting at the moment, and he really can't leave, so he appointed me to do the handover work with you, and I hope you can understand. ."

"I don't understand!" Qin Lie said directly and indifferently, "I have made a clear request on the phone. Abraham must personally come over and hand over this matter, otherwise, I will not be able to give you this batch of arms."


Seeing Qin Lie's strong attitude, John hesitated: "Mr. Qin, this is not the first time our family has cooperated with the Skull and Bones Society. I was responsible for every transaction in the past. I am afraid that this matter will not bother our patriarch. Mr. Qin please understand."

"I said it, I don't understand!" Qin Lie still didn't give him face, "I didn't care about your rules before, but now that I'm here, you have to follow my rules, understand?"

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