Seeing Qin Lie like this, John couldn't hold back his attitude.

Everyone came out to help behind the scenes, and they were all workers, so what are you pretending to be here!

John was silent and forcibly endured all the anger, and only had the last bit of patience.

"Mr. Qin, it's just a small matter, isn't it appropriate to trouble the patriarch?"

Qin Lie looked at him, and the corner of his mouth raised, "So you didn't convey my words to your patriarch at all. You didn't intend to do what I said right from the beginning?"

Now that the words have come to this, John is no longer tense, and sneered: "Tell you the truth, just let me inform the patriarch of your trivial matter, the patriarch will definitely scold me, today the patriarch does not It may come, you quickly take out the things, and it is not good for anyone to make the situation stiff."

"Oh." Qin Lie ignored it and said to himself, "Then I'll tell you the truth, I already guessed that you wouldn't notify Abraham, so I didn't bring one of the three carts of arms, so I think about today's transaction. Keep doing it, you must call your patriarch over!"


John was very excited. He never thought that Qin Lie would dare to be so arrogant.

What is the origin of this Chinese in the heart? Even the president of the Skull and Bones Society would not dare to treat them like this to the Locke family.

"Mr. Qin, you came here on purpose to find fault." John said, "If you offend our patriarch, it's not a matter of quarrel. I advise you to be acquainted with each other and bring the arms over quickly."

Qin Lie: "I don't know if you find fault or not, I don't care if you offend your Locke family, I only know that your Locke family has offended me.

Also, in addition to the liaison officer of the Skull and Bones, I have other identities and other matters to find your patriarch.

If you don't come today, I can guarantee that your Rock family will lose billions of dollars.

Can you afford this responsibility? ? "

Qin Lie must have a head-to-head contact with Abraham today, so his attitude is quite tough.

Qin Lie didn't worry about John jumping off the wall, after all, the Skull and Bones Society alone was not something that the Locke family could afford to provoke.

John started to get emotional, but as the conversation deepened, he slowly calmed down.

Mainly because Qin Lie was too arrogant.

The Rockefeller family has a huge influence in the United States, especially in Los Angeles, where it covers the sky with only one hand.

Many people say that the Luo of Los Angeles is not the Luo of Los Angeles but the Rockefeller family.

Facing the Rockefeller family, it is normal for ordinary people to kneel and lick, but Qin Lie was so arrogant that he almost rode on their heads.

This made John have to wonder if Qin Lie really had any background.

If the loss of billions of dollars really occurs, he is a small security captain, and it is estimated that he will not be able to keep his head.

With these thoughts, John was still cowardly after all.

He saw Qin Lie sit down on their chairs on the spot, and he couldn't say anything, so he took out his mobile phone and walked outside the warehouse to call Abraham.

Abraham didn't hold any family meetings today, and he was still playing outside very leisurely.

But even so, after he received John's call, he still scolded John in the face, saying that he couldn't handle such trivial matters well, and he had to trouble him, the patriarch, and so on.

John was scolded and sweated profusely, but he still explained: "Patriarch, I have already told this person what I should say, but he insisted on being bitten to death and said that this matter requires you to come forward before he is willing to give us the goods, I There is no other way, if you can, please come to the warehouse."

On Abraham's side, he was very surprised.

It could be said to be furious.

He also didn't understand how a small liaison officer got such a big frame.

Immediately, he scolded: "Okay, I'll come here, but I want to see, what kind of immortal does not even care about my Locke family!"

After saying this, Abraham hung up the phone.

John also hung up the phone and went back to the warehouse.

Qin Lie was still sitting in the warehouse, and when he saw John coming back, he raised his chin and asked, "How is it, did your patriarch agree to come here?"

John looked blankly at Qin Lie, he didn't want to communicate with Qin Lie anymore.

I found a stool elsewhere and sat down, and just said to Qin Lie: "You will find out later."

After speaking, he closed his mouth.

What I thought in my heart was: I will have a color for you to look at later.

Abraham was furious on the phone. In John's opinion, even if Abraham arrives later, he will definitely find fault to repair Qin Lie. This Qin Lie will have no good fruit to eat later.

He is also waiting to see the play.

The two sides sat in the warehouse like this, and waited for another forty minutes before the door of the warehouse was opened again.

This time, a man in his fifties and sixties came in.

This one is radiant, resolute, dressed in ordinary clothes, but every movement is clean and neat, and he is a capable person.

Of course, he also carried a lot of anger along the way, as if he was provoked by something.

And seeing the image of this man, Qin Lie could see at a glance that Abraham was coming.

Obviously, in the entire Locke family, there will be no one except Abraham who can have such a temperament and prestige.

But even though Abraham arrived, Qin Lie still didn't get up from the stool he was sitting on, just squinted his eyes.

On John's side, when he saw Abraham arriving, he quickly got up from his chair and greeted Abraham.

Nodding and bowing, he explained a great deal, and Abraham also pointed to John for a long time.

Qin Lie's side was a little far apart, so he couldn't hear clearly, but he didn't bother to care.

After they finished speaking, their attention finally turned to Qin Lie.

Then, Abraham walked over aggressively.

However, halfway through, he seemed to have noticed something was wrong. Seeing that Qin Lie was from China, and there was even Kapoor beside him, his brows furrowed again.

Approaching, he asked Kapuao in a low voice: "Kapuao, why are you here? Isn't this the time for you to go to work? You don't go to work now?"

Kapoor ignored him and asked Kapoor before Abraham turned his attention to Qin Lie.

His brows furrowed even deeper, inexplicably, he felt that Qin Lie, a Chinese man, seemed to have seen him somewhere.

Originally, he wanted to come and teach the liaison officer of the Skull and Bones Society a lesson, but after seeing Qin Lie's appearance, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

It seems like an acquaintance.

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