This time, John was really completely stunned in place.

No, why is that!

He clearly felt that Abraham was actually very upset. He had been with Abraham for so many years, and he had already seen it.

Abraham has always been a resolute master, why was Qin Lie oppressed so badly this time, he didn't react at all, it's not like him.

Could this Qin Lie really have such a high sense of oppression that even Abraham dared not offend him?

John didn't understand, but he knew he was really cold.

Soon, Abraham instructed the people next to him to remove the security captain badge on his chest.

Together with several other security members, John was escorted out.

When all these people were gone, only Qin Lie's group and a few of Abraham's cronies were left in the warehouse.

When the situation calmed down, Abraham asked Qin Lie: "Mr. Qin, are you satisfied with this arrangement?"

"Well." Qin Lie said, "Mr. Abraham is worthy of being the leader of the family. Since you have made such concessions, of course I won't say anything else. As long as Mr. Abraham does everything as you said, then I will come this time. The purpose of the United States has been achieved.”

"By the way." Qin Lie said, "As for Mr. David, I will arrange other contracts for him to do. I have a lot of business in China, and I also have the idea of ​​promoting it in the United States. I think we two There can be more in-depth cooperation between the two parties.”

"Oh, is it?" Abraham said with a better expression, "In this case, I would like to thank Mr. Qin for David."

"Good talk, good talk."

Qin Lie smiled and said, "Now that the misunderstanding is resolved, I will find time to send you the three carts of ammunition. We are all friends, and everything is easy to talk about."

"Okay!" Abraham also said, "In this case, all misunderstandings are resolved. In this case, would Mr. Qin come back to the family with me and let me treat you well?"

"I don't need it for the time being." Qin Lie declined, "My brothers and I have already found a place to stay. In the afternoon, I want to take a walk around with Mr. Capo, go out to play, and experience Los Angeles. Life.

As for the noble family and the patriarch Abraham, I will visit later when I have time. "

"Okay." Abraham didn't have any obvious intention to keep him, and said immediately, "Then I will hold a family party at that time, and it will be your welcome party, Mr. Qin, and I will invite you back then."

"Yes!" Qin Lie nodded.

Abraham turned back and told Capo: "Capo, then Mr. Qin's itinerary in Los Angeles will be handed over to you. You must give me a good reception and don't make Mr. Qin feel uncomfortable."


Capo nodded symbolically and agreed, and the first meeting with Abraham today was over.

Abraham personally sent Qin Lie out of the warehouse and watched Qin Lie and others get into the car and leave. The etiquette was the ultimate.

But his smile only lasted until Qin Lie left the warehouse.

When Qin Lie's car officially drove out of the warehouse, Abraham's smiling face was instantly recovered, and replaced by a murderous look on his face.

The face change only takes a second.

After Qin Lie left, Abraham immediately instructed the people around him: "Jones, call John back immediately, I have other things to do for him."


After Qin Lie and Capuo walked out of the warehouse together, they drove all the way to the manor they came over.

In the car, Kapoor was very excited and danced on the co-pilot, which seemed to be the happiest day in these days.

He exclaimed: "Oh my God, Mr. Qin, how did you do it? Abraham didn't even dare to lose his temper in front of you. He didn't even dare to refute what you said. You are too powerful."

Including Chen Jinhu, they also said the same.

"Brother Lie, you are really awesome. People say that strong dragons don't crush the snakes in the ground. It's better for you. You can crush the snakes to death. That old man is too miserable."

"Yeah!" Jiang Lei said, "a man in his 60s looks like a grandson in front of brother lie. Brother lie is still very powerful. After a few moments, he will be subdued."

Listening to everyone's compliments, Qin Lie shook his head and said, "It's all an illusion. If we take it seriously, we will lose."

"But I rarely see Abraham so obedient." Capo said, "Even if people from other families in the United States come over, he rarely shows face like this. You are still amazing."

Qin Lie still shook his head and said, "He didn't give me face, but the face of the Skull and Bones Society. If I didn't have the identity of the liaison officer of the Skull and Bones Society today, do you think we could walk out of the warehouse so easily?"

"It doesn't matter." Capo smiled, "No matter who he is giving face, at least we have achieved our goal, right? I can get my power back, and my father can also return to his rightful place. We Isn't the goal achieved?"


Qin Lie listened, and suddenly felt a little dissatisfied with Capuo.

Looking at Kapuao from the rearview mirror, he said, "Kapuao, the goal has been achieved, you forgot what you told me last night, and what I told you, where did you achieve your goal?"

"I know!" Capo said, "I know you want me to overthrow Abraham and become the patriarch myself."

"However, that is the choice when he has been oppressed by him and has no choice. Now that he has relaxed his conditions and has not pursued him all the time, there is no need for us to overthrow him!"


After Qin Lie heard this, his tone suddenly became serious, even a little harsh.

"Kapuao, I always thought you were an ambitious person and a courageous person, but you turned out to be such a person who just follows suit. You really disappointed me!"

"Not to mention that the promises that Abraham just gave were all false, even if it wasn't false, would you be willing to be a concubine with a stable job and income?"

"You think that if you do this, Abraham really looks up to you? What about your backbone?"

Seeing Qin Lie's sudden anger, Kapoor was at a loss.

His eyes rolled around, and he asked Qin Lie nervously, "Mr. Qin, what did I do wrong?"

"Kapuao." Qin Lie said very seriously, "The reason why I came to help you this time is because you have the ability to be the head of the Rockefeller family. I need you to help me control the Rockefeller family. Qin Lie needs Have a spokesperson in America!"

"If you are only satisfied with the status quo and just want to be a pawn of Abraham quietly, then there is no need for our cooperation to continue."

"Capo, I want a lion, not a cow!"

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