Qin Lie has made it very clear that he needs a spokesperson in the United States, and he needs Capo to join his camp.

If Capuo just wants to be a lamb to be slaughtered under the shadow of Abraham, then I'm sorry, you're not the person I need, then I can't help you with any of these things.

While Qin Lie was talking about his own demands, he also hoped that Kapoor could cheer up a little and show his ambition to become a big man.

Hearing Qin Lie say so much, Kapuao also realized where his own problem was.

In fact, after all, he was still too afraid of Abraham.

As soon as he heard Abraham back down, he began to feel content and let it go.

This is completely different from Qin Lie's philosophy.

This time, Qin Lie's idea of ​​coming here is very clear. Either he will not do it, or if he has to do it, he will directly push Abraham from his position.

After listening to it, Capo asked himself again, whether he was not ambitious at all.

The people of Abraham's family have treated themselves like this for so many years, don't they have any resentment at all?

The final conclusion is.

He had had enough of the previous days, he no longer wanted to be a cow or even a dog in the Rockefeller family as before.

He's going to stand up and be that lion, not just a lion, but a lion king!

After thinking about this, he immediately apologized to Qin Lie, bowed his head and said: "I'm sorry Mr. Qin, I was wrong, I was really wrong, I know what to do now, I want to be a lion, I want to be a man who controls the whole clan lion!"

"That's right." Qin Lie nodded, "otherwise, why did I come here this time? If I just want you to resume your previous position, I can do it with those few products, and I need to do it myself. Come over?"

"Yes!" Capo continued to nod, "I know I was wrong."

"Then..." Kapoor paused and continued to ask, "Then Mr. Qin, you have also seen this Abraham. What are you going to do?"

"It's not easy to rectify..." Qin Lie said honestly, "If Abraham has been fighting against me today, and I'm deadlocked with me, I still have reasons to rectify him.

I have gone too far today, but he can bear it. This person is not very ordinary, and he will have to find opportunities to contact him in the future. "

"But what were you going to do?" Kapoor asked.

After Qin Lie thought for a while, he replied in a low voice: "I'm an outsider, and I don't even live in the United States. If people like us want to have a head-on conflict with the local forces, I have to find a reason myself.

Otherwise, even if Abraham and I were to fight, other local forces might help out for moral reasons. "

"With my current ability, it's okay to deal with a Locke family, but if there are more people and more power, it will be difficult to handle."

"So what I'm thinking about now is to anger him and let him take the initiative to take action against me, so that other people can't grasp the handle, and there is no one who can help. This is the best."

"The first meeting just now failed. Let's find a chance to do it later."

Qin Lie said all his thoughts.

His intention was also very clear, and he took the initiative to anger Abraham and let Abraham come to trouble him.

That's how you have a justifiable reason to do it yourself.

Now the members of his own 200-strong Longyan Squad are ready to go outside the city of Los Angeles, and the firepower is enough to flatten the Abraham clan, and now he is waiting for this opportunity.

Kapoor finally understood what he meant.

This way: "But look at what Abraham means, he intends to delay this matter until you leave. As long as you leave, he will still do what he should do, and he will not fall behind."

"Yeah!" Qin Lie said, "Right now, the trouble is with his 'dragging words'. He is an old fox. He knows that I can't afford it, so he just dragged me and waited for me to return to China."

"Mr. Qin..." Hearing this, Kapoor smiled and said, "I just don't know if you have anything to do in China. If it's okay, you can spend time with him in the United States and see who has the patience first."

"Bullshit? This isn't it!" Qin Lie said immediately, "I'm sure there are a lot of things to do, and I'm too busy at home. How can I have time to accompany you here to play around here, at most a week, a week will have to deal with this. deal with it."

"Then if you have to find the reason for him to make him go mad within this week, I think it's a little difficult, otherwise we will go directly, create an accident and blame Abraham, anyway, we want to add the crime, let's What do you think about so much?"

Qin Lie folded his hands, lay on the chair and thought, "This may be a solution, but it is the last choice. This old fox can't break through. There are always other people who can help us break through."

Having said this, Qin Lie just remembered: "By the way, Kapuao, your cousin, Abraham's son, how about the Davids, can you make a breakthrough?"

"David?" Capuo repeated, and immediately shook his hand, "He, he has made a breakthrough. After Abraham became the patriarch, he was cautious and did not leave evidence to others.

But David, that is an arrogant and domineering young master, because he is the young master of the Locke family. In Los Angeles, he is unscrupulous and makes enemies on all sides. If you want to make him angry, it will only take a minute..."

"Eh..." Kapoor remembered after saying this, and asked Qin Lie in a low voice, "Mr. Qin, are you going to start with his son?"

"Let's try it." Qin Lie said, "Anyway, we've come to this stage. Which one is not trying, and which occasions this David usually comes in and out a lot, take me to have a look."

Anyway, it's fine in the afternoon, Qin Lie originally wanted to stroll around in Los Angeles and play.

Since it's all a joke, that young man named David is probably also loafing around in Los Angeles.

Why don't you go meet David for a while.

Kapoor said: "If you want to say where David went to play, there are many places, and he is proficient in everything."

"Hey..." Kapoor said again, "If you have to figure out where to go, he should be in a casino in the south of the city at this time, his own casino. We will meet him when we go there."

"Okay!" Qin Lie was very satisfied after hearing this, and immediately ordered, "Then let's go, aren't you going to play in the afternoon, just go to his casino to play!"


Now Kapuo has completely handed himself over to Qin Lie.

He did whatever Qin Lie said. Knowing what Qin Lie meant, he immediately gave the order to the driver next to him, and everyone rushed to the casino he said.

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