Qin Lie's revolt on the US side of Capau is in full swing.

Qin Lie has a plan in his mind, and everything is done in an orderly manner.

At home, some things are still moving forward.

Qin Lie has gone abroad. In fact, many people have been idle.

After all, almost all the forces on his side are revolving around him, and those private armed forces assigned to Huaxia by the Cape family are all idle.

And the father and son of the Shentu family, as well as the remaining members of the Longyan Squad in China, have nothing to do now.

Including Qiu Bai, who has been free recently.

Since he discovered Ning Kun, his vision has become a little confused again.

The previous investigation made him almost focus on the Xuanyuan family.

But since Qin Lie rescued Ning Kun, this matter has become extremely complicated.

The files he took from the Xuanyuan family's archives about his family's annihilation turned out to be forged.

Judging from Ning Kun's statement, the Xuanyuan family was almost 100% not involved in the Qiu family annihilation case.

The only person with problems in the entire Xuanyuan family was Xuanyuan Tianci.

But Xuanyuan Tianci was just a teenage boy sixteen years ago, and he couldn't do anything to destroy Qiu's family, so what exactly did he do?

After Xuanyuan Hao promised himself to investigate this matter thoroughly, he went home and did it.

It's not good for Qiu Bai to keep running over people and asking questions because of an unwarranted matter.

After Qin Lie left, he didn't even know what to do. For the past few days, Qiu Bai had been practicing kung fu and boxing at home.

It's just that Pi Na was really idle. Today Qiu Bai left Longcheng and came to a place on the outskirts of Longcheng, a place that made him familiar and sad.

Qiu's old address!

Yes, it was where he lived with his wife and children.

Qiu Bai had no desires all his life. After marrying his wife, he opened a small medical clinic in such a suburb near Longcheng. He took care of people as his own responsibility, made a little money, and could also grow vegetables in the farmland near the yard. Flowers, live a life like a paradise.

Because of his outstanding medical skills, there are rumors about him everywhere, even in Dragon City.

Even if he travels thousands of miles, he has to go to his small medical clinic to see a doctor. His business is good, so he has been able to get along.

Until the day of sixteen years.

A massacre killed twelve members of his family, his parents, his wife, and his children, all of whom became the dead souls of those men in black.

A fire also burned the medical hall that he had managed for many years to rubble, and everything that once existed has become a cloud of the past, like a floating cloud.

You said, I had a good life, no one was recruited and no one was offended, but it was broken by those uninvited guests, everything I once had disappeared, close relatives, parents, children, wives, all died, left on Who can bear it?

Without Qin Lie's spiritual sustenance, he really felt that he couldn't live.

No wonder he pursued this matter for so many years!

He will never let go of this annihilation hatred for the rest of his life!

Even now, when he thinks of what happened that night, Qiu Bai still itches with hatred.

If he can really find out who did it in the end, he will definitely dismantle the person behind the scenes!

Over the years, Qiu Bai has seldom returned to this yard to look at it. First, it was a ruin, and there was nothing to see. Second, it was touching the scene. Seeing these always reminds me of the original days and everything in the past. Right now, there is nothing, it will be unstoppable sadness.

This is the rare second time Qiu Bai has come back here in 16 years.

The last time I came back, I was looking for clues about the accident 16 years ago.

Just a rubble, nothing to be found.

This time, Qiu Bai has nothing to do, just to reminisce about the past.

Entering from the gate of the yard, the memories are all surging from my mind scene by scene.

He has lived in this place for seventeen years, seventeen years, and there are too many memories to recall.

He used to have a son and a daughter. In the year of the annihilation, one of the children was thirteen and the other was only eight. Every step of his children's growth was in this yard.

The door, farmland, medicine hall, clinic, every place has the footprints of children.

Almost as soon as he stepped here, he heard the happy laughter of the children who used to be. At this moment, who can not hurt?

And his wife, although Yang Hui is not a virtuous woman, not a traditional virtuous woman, but she also takes good care of her home and abroad.

Over the years, under the influence of Qiu Bai, Yang Hui has also mastered a lot of medical knowledge, and has become his best helper in the years when he opened the medical clinic.

The top can take care of the elderly, the bottom can take care of the children, and the middle can help him share the pressure.


Qiu Bai sighed, all this has become the past, and can only be pursued in the memory.

Qiu Bai walked all the way from the gate to the yard, then from the yard to the medicine hall, and then from the medicine hall to the bedroom, everything was so familiar.

Even though many places have been burned beyond recognition, he still recognizes those places.

In the bedroom, Qiu Bai found three bricks and built them up as a stool, and sat on it quietly.

Looking at the collapsed bed frame, he supported his chin with his hand, and said quietly, "Ahui, I didn't expect it, after more than ten years, I'm back again."

"Seeing everything we've experienced today, I'm really overwhelmed with emotion. In the blink of an eye, I'm almost 60 years old. I haven't found out about you and your child."

"I'm ashamed of you!"

Qiu Bai murmured to himself: "If I had found out earlier, and let you leave as soon as possible with the child, these things would not have happened, but I drank that day and those people were all in the yard before I found out. It was my fault."

"Don't worry!" Qiu Bai said, "The matter is almost over now. I later hired an apprentice, who is very capable. He has helped me to check everything. I, Qiu Bai, will fight to the last in my whole life. In tone, I must also find out what happened back then, avenge you and your children, and comfort your spirits in heaven."

Qiu Bai was very sad, and continued to think to himself: "I remember you told me that when we are sixty years old, we will stop doing things. At that time, the children will also get married and start a business, so we will go to the beach to find a house and raise a family. Dog, relax yourself!"

"But, now that I'm almost sixty, the child is gone, and you are gone, what should I do!?"

Qiu Bai was emotional. Although he was talking to Yang Hui across time and space, he felt as if his wife was sitting across from him.

As he spoke, he couldn't control his emotions, and covered his face and shed tears.

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