At this time, Qiu Bai was crying alone in the old yard.

Where is he with half white hair, what is the holy hand of Chinese medicine, and what is Taishan Beidou in martial arts.

He was an old man, an old man who had lost everything and was alone.

So why does he value Qin Lie so much and is willing to teach everything to Qin Lie?

It is because Qin Lie is already the only emotional sustenance he has in the world.

Without Qin Lie, he would have nothing left.


There was no one around, Qiu Bai also let go of his inner strength over the years, and the sixty-year-old cried like a child.

That's why there is a saying that a man doesn't cry when he has tears, just because he hasn't reached the sad part.

Everyone has a vulnerable side, but at this time, Qiu Bai took out his own heart and looked at it.

Who hasn't experienced a broken heart?

For so many years, Qiu Bai's emotions had been accumulating in his heart, but this time, the cry was the greatest release of his emotions.

The whole crying process lasted about half an hour.

Half an hour later, Qiu Bai sorted out her emotions, stopped her tears, and silently wiped away her snot.

Supporting his knees, he stood up from the bricks, resumed his smile, looked at the empty bed frame and said, "Ah Hui, let's be here today, only in front of you can I be so unscrupulous and disregard my image.

I've said everything I need to say, I'm quite at ease, don't worry, my apprentice is now living in Longcheng, and I'll come to see you when I have time in the future.

Next time, after I have checked everything out, I will definitely come over, tell you everything, and bring the head of the mastermind who started the operation in front of you to sacrifice to the sky for you! "


After saying all this, Qiu Bai stood at attention and steadfastly faced the bed frame in front of him. He bowed to the bed where he and his wife often slept. His wife Yang Hui died on this bed.

Giving the greatest respect to his wife's undead, Qiu Bai picked up his mood and was about to leave.

At this moment, Qiu Bai stepped on a loose black masonry in the bedroom. The masonry was loose and slammed into the next masonry.

Qiu Bai's house used to be a brick house, and the floor was also made of black bricks. The fire set by the murderers burned down most of the furniture and other things in the house, but these bricks and stones were still unscathed. Lossless.

The ground was pitch black, and Qiu Bai saw something slightly yellowed inside from the crack of the loose masonry.

It was originally a casual look, but this look aroused his interest.

There is something hidden under this brick.

Qiu Bai frowned, squatted down quickly, and took the brick out of the gap.

As expected, he saw a yellowed notepad under the brick. The surface of the notebook was protected by plastic, probably to prevent it from being eroded by rain. After opening the plastic bag, Qiu Bai found that the notepad was still well preserved.

It was even more amazing. Qiu Bai never thought that in the bedroom of his ruined house, he could still see such a notepad.

Looking at the notepad, Qiu Bai saw a date and a weather on the first page.

It has been more than ten years since the handwriting, and some places are very blurred, but it can still be seen clearly.

This is the handwriting of his wife Yang Hui, which turned out to be a diary!

Yang Hui did have the habit of writing a diary before. No matter how busy she was, she would take ten minutes to write a diary, long or short.

In her words, when you get old and your brain becomes useless, there will always be something else you can do to reminisce.

Of course, writing a diary is not a strange thing, and Yang Hui writes in an upright manner, and every diary is placed on the bookshelf.

It was surprising that this diary was thrown into the bricks under the floor.

What's the point of her doing that?

However, because she put this diary under the turning stone, she escaped the fire that year.

All the other diaries were burnt, only this one survived.

Feeling strange in his heart, Qiu Bai immediately flipped through the contents of the diary.

Maybe, can we find some clues about the case of his annihilation back then? ?

For some reason, Qiu Bai was excited, feeling that this would be a key turning point in his pursuit of the truth for many years.

I thought I came back specifically to find the clues and didn't find it, but now I just come back to reminisce, and I have an unexpected harvest.

Feeling restrained, Qiu Bai opened the diary and read it carefully.

As a result, he did not expect that only the content of the first page would catch his attention.

That's an article from 1995.

The general contents of the diary are as follows.

October 27, 1995, Sunny:

A big event happened today, but I dare not tell Lao Bai.

The Xiao family came to me and asked me to do something for them.

Yuanbao was threatened, and the Xiao family said that if I didn’t help them, he would kill Yuanbao.

I don't know what to do anymore.

Recently, we were doing a prenatal checkup to Li Caiying, the wife of the head of the Xuanyuan family. This matter was targeted by the opponents of the Xuanyuan family and the interested people of the Xiao family. They asked me to do a very evil thing. I was very resistant.

what do I do?

The power of the eight great families is overwhelming, the Xuanyuan family and the Xiao family, I can't afford to offend either side, they only give me ten days to think about it.

Why would I put up such a thing.

Hey, Lao Bai can't let Lao Bai know about these things, otherwise he will definitely fight for the Xiao family, so let's use this diary to record these things.

I should think about this.


The diary on the first page is roughly like this, and this information can be said to be unheard of before Qiu Bai.

In 1995, Xuanyuan Tianci was born. He was Xuanyuan Hao's only son. At the time, Qiu Bai, as a famous doctor in the medical field, was invited by Xuanyuan's family to give Li Caiying an obstetric examination. Yang Hui also accompanied him. He knew about this.

But what Yang Hui mentioned in his diary, the Xiao family also stared at them, but he didn't know it at all.

Yuanbao is their first child, nicknamed Yuanbao. In 1995, Yuanbao should be only three years old, and the second child was not born at that time.

Judging from the diary, his wife Yang Hui should have been threatened by the Xiao family, using their children to threaten Yang Hui to help the Xiao family.

But what exactly happened, Yang Hui didn't mention it in the first diary.

But in any case, this is definitely information that Qiu Bai has never received before.

Xuanyuan Tianci, Xuanyuan's family, Xiao's family, and his wife, Yang Hui, even had a deal behind their backs!

Qiu Bai was startled, and immediately turned to the second page.

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