"just began?"

Kapuona really frowned, wondering what Qin Lie was thinking.

"There are quite a few of them. If everyone from the whole place comes up, it is estimated that there are more than 100 people."

"More than a hundred?" Qin Lie also frowned, but he was not worried, but dissatisfied. "It's only a hundred, so I'm afraid that such a few people are not enough for our brothers."

Capo: "..."

Kapoor finally found out that his and Qin Lie's thoughts were not on the same channel at all.

Qin Lie felt like a lunatic when he got into a fight.

"That, Capo, I have a task for you." Qin Lie remembered one thing, and told Capo, "You quickly call Abraham and say that David was beaten at the casino, and tell him to hurry up. Come here, if he doesn't come, his son may die here today."

"Is it so ruthless?" Kapoor said in surprise, "Mr. Qin, we are going to have a complete fallout with Abraham today? But there are only a few of us today, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with!"

Qin Lie waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, Abraham doesn't dare to turn against me today, I'm pushing his bottom line, if he can't hold back and has to fight with me today, it's just right, I'll join you today I've cleaned him up, and I'm too lazy to waste time in the United States, there are still a lot of things to deal with at my house!"

What the hell!

After listening to what Qin Lie said, the only two words in Kapoor's mind were scumbag.

I have seen arrogant, never seen such arrogant.

Qin Lie's performance now seems to be sure that Abraham is not his opponent.

How can there be such a confident person in this world!

But he is already tied to a boat with Qin Lie. If Qin Lie succeeds, he will succeed. If Qin Lie fails, he is estimated to be the first to die.

So he had no way out, he could only follow Qin Lie.

"Okay!" After answering, Kapoor immediately called Abraham.

As for Chen Jinhu.

After all, there was a lot of noise here. No matter how much fun they were, they had to help Qin Lie deal with the trouble first.

After Qin Lie beat David to the ground, Chen Jinhu and Jiang Lei Xingfeng returned from various positions in the casino.

Chen Jinhu was very dissatisfied and complained about Qin Lie: "No, I said brother lie, can we play enough before we make trouble? I just won a few tens of thousands and you are in a mess, can you be happy? playing."

"That's right!" Jiang Lei also agreed, "he won tens of thousands of tigers, and I still lost tens of thousands. Brother Lie, you have to report this to me."

"Fuck you!" Qin Lie scolded angrily, "I'll pay you for your gambling money. If you really think I'm a banker, get out of here and finish the business first."

Chen Jinhu looked condescending and asked Qin Lie, "Brother Lie, how many people have made such an earth-shattering act?"

Qin Lie briefly introduced David's situation, and also told them that there might be a hundred or so thugs to besiege them later.

As a result, Chen Jinhu and Jiang Lei reacted exactly the same as Qin Lie.

Chen Jinhu said at the time: "No, there are a hundred or so, and with that kind of skill, these hundred or more are not enough for us to score a few points!"

"That's right!" Jiang Lei continued to say, "It would be interesting if the combat power was at the level of Xuanyuan Wei, but at this level, Brother Lie, you alone are enough!"

"Jin Hu, Jiang Lei, I noticed that you two have been a little off recently!" Qin Lie said, "Xuanyuan Guard level? Xuanyuan Guard level, I can hit up to three by myself, if there are a hundred Xuanyuan Guards, we will How many are not all corpses here?"


Chen Jinhu laughed: "No way! The total number of Xuanyuan Guards is only over 40, and it is impossible for more than 100 to come here. Haha, we still know this little homework."

Qin Lie rolled his eyes at them, a group of boys who have become more and more skinny recently.

However, although the words were a bit rambunctious, the actions of a few people were still reassuring.

Soon, David's people poured in from all directions of the casino. As soon as several doors opened, the crowd rushed in, and there were indeed more than a hundred people.

Seeing this battle, the others retreated to a safe place to watch the play.

In the entire venue, only Qin Lie, Chen Jinhu and more than 100 people were left.

David was so angry that he directly ordered everyone: "Go on all, kill these Chinese people for me!"


Just waiting for David's order.

As soon as David's order came out, everyone rushed out together and rushed towards Qin Lie's team like a flood.

When Kapoor came back from the phone and saw this scene, he was also frightened in a cold sweat.

He didn't have much effort, and he couldn't help Qin Lie even if he entered the arena, so he simply didn't make a move, and quietly hid to the side, not to cause trouble to Qin Lie—mainly because he was afraid of coming.

You're joking, any normal person, as long as his brain is not sick, sees four people hitting the 100th person, and he knows what the final result will be.

Although Kapoor hoped that Qin Lie would win, his reason told him that it was better not to mix at this time.

Looking back at the arena, Qin Lie's team and the casino thugs were about to fight, and the bees crowded together in an instant.

Facts have proved that the fight between the two sides is basically a massacre.

It was not Qin Lie and others who were slaughtered, but Qin Lie and others who played the opposite side as toys.

Don't look at the number of people on the opposite side, but after they are really besieged, if you start the attack on the opposite side, Qin Lie and the others will actually only face a dozen or so opponents.

Divided into the vicinity of each person, in fact, one person played three or four.

Like Qin Lie's skill, one person can deal with a dozen thugs at this level, not to mention Chen Jinhu's fucking help.

Qin Lie, Chen Jinhu, Xing Feng, and Jiang Lei formed a strong fortress back to back.

They deal with the people in front of them, and they don't even have to worry about sneak attacks from behind.

Therefore, the fighting power of the four people is fully opened, and playing these ordinary thugs is like playing.

Their attacks are very stable, and their moves can hit the opponent's deadly place.

Almost everyone went out with one move, directly unloading the opponent's combat power, either stunned or disabled.

The scene of "I'm going to hit ten", which was only seen in the movie, was staged in reality.

The thugs wailed and screamed, and they were beaten one by one like their grandsons.

Make the onlookers look stupid.

Everyone opened their mouths wide, their eyes were round, and a word was chanted in their mouths like a nervous: "wow! chinesekungfu!"

This time, these foreigners have really learned what Chinese Kung Fu is!

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