Qin Lie and the others beat up the surrounding area of ​​the casino to the point of grief and screams.

The whole process lasted for more than ten minutes, and all the thugs called by David were beaten to the ground.

This picture made David look stupid.

He opened his mouth wide, not knowing what to say.

There is only one thought in my mind, this group of people, this group of people are not the Avengers!

Everyone is a human being, so why is there such a big gap in the combat power of a single unit?

But David may not be able to figure it out until he dies.

When things were done, Qin Lie and Chen Jinhu crossed the "heavy corpse mountain" and walked in front of David. At this moment, David's face turned green with fright.

The first person to speak was not Qin Lie, but Chen Jinhu.

Chen Jinhu looked at David with a hilarious smile and asked, "Hey, this son, do you only have so few thugs in your family? If you call in a few more, there won't be enough thugs just now!"


Everyone obviously heard that David took a sip of saliva nervously, and was frightened by Chen Jinhu.

As for Qin Lie, he pulled Chen Jinhu aside and complained: "Okay, Jinhu, don't scare us, Master David, let's see what people are afraid of, can you have some basic conduct. "

"Cut!" Chen Jinhu waved his hand, "brother lie, you are too good at pretending to be a good person, aren't you the one who just played the most?"

"Cough cough..." Qin Lie coughed dryly, ignored Chen Jinhu, turned to look at David with a smile on his lips, and looked gentle, "Master David, do you still think I can't handle this matter now?"

David gritted his teeth and was speechless.

What else can he say, the matter is here, and his people have lost completely.

There are no other thugs in his casino, and now he doesn't dare to say anything big to provoke Qin Lie.

In case Qin Lie, a lunatic, was provoked, he would be the one who went to the hospital.

And about this time, Abraham finally arrived.

That was the information disclosed by the onlookers in the outer circle.

Some people said loudly: "Hey, David's father Abraham is here!"

"Mr. Abraham is here!"

"Look, it's Abraham!"

Hearing this voice, David immediately turned his attention to the direction that everyone was discussing, and his eyes were full of hope.

When he really saw his father walking in with someone from the periphery, his expression suddenly changed 180 degrees.

With a happy expression on his face, David pushed Qin Lie away from him, and flew towards Abraham to meet him.

Before leaving, he pointed at Qin Lie's nose and said, "You're done!"

It is no different from the rich second generation in China.

But he didn't know that his father's arrival was all arranged by Qin Lie.

If it weren't for Qin Lie, his father might not even know about it.

But David doesn't know about this. Don't look at David is thirty-two years old this year, but his mind is actually not as mature as Kapuao, and he has been raised by Abraham since he was a child.

All requirements are met by him, and all troubles are handled by his father.

He is in his thirties, still living in a greenhouse, and still thinks that his father is God, as long as his father comes, all troubles can be solved.

Approaching Abraham, David began to complain as soon as he went up.

"Dad, this Chinese person is making trouble in our casino! Kapoor and I were discussing things in a friendly way, and we were going to play two cards on the table, but this Chinese person came up and asked for trouble, look..."

David pointed to some of the thugs still lying on the ground and said, "These people are all masterpieces of this Chinese man."

"And me." David pointed to himself and said, "I was beaten so badly by him too. My back hurts so much, I feel like I've been broken by him!"

"Dad, this Chinese man is too much, we must not let him go!"

A lot of things need not be said, just the fact that the thugs are on the ground can already explain the problem.

Abraham was not blind, he knew that Qin Lie did all this.

But he wasn't stupid, and David couldn't believe everything he said.

He is very clear about his son's attitude towards Kapuao, any friendly exchanges must be fake, the real situation must be that David is ready to bully Kapuao as before, but today Kapuao is accompanied by Qin Lie, Qin Lie sees Can't go on, take the initiative to do this thing.

Having said that, with Qin Lie and a few people, they beat hundreds of thugs in the casino to their knees. This skill is not comparable to ordinary people.

Abraham only knew that Qin Lie had a lot of power in Huaxia, but he didn't expect his skills to be so good.

Speaking of which, even though the conflict between Qin Lie and David was inseparable from David, Kapoo clearly knew his relationship with David, and he deliberately brought Qin Lie to the casino.

Qin Lie and Kapuao's purpose is also definitely not pure.

Abraham was not happy. After all, his son was beaten, and it is impossible for any father to feel comfortable.

He only got in touch with Qin Lie this morning, but it was just at night when Qin Lie came to ask for trouble again. He clearly felt that Qin Lie and Kapoor did it on purpose.

His expression gradually subsided, Abraham looked at the thugs lying on the ground around him, squinted his eyes, and finally walked to Qin Lie in a few steps.

There was no expression, but he was still afraid that Qin Lie had the identity of the Skull and Bones behind, and wanted to resolve it peacefully as much as possible.

"Mr. Qin, we meet again." Abraham said.

"Yeah!" Qin Lie responded, "I made a deal with the patriarch in the morning, and we met again in the evening. We really have a fate."

"Fate is fate." Abraham said, "But as soon as Mr. Qin arrived here, he beat so many people in my casino. Is it a little too much?"

"Patriarch Abraham, are you still embarrassed to say so?" Qin Lie looked at Abraham with his usual attitude and said, "If I were you, I would be embarrassed to mention this matter. So many people were beaten down by the four of us. How did the security guards choose, all of them are from soft tofu."

"Oh, by the way, as for the reason, is it possible that you really believe what your son said, I did it out of nowhere?"

"Capo is my friend, and also the brother of your son David, but your son really doesn't take Capo as a human being. I am a person who cherishes friendship. When I see my friends being bullied, I naturally take action. already."

"Who knew your people couldn't help but fight?"

Qin Lie said, raising his eyebrows, very relaxed.

"Dad!" David was on the side, listening to the conversation between the two, and found that his father and Qin Lie actually knew each other before.

His father's temperament is very restrained today, and he doesn't even dare to say heavy words.

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