David couldn't stand it any longer. In his eyes, Qin Lie was just trash. How could they waste so much time.

"Dad!" He urged Abraham loudly, "What nonsense are you talking to him, just grab him and beat him up, and he'll know he's wrong in a while, isn't he just a Chinese, using you like this Give him a good face?"

To be honest, in the past, his father would have been aggressive enough to ask people to kneel. How could he be so patient? He felt that he didn't know Abraham a bit.

David yelled while Qin Lie shrugged and looked at Abraham calmly.

"Patriarch Abraham, anyway, this matter has already happened, you can tell me how you want to solve it."

Abraham frowned and said in a low voice, "Mr. Qin, how do you want to solve it?"

Qin Lie laughed: "I'm a peace-loving person. I want all things to be small and trivial. I don't like conflict. I look at this matter, or just apologize?"


After listening, David misunderstood Qin Lie's meaning, pointed at Qin Lie from a distance and said, "You beat me up so many people, you just want to apologize and it's over, you have to kneel down and kowtow to me, and then you If you lose one of your arms, this matter is over!"

Qin Lie was speechless.

Surprised: "Kneel down and kowtow, and also have to scrap your arms, this is what you said."

Qin Lie turned his head, smiled and said to Chen Jinhu and the others, "Jin Hu, this is the first time I have seen someone take the initiative to increase the punishment. You are not funny if you say it is funny."

Chen Jinhu and the others laughed.

Qin Lie paused for a while, then pointed to an empty tunnel in front of him and said, "Then Mr. David, what are you still doing, come and kneel directly."

"What?" David listened, as if he had heard something wrong.

Looking at Qin Lie with suspicion, he said in surprise, "You mean, I want to apologize to you?"

"Master David, you are right..." Qin Lie said, "If you don't apologize to me, do you want me to apologize to you?"

"So many of you have scared my brothers into heartbreak and insanity. It's good that I didn't ask you for a mental loss fee. I just want you to apologize and not suffer."

"Oh, by the way, kneeling and self-destruction of arms are what you said, you have to keep your word!"

"Qin Lie!"

David's cry was louder than any previous time, and David's anger at this time was burning to the extreme!

Too arrogant, really too arrogant!

David had never seen such an arrogant person in his life.

He didn't take him seriously from the beginning to the end, and now he's acting like a fool, as if he could stomp himself on the ground with just a few words.

What Qin Lie did was not excessive, but it was this attitude that made David have the urge to kill him a thousand times.

"What are you!" David cursed, "It's you, it's you who beat someone in my field, it's you who have nothing to do with this conflict, and now there are so many of us, there are only four of you, and you still Dare me to kneel for you, are you too floating?"

"In China, you may be a big man with one hand covering the sky, but here, the Rockefeller family will never let you be so arrogant!"

All of the above are said by David.

Qin Lie, he basically didn't listen.

If his father Abraham made such a fire, Qin Lie might have to pay attention.

But David, Qin Lie didn't have any ripples in his heart.

Qin Lie responded that David gave him only one word: "Oh..."

Then he stopped looking at David and turned to ask Abraham, "Patriarch Abraham, what do you think of this? After all, peace is the most precious thing to make money."

"Oh, yes." Qin Lie also reminded Abraham, "I'm mediating the three vehicles of arms you want, and they're on their way to deliver them. We're all friends, right?"

What Qin Lie means is, if you do as I say, I can send you the arms you want.

If you don't do what I want, I don't know what will happen next.

But Qin Lie's more original purpose was to anger Abraham. As long as Abraham dared to do something, he would dare to strike back.

So far, the 200 Longyan team members he brought to the United States have not been used.

Abraham's expression was also ugly. Qin Lie's performance tonight was indeed too arrogant.

Almost riding on the heads of their father and son to shit and pee, let alone David, Abraham had never been so angry in his life.

According to Abraham's character in the past, the specially trained killers in the family have long been left to solve the problem.

But as Qin Lie said, he has Skull and Bones behind him and the arms he wants in his hands.

The change of the family is at a critical period, and it is best not to provoke such a big opponent.

Although it was difficult, in the end Abraham broke his teeth and swallowed.

After thinking for a long time, Abraham finally sighed. Although he looked at Qin Lie with murderous eyes, he still told David, "David, come here."

David didn't know what Abraham wanted to do, and thought he, the father, was going to stand up for him.

He quickly walked to Abraham and asked Abraham, "Dad, what should I do?"

Abraham pointed at Qin Lie and told David, "David, apologize to Mr. Qin?"


David went to heaven and hell, and at this moment, he fell to the bottom of the valley completely.

He was very surprised, his eyes widened, unable to understand: "Dad, you are crazy!"

Abraham didn't speak, and he was in a bad mood.

David continued: "This kid, this Chinese surnamed Qin, almost slapped our ass in our face, he didn't take our Locke family seriously at all, and you even asked me to apologize to him, why did you? want?"

Abraham remained silent.

David continued: "Dad, if you did this today, I feel like I don't know you anymore. What were you like before? Now you've become so cowardly! I suspect that you've pretended to be sick for half a year and really put your own brains on it. broken!

After all, Abraham was the head of the clan. He could admit his cowardice in front of Qin Lie, but he didn't have such a good temper in the face of David.

Being said on both sides, Abraham burst out.

With a loud roar, he said loudly: "Enough!"

Immediately after, he slapped David's face with a slap, with a very crisp sound.

"David, what kind of guts do you have now, you dare to accuse me? Saying that I have no temper, and you don't look at the shit you did yourself!"

"If you are so capable, you can solve these troubles yourself. Why do you ask me for help?"

"I tell you, if it wasn't for me over the years, you would have been hacked to death hundreds of times!"

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